Rumors are starting to fly that Clinton is preparing to announce that she is suspending her campaign. What say you, /pol?
Clinton suspending campaign
>Suspending her campaign
that's the narrative.
Seems unlikely. Even if she died, I think they'd find a look alike and run the campaign with the stand in.
... probably do better, truth be told.
She's going to release her medical records. That's it.
Total bullshit. Too many powerbrokers have their agendas riding on putting their puppet in office.
Even if she fucking died they'd put a body double in the Oval Office
Also, she's obsessed with becoming the first human with female genitalia to be elected the US president. She's power hungry and will go on even if she has to do it from a hospital bed.
Rumors are bullshit unfortunately. Her campaign just released medical records saying she is perfectly healthy 10 min ago....fucking liars
By "liars" you mean the campaign crew lying about her health right? Hahaha
They did the same with Trump a week after the Sharia Khan family feud.
Biden or Kaine would be just as controllable. Don't think she'll give up either, just saying there are plenty of puppets for the hands of power to manipulate.
I say that you should...
Kek has forsaken us
Shit sorry ;-;
yall niggaz need to calm down
holy shit
dont fucking kill her
many may think this poster failed. but it is hillary's death year
You have to actually get them elected without it looking totally rigged. Nobody would believe that Biden or Kaine could jump in this late and beat Trump. Rednecks would start a borderline civil war
I'm not unimpressed.
Its not her, she is dead. The people behind her are sending her double to call for another candidate to jump into the race as she can't continue.
Or something between those lines. You see Clinton had a Dead man's switch which will expose not only the secret government but many other secrets, including names of the ones pulling the strings globally and how their organizations works.
The bills posted maybe part of it. Its not bill itself, look at the content and relate what to they have in (((common))). It was only a preview. Bitch was smart enough to blackmail her bosses if they got rid of her.
She will be arrested we have all the information we need. She will attempt to leave the country. We may even have to let her leave. If Obama attempts to pardon her our department and a faction of the military will attempt a coup. All of our models are pointing to a high probability of civil war In the upcoming years, the country is so divided on numerous topics though we don't know who the war will be fought between, highest probability currently are government vs people we are currently working very hard to prevent this. Other high probability wars; minorieties vs whites, and rich vs poor. The government is intentionally creating an ammo shortage by shutting down the last lead smelting plant. Be prepared.
obama 3.0
Screenshot this, I felt the divine power of kek guide my posts through the ether.
>She will be arrested we have all the information we need
Are you kidding the FBI director went into a national conference telling the world no one should investigate her. She had Obama, the US president, as her lap dog during the rallies.
Don't be delusional she has a lot of power to face justice. This fight is between her and her bosses. I am pretty sure she is dead. No one has see her. Apart from the fake call and double, which media knows its not her.
She is gone of the fucking map.
rumors were wrong, they released a heavily redacted "100% fit to be prez" message from her doctor.
screencap it and get back to us in 3 years
what was redacted on that?
We can probably assume that wheels are turning behind the scenes to prevent Trump from taking office. So if Hilary wins, who are America REALLY gonna get as their next president? She's either gonna die in office fairly soon from her chronic illness or renounce her position to someone else in the party. The question is who. Are you guys worried? Is that how the event would play out?
Everything but the words
which are randomly spread out on the page.
Guys I think that Trump is gonna win.
were is the human... i mean... huma?
you've obviously not seen the 2015 march records
They were set to be leaked very shortly.
hillary's hand got forced, so they added in watermarks and the whole shebang in attempt to discredit the leaks.
youre a retard and know absolutely nothing about the real world or politics if thats what you think
>Gets close to election
>Hillary has to quit because of ill health
>Obama exacts "emergency powers" to keep him in office
>Obama in office for another 4 years
There it is. That's the smoking bullet.
Trump is done
I give a 1 in 100 chance that she suspends due to ongoing issues.
4 in 100 that she declares she will be unable to attend the first debate due to pneumonia under doctors' orders.
10 in 100 that she will make an "I'm healthier than any of you" speech.
80 in 100 that it's another Reno-style speech, short and scathing and predominantly about how her critics are Russian agents and nazis.
I'm not that lucky.
trump literally just went on national TV and put forward his health
hillary is desperately drawing at straws.
her hand got forced, so she's trying to imply trump didn't do it.
her campaign team is really outpaced and not up to speed recently.
with shit like pepe being white supremacist stuff it's not going well for them.
Bardack M.D. has already lied to our face, what's another few...
What!? That thing is vague. It doesn't clearly state all her medication. It doesn't claim to (and it indeed doesn't) have her entire past medical history. It doesn't even claim to say, with any certainty, what her current condition is.
The other letter, from her GP i think, contradicts some things said in the previous letter, regarding her current health.
It doesn't even say with certainty that she fit to be president. It simply says that with her current situation, as far as they are aware, she is fit to hold office. But given the data they have shared, if they are basing their assessment on that then it's clearly a hollow statement.
No that would literally cause a revolt.
