What is going on in Ohio these days? A huge murder spike around Cleveland, mass-overdoses, a new serial killer captured in Ashland... while Governor Cucksich does nothing but talk shit about Trump. What went wrong?
What is going on in Ohio these days? A huge murder spike around Cleveland, mass-overdoses, a new serial killer captured in Ashland... while Governor Cucksich does nothing but talk shit about Trump. What went wrong?
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That is the niggerest looking nigger I've ever seen
It's that time of the year OP
Battle of Ohio
>A huge murder spike around Cleveland
much like Chicago, the police here have backed off on aggressive policing, and the murder rate has spiked as a result
fentanyl spiked heroin
>a new serial killer captured in Ashland
have you ever been to Ashland? there's nothing there but farms and the amish. I'd be driven to kill in about 10 days
>What went wrong?
we exist as a state
eat dat wautamelon
This is niggers killing niggers.
Sure I feel bad for anyone who loses their life unfairly but as long as BLM ignores this I actually root for it.
Everytime I hear that a black person kills another black person I get a little pep in my step. Since the killer is black the crime is blameless according to BLM and the media. Its great. The more this happens the less valid BLM and the media become.
Dysgenic breeding/inbreeding has created some truly bizarre-looking specimens in America's ghettos. It will only get worse from here.
>that thing
nigger literally looks like a baboon, look at that skull structure god damn
He looks like he is straight from GTAV kek
Columbus is starting to really take off and that's bringing more yuppies, more liberal urban policies, more drugs.
property values on high st. have been rising steadily over the past few years and suddenly they began to FLY. As white yuppies build closer and closer to nigger havens we'll see a massive uptake in crime and drug abuse
In canton, had a meth head try to fake that I ran into him with my car earlier. Cops came by and filled out an incident report basically calling him a liar, but I'm still on the hook if he tries to claim injury.
Shit like this never used to happen even ten years ago.
I've come to the conclusion that jews really are the masterrace
whites must be stupid to not see how inherently different we are from these people, that's really all there is to it. whites are stupid and easily manipulated.
It's called the Ferguson effect and I hope all the niggers kill each other all across the nation.
Obama scattered niggers around the country, mostly to the districts that vote red. I have to white flight because of it.
That's literally the bix nood poster child holy shit
There were some grandparents that passed out because they couldn't handle the heroine they took earlier, with their grandson in the backseat. Also
>fentanyl spiked heroin
Sounds like a pretty legit high to me
Niggers killing other niggers is simply a problem solving itself. All we need to do is wait.
I don't know what's going on, they look more inbred with each generation. Soon they'll legitimately claim in court to be mentally retarded as a defense.
Guy is too nigger for the niggers. Massive balloon lips and underbite. What a fucked existence.
dude its evolution at work
they're evolving to take bullets and live
Niggers is what happened
>I have to white flight because of it.
fo reel dawg
Do you not know what the Rust Belt is? You think Chicago and Detroit are the only Rust Belt cities?
What do you think happens when thugs keep having kids with every thot in their hood? Nobody even knows who their dad is, so people are fucking their brothers/sisters and cousins all the time.
>we'll see a massive uptake in crime and drug abuse
Real talk how would we go about stopping these apes? Their culture glorifies going to jail.
inb4 gary indiana
It ain't so bad. Like 90% of the victims and perpetrators are black. Just pay attention and stay out of their way. We keep them largely contained in isolated parts of our cities. Everywhere else it is pretty nice.
It's full of niggers, that's what.
Who were the victims? The lack of info makes me feel like it was 4 white people minding their own business.
You don't. You just move to the suburbs and let them murder each other.
t. a person from Cleveland
It might not be exactly high class living, but Ohio is pretty OK when you get out of the city. I see like 50 confederate flags on the 4th of July.
Here, have an even funnier one.
That just creates a race of superniggers as you can see from the pics in this thread. Do we just gas the hood eventually?
was he a tall lanky black dude missing his front teeth? middle aged and homeless smellin?
Fellow Cantonite here
Any photoshop on his face? Or, is it that much of a stereotype bootliped nigger jaw.
>democrats and kikes pretend these are humans, who are equally, if not more capable, than white people
All of Cleveland is the east side now.
Holy fuck. Made me laff out loud hahaha
Need that wall man.
this is legit, I was transporting an old mexican banger and he said ever since the bridge connected to the west side the blacks poured in and would indescriminately attack whites, he said they'd frequently have to help whites at fests and concerts because theyd just get attacked all the time.
I apologized for my races softness, we did it to ourselves though
that's genetics there bud.
.... what the hell are you talking about
there's like 5 different bridges yo. some of them are 100 years old
It's bad where I live. Five years ago this was a little town, with nothing going on. Today there's a nigger in every other house, and nudes getting arrested high on pcp in the middle of the street.
I live in the reddest district in the state. I doubt it stays that way for much longer at this rate.
theyve been adding in elephant grade fentanyl from zoos too, legit the craziest thing since krokodile but an actual threat not just a scary meme
ohio is shit man
t. western PA man who used to frequently travel to ohio
What about now
>talk shit about Donald
Kek abandoned them or has turned against them user.
Fuck man, I was also thinking about ways out of my town considering all the rapefugees, but this would be an intense move and since I do not know where to go...
Hope you are going to find a way. Wyoming? haha
Good luck, user. Stay safe.
We got one pocket left, West Park, but in 10 years that will be consumed too