Drumpf BTFO
The record has been corrected.
Drumpf BTFO
The record has been corrected.
Fat shaming in 2016? Wow just wow
Why do these people think their word means anything?
He's a walking joke.
Thats the same guy who got PTSD from shooting a gun at a range.
>Donald Trump is unhealthy because he's fat
>Fat =/= Unhealthy
>insulting a candidate for being fat
>in America
This may actually be more offensive to voters than the "basket of deplorables" comment.
Thats the same guy who got PTSD from shooting a gun at a range.
That name just speaks for itself.
> (((Kuntzman)))
Kuntzman can't shoot an AR15, check 'em
>fat shaming
Hillary to give up the HAES vote!
Um, are you seriously fatshaming right now?
Like, really?
Can you just, like, not? Okay? I literally can't even right now.
Makes him sound like Fat Tony.
hold up there Sup Forums
use this for nefarious deeds
try to convince tumblrs that donald is now their guy
some memes just write themselves
Do it. For MAGA.
Did we just go full tumblr?
Illary tossed into her hearse ambulance bus like a slab of meat has constant coughing fits the fucking woman lost her shoe on the road from passing out but its DONALD thats unhealthy
It was joke
No, again, we don't actually care, but if you hold liberals to their own standards they tend to self destruct.
> hide threads by commie niggers
This fucking kike again...
>Fat shaming
>lex luthor
>not green
What the fuck?
I'll take being portly over not being able to stand and having seizures on camera.
Not even trying to hide it, I see.
What does the picture mean?
The Hillary camp shouldn't play the fat card so long as Hillary's cankles encompass different zip codes.
>Trump makes an off handed remark about Hillary's health
>She asks him what his BMI is
>He smiles
>Starts taking off his shirt
>The moderator tries to stop him
>Trump throws him across the room like a rag doll
>He takes off the shirt
>Rippling muscle, layer after layer
>Hillary tries to laugh it off
>Says he works out so much because he's compensating
>He smiles again
>He reaches for his belt
Is Kuntzman the guy that cried after shooting a AR15?
lmao kuntzman
As if being a meat-eating American isn't going to
thats a picture of Illary's shoe that was left on the road after doctor chocolate tossed her in the van
Use their own flawed logic against them
Fat shaming wow just wow
They'll attack his doctor and his ridiculous initial statement then try hard to tie legitimate health report transparency to tax return transparency.
Yeah, well one of them
C'mon this board has multiple fat shaming threads per hour.
Trump may be unhealthy but at least he can go to all of his own rallies.
ill acknowledge the digits and praise you with keks
We've gotta make this work, call shaming and how its unacceptable in the current year, use all the fucking bullshit like weight=/= health and diet =/= weight. The left will fucking impload
>acquire some pounds to be fat
>still not drinking, not smoking
>"my doctor says I am the healthiest president ever"
>stating a true fact, just a little fat now
>waiting for newspapers to make this news
>insult many oppressed and fat americans
>basically passively fat shaming and at the same time getting more votes
18-d octaeder chess my friends.
Really corrected my recordings
i kno rite???
literally who
>(((Gersh Kuntzman)))
This has to be a joke.
What happened to HAES and Body Acceptance and Fat Shaming.
Holy shit, he can't even take a dump without them using it as an excuse to insult him?
fucking christ
>What is it like to fire an AR-15? It’s horrifying, menacing and very very loud
>It felt to me like a bazooka — and sounded like a cannon
>But mostly, I was just terrified.
>killers in mass shootings used AR-15, thanks to NRA
So is the NY Daily news the SJW mouthpiece or something?
just at the range today getting paid to shoot the damn thing. and it is hella quiet, low recoil, it was Glorious
wow and here i thought I was the only one that got reaction faces from that
it's better from the main page
My blood is now 99% pure rage.
liberals are actually getting mad about this
Isn't this the same guy who wrote an article about how shooting a gun gave him PTSD?
you mean fat liberals
>Drumpf BTFO
this is your chance to out jew him and create a fake outrage saying he is bodyshaming
come on pol rev up those twitters kek wills it
what is that food i can't even tell
yeah i got some decent ones kicking around
(((((((((( ))))))))))
Fucking fat-shaming shitlords!
>capcha was food
If that is fat, then 95% of all americans are morbidly obese.
Fat Donny actually souns like a badass mafia name
They are eating themselves alive daily
thank you for smiling upon me today kek
Yeah pretty much. It sickens me to look at most of my fellow countrymen
For those who want to see the link, remove the brackets
so I can start selling those coma clinton bumper stickers now?
If you can get the fat vote in America you're basically winning every state.
Hell yeah this nigga fat
Trump gonna be large and in charge in November baby
>comparing being fat to pneumonia
isn't Hillary and her leftie hordes against this?
Isn't more than half of amercia obese. he just got the fat vote. 10d chess
Fat shaming, from the liberal media?
I thought that was wrong?
Big bones, massive cock and full of testosterone, trump is perfect. Obama skinny as a crackhead, walks like a faggot, golfs 5 times a week and sucks dick
Lefties are too stupid to realize that fat shaming (a tactic they created) Trump is going to give him more of the fat vote.
He's a big guy
for us
I'm cooking with Trump now
what the fuck is he eating in that picture
>our candidate is called crooked because she's literally the most corrupt candidate of all time
>but at least she isn't overweight lol
Apparently fat shaming is OK now?
I don't think they understand the idea behind linguistic killshots. They aren't just random insults. They play toward confirmation bias, where things the candidate does reinforces the label. I guess Trump post pictures of him eating sometimes, but it's not like that's going to stop someone for voting for him.
am confused, is this a fat shaming thread now or a Trump Shill thread?
I'm willing to mix the two, but won't have time to photoshop it for a few more days while i'm moving.