The DNC would just run another candidate OR throw their support behind Jill Stein. Yes the rules say it's too late to get on the ballot but DNC has the resources to make it happen.
Whatever happens though, if Shillary drops out Trump wins. The narrative is already set.
We need her to survive through November or the DNC triggers their failsafe, which could be nothing or complete martial law. Our best option is if she is belligerent and sticks it out to the end so we can't be accused of anything sinister.
Well I don't see how she could possibly CONTINUE her campaign, as another coughing fit would sink and of course there will be another coughing fit.
So Im positive that behind the scenes the order has all but been given. Its like when mafia bosses decide they want to whack somebody. Of course Clinton might just tell them to fug off and what could they do?
>No that would literally cause a revolt.
pleaseee obama you can do it!
This man knows
Why is it "Madame President" and not "Mrs. President"?
I will say this if she does not suspend her campaign then its not just HRC's health we have to worry about but also the mega donors who will probably start dropping like flies from stress induced heart attacks brought on by having to wonder when she'll pass out or cough next.
How about we keep the USA and just throw out New England and Cali? Then we'd have no problems.
I doubt it.
I would guess the same thing would happen as happened every other time he has violated the constitution with an illegal EO
Absolutely nothing.
>Subcortical Vascular Dementia
Horry shit. We were right.
We're going to have a Weekend At Bernie's style leader if they commit voter fraud to force her into office.
Guys, I just thought of something
Remember this bullshit about Putin and Trump "poisoning" her? What if they released her medical records now to "prove" there was nothing wrong with her, so if her condition gets worse, they can blame it on Putin and try to suspend the whole election?
This is very obviously fake.
I am a medical malpractice attorney and I spend hours every day reviewing medical records and speaking with doctors. Maybe Dr. Bardack exists and maybe she even treated Hillary, but there is no way that document is genuine. Consultation notes are not kept in this manner; the template is wrong, the format is wrong, the sentence structure is wrong, and there is just so much information missing.
Consultation notes would never say "anticoagulant and anti-seizure medications". Instead it would just say "coumadin and ativan". There are tons of examples like this. Doctors never write "Patient returns for check up"; it would say "patient presents c/o seizures and dementia s/p pneumonia diagnosis..."
Key terms and terminology that you would find in all consultation notes are missing. This document has clearly been written by a layperson and not a doctor, just from the way it's written. It appears in letter format when it should be reflect the electronic template that health insurance companies require. The header is wrong, so much of the patient information is missing, etc. It's hard to explain all of the ways that make this clearly fake.
The correct way of saying it is "Frau Cuntwhore PresiDON'T".
She already wears what the NK dictators have worn in the past. Complete with sunglasses. Give an old Korean man a slicked back blonde wig and a pair of sunglasses, stick em in a pant suit and you'd never know the difference.
>I am a medical malpractice (((attorney)))
Do you get paid by your mother in good boy shekels?
Do we even have mods anymore?
How is this Sup Forums tier reddit shite allowed
You're wrong.
This is a doctors personal notes
my personal doctor that i visit for my thyroid condition only revised the medical papers to look more proper when i asked for them. to better co-operate with the hospitals that are not privately owned.
Clinton ... Merkel
Which do you think is the lesser of the two evils in that case? That's a pretty tough question to ask yourself. I think the only correct answer would be "Cthulu on crystal meth with AIDS, raping children".
You DRUMPFAGS are so delusional
Have you really gotten this desperate, that you have to attach yourself to mere rumors of Hillary's """"""""failing health""""""""
The polls are against Trump, the media is against him, the PEOPLE are against him! Nobody likes him! Just give up, Trump will NEVER be president.
If clinton doesn't choose to give it up, then they can't force her, unless they killed her, that could work I guess...
You are a cucksheep of the media. The media and the polls are all currently being written by the DNC. Did you EVEN READ THE WIKILEAKS EMAILS? This is now a FACT and NOT A CONSPIRACY. Go suckle upon Hillary's hairy old saggy cunt and read an actual BOOK. PS: You spelled DRUMPF incorrectly, you faggot. Don't defile such a beautiful German surname by spelling it wrong.
>mere rumors
No is right.
My mom is a MD and I used to file charts for her as a kid. I've read over countless progress reports, history and physicals, and doctor dictation notes like these.
The first page seems real to be honest, but the second page is bogus. There's not plan for medication if I recall to.
You expect medical jargon, exact units. Medicine is a science you know norskebrå
>Plot twist, the October surprise is the death of Hillary because she's more ill than they imagined which forces Obama to postpone the election and carry on for another 4 years
>It wasn't the "Bill will die to garner Hillary the pity vote" like we all thought it would be
There'll be a great sense of irony when she's killed off for both political and monetary reasons.
*too dammit
Eh, I'd say Clinton is worse by far. Merkel is just a useful idiot who's been trying to save face ever since she made the mistake of flooding the country with thousands of sandniggers (yes, I honestly believe it was a mistake and that she simply didn't foresee the huge damage her retarded statement last summer would cause).
