How does this make you feel?

How does this make you feel?

Other urls found in this thread:

Do you think you're attractive enough to be considered humans by women pol?

Don't forget these cuckservative scum are our enemies too. They will do anything to stay on top and to do it by avoiding real work like stem.

She has an advanced degree in what? My guess is HR. The modern day slave traders.

She's pretty wrong, woman have little to no logic, when they shittest or behave around dudes it's mostly instinctual, they don't realize how they behave and what drives them, so asking a chick for advice is pretty much silly, most of the time they'll say "be nice" or "bring flowers" or some other gay cliche shit, it doesn't work and never will.

as for the thread, as soon as she mentions "patriarchy" you almost know for sure, she's a fat ugly geezer with dyed hair, who's likely deluding herself into thinking any dude will fall for her.

I have to agree with that drivel. I wouldn't want some troll or land whale trying to talk to me. As macho man would say "I'm the cream of the crop"

Ackmed will fix this.


The reason females have been getting prettier over generations and men haven't is because, when it comes to the crunch, women don't sleep with men on looks

Most honest image I've seen on pol in some time

This is accurate. Without solid gender roles, there's nothing holding back natural hypergamy and betas get cucked to shit.

That being said, she's probably a land whale.

I feel exactly the same way. It's the truth

I was briefly in a relationship with a girl who thought like that, and decided to be with me because, as I later found out, she "gave up" on her career or something and wanted to settle down. Then she got pregnant from me after Russia banned Durex condoms and got an abortion because I'm too short or something. It's pretty funny in retrospect, but at the time, it was a major headache as I had a new job and arguing with her took up too much of my time.

Makes me feel like making rape illegal was a mistake.

>initial balding

feels bad man. That's how it is.
One solution: money.

I really want to meet this girl at 30. Looks fuck up women real bad, that's why they don't usually pursue long term careers.

They lose all their confidence once their 20s are gone.
Why? Because looks are everything for a woman. We will laugh last.

in the meantime, feels and ambition

That's a satirical article right?

>the truth makes me angry : the post
what would you like better, for an attractive woman to approach you, or for an ugly one to do so ?
>b-but all women are shallow sluts, why do they want to fuck chad and not me ?

because you're ugly.

so it doesn't make me feel in any way or another, it's the objective truth

>Not balding
>Not fat
>Not good looking
>Past 30

Do I stand a chance with her?

>How does this make you feel?
eh im alt-right with it

Also, this. Gender equality has boundaries dictated by nature. They are pushing way beyond these boundaries.

I see a return of savage patriarchy in the Western world in the near future.

I hope, really hope it won't be Islam.

OP is right, user

You're not considered human.

Sounds about right though. Lets not act like physical well being and attractiveness aren't important in a relationship. Someone who can't even maintain their own body isn't a very good partner in most cases. Money and prestige can balance it out to some extent, but you have to consider if they're after that instead of you.

This is why our ancestors invented weapons and rape.

Life is a constant, violent struggle.

I'm a girl, it's completely true.
One thing, pretty girls who date plain or even ugly guys do it because of low self esteem too.

If you don't believe it, try putting yourself in a pretty girl's shoes. As an attractive men, you would find it laughable if an ugly landwhale tried to hit on you.

Replace guys with girls and that will get you some media traffic

It's true.

Hopefully eugenics became a thing once more in a few decades. No more ugly miserable people to pity and despise.

Protip : if no one told you you are hot in the last few days, check out from society and accept the fact that your sole stable way of having sex will be through money.
Forget to try the cool personnality or PUA bullshit, accept your place. You can be happy too. Sort of.


It's been the majority truth since for fucking ever.

I'm not really sure how this is mind blowing. You should have figured it out by the time kids were dating in the 6th grade.

Don't let it rule over you, just accept it. Most people who are obsessed with this stuff are fucking miserable past their 20's.


Are you me?

An angry MGTOW probably wrote this. Doesn't make it less true though.

It's exactly the same in reverse. Only difference is, a fugly landwhale can get a dick if she's enough of a slut.

You know, there is no real correlation in these things, you can lie or be honest, be what society considers attractive or not, etc. What matters is how you carry yourself, etc. It's true that western society took a regressive step with the sexual revolution, basically returning to chimpanzee level social structure, but stuff like this should have no impact on your reproductive success or happiness in life. People who think like OP's pic are making a bad choice and will be hurt by it, and it's really only the failure of our societies for not making this more clear from the start.

Damn. Though I guess the not good looking part is subjective, right? I could always find someone who finds me good looking in a 1800s Pirate kind of way.

Meh, women are like cars. Unless you're
rich or have great credit (in the case of women good looks and/or charm) you probably won't be driving what you really want. That being said you can always settle for something nice that works or if you want a luxury model get an older one. A 2017 Audi A4 is like 40k but a 2005 A4 is like 4k.

That's nice but as always understand that woman want a man who is a collection of qualities (looks, money, status, personality) and select/reject according to what they think is the best offer their gonna get

As a man you have to gather all of theese qualities into your "bubble" and only then will you be able to get any woman you want

hello spainbro. be strong.

