How does this make you feel?
How does this make you feel?
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Do you think you're attractive enough to be considered humans by women pol?
Don't forget these cuckservative scum are our enemies too. They will do anything to stay on top and to do it by avoiding real work like stem.
She has an advanced degree in what? My guess is HR. The modern day slave traders.
She's pretty wrong, woman have little to no logic, when they shittest or behave around dudes it's mostly instinctual, they don't realize how they behave and what drives them, so asking a chick for advice is pretty much silly, most of the time they'll say "be nice" or "bring flowers" or some other gay cliche shit, it doesn't work and never will.
as for the thread, as soon as she mentions "patriarchy" you almost know for sure, she's a fat ugly geezer with dyed hair, who's likely deluding herself into thinking any dude will fall for her.
I have to agree with that drivel. I wouldn't want some troll or land whale trying to talk to me. As macho man would say "I'm the cream of the crop"
Ackmed will fix this.
The reason females have been getting prettier over generations and men haven't is because, when it comes to the crunch, women don't sleep with men on looks
Most honest image I've seen on pol in some time
This is accurate. Without solid gender roles, there's nothing holding back natural hypergamy and betas get cucked to shit.
That being said, she's probably a land whale.
I feel exactly the same way. It's the truth