Meanwhile, Hillary just seems like an evil sociopath who will do literally anything to stay in power. I don't think we even have politicians of her kind here in Germany.
That is a document written by some neckbeard in his basement who then took a picture with his smartphone. There are just hundreds of inconsistencies there. No health care provider writes like that. It's like posting a picture of some 7th grade math and claiming this document was created by a noble prize winning physicist.
Man, I review thousands of pages of medical records each week. I meet with doctors every week and help them defend against claims of medical malpractice. Doctors write in a certain dialect and not a single one of them would ever write like that. The document is missing SO much information you'd find in a normal consultation note. Trust me, the document is a fake.
no one thought Bill dying would get her votes faggot
Having Bill around is literally the only redeeming thing about her for normies
Merkel is better, mostly because she seems largely incompetent, which can be worked around. But not much better, her incompetence levels rival the corruption levels of Clinton.
This guy is right. You expect exact units of medicine. Also usually a history is given including previous meds and diagnoses.
You're both wrong lmao
a doctor keeps personal notes in additional to formal notes on patients.
it's very common i private practice, because you're dealing with fuckers that are forgettable.
You write down personal notes that you read a few minutes before they enter your office to make them feel that you're being professional and that you genuinely care for them.
It also helps picking up where you last left off.
if you're going to try to correc the record, you should know better than to lie about basic archiving of information and how doctors actually deal with patients.
chinkmoot is jewish
hiroshima nagasaki can only be jewish if his mother was jewish.
Those are the jew laws.
conversions dont count
There's the constitution and what the people actually expect from their government.
President gets to be King for four years at a time, but no more than 8 years total. Even retards understand that much of government. Congress is understood to be a useless body of potential president-kings. Supreme Court is the council of elders that sometimes steps in and decides what the law really means.
A king being king for more than 8 years would literally cause an armed revolt.
chinkmoots mother is jewish
I'd put the changes at about 3%, however that's a 3% I'd love to see.
We have orange R4B's in the UK. That's the legal requirement, so that doodles on napkins aren't accidentally mistaken for medical records.
Also: dictaphones.
Whether it's true or not, we push it.
By the will of Kek.
>You write down personal notes that you read a few minutes before they enter your office to make them feel that you're being professional and that you genuinely care for them.
Ok where is that in the document? "Hillary is the wife of Bill Clinton" etc?
>It also helps picking up where you last left off.
That's why doctors read the charts of patients which contain detailed information. You clearly haven't read your own medical chart or doctors in Norway are homeopaths and not scientists.
I want Trump to win and I was excited when I first read those papers. But I gotta say it's a fake.
Agreed. Clinton is definitely worse. I read up a lot on Germany and global politics. My grandmother was originally from Bavaria.
It's difficult to explain the truth of the matter, that Hillary is by FAR, worse than what the USA here perceives Hitler to have been. They keep attempting to draw the Hitler/Trump parallel when in actuality the only positive quality they both share is a strong sense of nationalism in order to rebuild a broken economy. Which is what a leader SHOULD do. Final solution aside, Hitler was a strong leader who was forced to make a very gruesome and difficult decision based on the responses of other countries' leaders. While I am not in agreement with the killing of innocent people, I understand how history has warped due to our heavy US propaganda. It STILL exists today with negativity towards Russia and Putin, meanwhile we are the ones setting up camps and missiles like a chess game ready to explode, and Putin's duty as the leader of his country is to be concerned about this.
Because Misses is a marital title, while Mister functions as both marital and formal. Madame is not a marital title, as in, she holds the office in her own right.
>Rumors are starting to fly that Clinton is preparing to announce that she is suspending Trump's campaign.
Seems legit.
desu, you keep the numbers and charts in the system on your computer
keep a personal paper on patients to read so they feel you're invested in them.
private practice =/= public health care
Why would you write down that hillary is the wife of bill clinton?
That is unimportant line of questioning that'll never come up or make your patient feel you care about you.
medical charters = in system
personal notes = assist in keeping track of patients.
Your attempt at correcting the record has failed.
i fear that liberals would still vote for her even if she was in a hospital bed
>Rumors are starting to fly that Clinton is preparing to announce that she is suspending her campaign. What say you, /pol?
i'd be alt-right with it
I honestly don't think there's a snowballs chance in hell that she would quit, I mean the only thing that's driven a person in her condition this far is wanting that power and money from being president. Political power is a fucking drug and nothing short of dying will stop her lust for power.
You sexist FUCKS
>medical record
>clearly written in MS word
el oh el
>You clearly haven't read your own medical chart or doctors in Norway are homeopaths and not scientists.
m8, I'm upper class and have a private doctor.
I don't use public health services, unless it is a referral to hospitals.
my doctor is a scientist in his field, so yeah uh.......
correcting record = still failed
Hillary utilizes a private company
she pays them to write this shit.
yeah that's what personal notes are for m8, they don't go into the archiving program.
Clinton is death, Trump win!!!