Doesn't bother me because I have been saying that. Thank god I'm kinda handsome non manlet and have a fun personality which totally makes up for my baldness and baby penis

>tfw ugly 5'7 manlet
Is there some kind of war I can participate in, because civilian life is never going to work out for me

eh it doesnt really, doesnt everyone know women think like this already?
im not ugly, pretty average overall i think

no problems getting a gf i just have a very deep distrust for women

True for younger guys, but when you hit your 30s-ish, the roles reverse, since women lower their standards a lot since they realize all 20 of them that went to Chad cant all marry him.

False flag composed by bitter brokenhearted beta boy.

HOW is this breaking news? Any half intelligent man should know this by the time they are 20. So what? We do the same thing. People are selfish entitled creatures.







work towards the singularity and human augmentation.

>dun beliv it

Don't hide your head in the sand. This is 100% reality and more than 90% of women think like this (even the ugly ones).

10% of women are truly ugly so they accepted that they are at the bottom of the social ladder.

you know the army has a height requirement

i don't really have any problems with it

Che ritardato
Smettila di farti una cultura sull'accopiamento sulle pagine di normiebook, leggi sperm wars e scopa

nah just a weight one

i was thinking more along the lines of christian militia in Europe or something

Is there a picture of the writer? If she's ugly I'll kek hard.

this is entirely accurate, and I'm not fishing for (you)'s but as an atractive (read white) male I get to pick who I interact closely with, some female cooworkers get butthurt because I don't let them hug me or grab my shoulders and let other women do it, well, isn't it fucking obvious?, this is true in all the extension of the word

When I was younger, I used to date girls within my reach. Then I met a guy from Canada who told me I was 'undershooting my prospects of pussy.' And that I should always go for the hottest girl in the room. He looked like a greek god, yet he always picked up comatose slags. I tried putting his theory in practice a few times and I failed each time. But it's a number's game.

It's as if she's 8/10 ATLEAST. If she talks the talk, she better fucking walk.

Someone should track her down and repost her life when shes in her 40s.

Also, women should be shown this and then blamed for the 70%+ non married rate among men who would otherwise have been almost 90% married.

You may be right, but if you said this to my face I'd smack the shit out of you
T.Beta prime
Go to 6:26, this bitch negress calls Sam ugly earlier in the video - this is how you deal with it

You know, the other thing with human behavior is that like with communism, you can't force people to be happy a certain way. For example, I have a problem, I can't be happy in long-term relationships, and get bored of the same person after a while. It makes me pretty miserable, and nearly every girl has been able to tell that I have this problem, but there is nothing I can really do about it. Likewise, I have no constant hobbies outside writing. I'm sure eventually it will pass, or I will find a way around it, as I always regret it, but this is just one of those glitches in our human existence that we have to deal with.

che cazzo stai dicendo

Sam is sensitive about his looks, and theres been several times hes gotten visibly upset in the comments or whatever when someone makes a specific type of remark.

Rules number 1 and 2.
1. be attractive
2. don't be unattractive

Same goes for chicks too. Hot chicks are a different social status than ugly chicks.

It sucks. Luckly it's way fucking easy for guys to get hot by working out and learning socially valuable skills like music and stuff.

Women are played easily.

No, he is me

The best of us are, it's really hard to accept.

If your attractive go about your life and enjoy yourselves. As an semi ugly guy what pisses me off is when people who are better looking than me but still have massive issues start talking down to you and projecting to make themselves feel better

Leafy is a prime example but I know plenty of other projecting cunts IRL.

Attractive men, sure your going to get more pussy, I really don't care. Just don't expect me to bow down to you like some bitch.

Women are cunts.

True but if had worse experiences irl with men.
I tend to leave women alone.

>the amount of people agreeing and saying she's right, because they feel the same way
What? She's wrong, the amount of ugly rich guys, or ugly funny guys who score attractive women is huge. The problem is you can't necessarily tell how rich or funny a guy is by looking at him, or even necessarily from a brief conversation with him. The way she's talking about it, it seems like she gets approached by ugly randos and she shuts them down, sure, that's fine, but it's surely their approach that's the bad part of this, not necessarily their looks.

As it is, she just comes off an an incredibly shallow woman. That she thinks she speaks for all women or can dictate what they "should" find attractive is the eye opening thing here.

I'm hideous so I wouldn't even attempt to try it on with a pretty woman. That doesn't mean I can say to her "well you're wrong, men don't do that" just because I don't. Likewise she can't say "women aren't ever attracted to ugly men" just because that's her view. Certainly it's true that ugly men are unattractive, but women will be swayed by other qualities if they're good enough.

the female version of mgtow

When did you realize that you were 'hideous', (also actually hideous?)
What is that like?

Like I'm not reading all that shit. Read first sentence, nope'd the fuck out

No hymen no diamond.

Is completely justified by people with thoughts like
And I think it's stupid because it will only give men even more power.