>He killed millions...
He killed millions
RIP sweet prince.
He could have scored higher desu unfortunately his record was beat by Mao and Stalin, poor guy
He only killed those who threatened his homeland. Most of us would have done the same in his shoes.
So why did he kill me then
>So you be sayin
...to save billions
>We wuz threatening and shit?
But he killed people even when it was detrimental to the defence of the homeland
>So brutal in Eastern Europe that many who would've gladly taken up arms against the Russians who had kept them down for centuries ended up becoming partisans instead meaning valuable troops had to be diverted to the rear for anti-partisan operations
>Killed off a large proportion of his own slave labour
Maybe he was just retarded senpai
>Invade all your neighboring countries
I'm talkin about military deaths. Even though the deaths were brought bombing of supply lines there were undoubtedly many casualties as a result of military campaigns
Also they barely had to try in order to beat his score. All Mao had to do was order that people hunt a fucking bird and millions starved from it.
War in Europe was already inevitable at that point. He simply took the initiative, nothing more.
Inevitable in what way? Countries that were neutral in WW1 got pulled into Hitler's bullshit.
Fuck you.
Throughout the Battle of Crete, the Allied forces and Cretan irregulars had inflicted heavy losses of lives on the Wehrmacht. In particular, the unprecedented resistance from the local population exasperated the Prussian sense of military order according to which no one but professional warriors should be allowed to fight. Reports from General Julius Ringel, commander of the 5th Mountain Division, stated that Cretan civilians were picking off paratroopers or attacking them with knives, axes and scythes. Even before the end of the battle, unproven and exaggerated stories had started to circulate, attributing the excessively high casualties to torture and mutilation of paratroopers by the Cretans.[4] When these stories reached the Luftwaffe's High Command in Berlin, Göring ordered temporary commander General Kurt Student to undertake inquiries and reprisals. Thus, seeking to counter insurgency and before inquiries were complete, Student issued an order for launching a wave of brutal reprisals against the local population right after the surrender of Crete on 31 May. The reprisals were to be carried out rapidly, omitting formalities or trials and by the same units who had been confronted by the locals
There is no such thing as a neutral country.
>He only killed those who threatened his homeland. Most of us would have done the same in his shoes.
>being contrarian just for the sake of not losing a petty argument
ok bro
Do you want total war?
Just because I don't agree with you, doesn't make me a contrarian.
>tens of millions!
(you now read this in Saruman's voice)
really grinds your gears huh?
>bunch of poor slavs that still used horses
>a threat to his homeland
>even had to scheme with the other big world power to bring them down
Don't know what's cringier, uninformed teenage Naziboo LARPers or uninformed teenage Sovietboo LARPers
don't really care but Harris is a hero
>Get ready for the ultimate wild ride!
>*Hitler and Gru in swimming shorts shooting fart guns at each other as they slide down an elaborate water slide - Carly Rae Jepsen's I Really Like You playing in the background*
>As the German dictator finds out-
>*Hitler splashes into fat guy wedged at the bottom of the slide and bounces 500 feet into the air*
>- that the nazis -
>Gru skids along the water, scooping up a minion dressed in a little sailor's suit eating an oversized lollipop, "CAHM AHN STEWART LETZ GET AHT OF HERE"
>- aren't such a fun Party!
>Hitler crashes through roof of a Pool Shop.
>Music freezes
>Hitler walks out weaing pink binkini, flowery sunglasses and big floppy sun hat
>Clip from completely different part of the film showing minions laughing
>Music restarts as "Despicable Me 4th Reich" slams against the screen
>Coming every fucking summer
He put them in camps for the safety of the German people so they couldn't stab Germany in the back like during ww2.
Then everything went to shit, and he lost control of the situation, there was a massive typhus epidemic and 300,000 Jews died of typhus and starvation near the end of the war.
He never wanted to kill anyone.
Honestly the world would be better off without Jews. There's like, what, 15 million Jews in the world today, out of a population of 7 billion? Millions die every day across the world of random causes, an extra dead 15 million Jews isn't a huge loss in the grand scheme of things, and the world would be at peace for much longer without so many of the troubles that have plagued it for eons.
>its another bongeuroshits pretend europe wasn't always constant warzone before hitler thread.
>He never wanted to kill anyone
Come the fuck on
Um, no, sweetie. He put them in hard labor camps where typhus and other disease broke out -- along with the Allied bombing which disrupted food supplies leading to starvation.
However, they did still manage to build machines that masturbated prisoners to death and a rollercoaster that would kill prisoners. It was truly Hell.
Germany would have won the war if (((Schicklgruber))) hadn't constantly interfered, like when he wouldn't let Army Group Centre advance on Moscow in August 1941, or when he forced Manstein to prematurely withdraw from Operation Citadel just when the southern pincer was about to break through.
>Sup Forums - television & film
He didn’t kill enough Jews.
Half of the inmates at Bergen Belsen died AFTER the British liberated it. They don't mention that in history books. Its almost as if the deaths were from natural causes beyond anyone's control.
>what if the holocaust... wasn't just a story
>*ear shattering fart noise*
>*invades everyone around him*
>dude I'm just protecting my people lmao
Well duh they were encircling him
The actions of Bush also killed millions. The overthrow of Iraq was the birth of ISIS, displaced millions of people, has led to the deaths of millions of people, including American soldiers, journalists, and other workers.
And it was all done on a lie only 16 years ago. How can you believe anything said about Hitler when your own government lies to you everyday.
And he could have gotten away with it if it weren't for those darn kids and their stupid dog.
what film is this character from?
>The overthrow of Iraq was the birth of ISIS
And the hasty withdrawal in 2011 under Obama was the catalyst for ISIS to evolve from a group of 50 butt-buddies into a global terrorist force
And if you think 2003 was Year Zero for the Iraq conflict, you're confirmed underage b&
Triump Des Willens (1935) dir. by Leni Riefenstahl
This is literally current day america btw
also pretty much everyone within america
>your kid blows your head open from the back of your car with an AR-15
>"dude just protectin' myself n my family lmao"
>killed 6 million jews, but can't even stop Dan"the Hymen Divider" Schneider
Dan is literally the final boss of humanity
Guns, castle doctrine, and self defense are cool and all but there are people who use them as an excuse to kill.
Maybe I just fell for the insidious memes about them
For a long time it seemed to me Czech Republic would me better off as a part of Germany in the end, but now that they completely cuked themselves Im glad it turned out the way it did.
Hitler groped my ass in 1936 Olympics. I expect an apology
>me on the left and right
He answered the door at his berghof wearing lederhosen and a bathrobe. Literally rape.