It has been quite some years since I stopped being a beta atheist, but now I have decided it is time to take it a step further and embrace a truly based redpilled religion. But what should it be: the religion my parents tried to raise me in or the religion of my forebears?
Orthodox Christianity or European Paganism
Sup Forums is not
Orthodox Christianity actually exists and has a living tradition. Most of what gets called neopaganism was dreamed up by people in the 60s going on limited or outright fabricated sources.
>picking whichever religion you think is coolest after consulting a tibetan muskrat breeding message board
nice sincere faith ya got there faggot, I can tell you take this religion thing super seriously
you have to be a special kind of retarded to go back to religion after being an atheist for years
don't listen to this retard
Its funny how the only effective argument that religious people have against atheists is the fedora meme. Before the fedora meme, relgious people were getting their shit pushed in all the time. But nowadays, they just reply to any atheist argument with a picture of a man wearing a fedora then continue to happily live in their own delusional frame of mind
What about Nietzche's atheism? Filling in religion with philosophy isn't really fedora tier.
>when you die nothing happens
Ever heard of prager's wager?
Its not about the fedora, my fedora tipping friend, but the fact that atheists reject all the ideas, ideals and valors their predecessors had, and instead create their own delusional worlds based on hedonism and nihilism.
Such a cowards.
>not establishing a clear nice respectful friendship with the Lord of creation through gnosis.
Guys trying is good
Getting results is better.
if there is no god, there is no basis for objective morality
if there is only subjective morality then there can be nothing that is truly right or wrong, no view point can be better than another
if no viewpoint is better than another then no viewpoint truly holds any real value
if that is the case, then nothing matters and there is no order
this is the slippery slope of an atheist, materialistic worldview
Pascal's wager
Have you considered that atheists might have the right idea, seeing as they're not obsessed with following arbitrary social mores held over from the bronze age?
>muh ideals
>muh valors
None of that shit will make god anymore real than he currently is. Atheism is simply a lack of belief in god. Rejection of any ideals, valors, whatever is seperate from atheism
neopaganism is made up. too much of the old culture was replaced by christianity and now so little original material remains that all those wiccan hippie pooftas are just inventing rituals
christianity is good if you go orthodox or chatholic
Yes I have. kek bye puberty>arguing on semantics
Depends on what you think really.
Most Scripture of Druidism has them as basically a dualistic role of Philosopher/priest and were pretty close to what Greek thinking men were like.
>tradition is stupid, we know better
yes, that is what liberals tend to believe
You're better off finding a community you feel comfortable in, OP. Can't let people on the website choose for you.
Personally, I found more comfort in Paganism, but I'm still pretty lonely, considering I'm surrounded by baptists. They're not bad people, but they spout the "all people in the world are gods children" kinda shit, so it doesn't line up well with me.
I don't know much about Orthodox Christianity, but maybe just go through the motions of what's suggested by each faith and see what feels right?
>treating religion s some sort of fashion statement
you people sicken me
the "pagans" and the "crusaders" alike
it's painfully obvious that none of you believe the what you spout
at least atheists are honest
People are been have been around for tens of thousands of years, but we know better than all that bullshit.
Paganism exists only to divide white people in autistic ways, there are less than a million pagans in the West. Even assuming that only 20% of Europe is Christian (which is an understatement) that would still be 140 million whites.
You mean 20th century bullshit
If you go pagan don't start associating with neopagans and getting into their cancerous schtick.
Read some old Norse poetry and study up on the lore. Learn their coming of age rituals and pass through them and then see if you feel anything personal.
After that, just be yourself and keep all that culture in mind.
Orthodox is about to go full Jew if something isn't done
Just because we have different beliefs on the after life doesn't mean we have to be divided.
Neither one. Kekism is the way to go.
Orthodox is still too splintered for my liking although I appreciate the beauty of the services without all the stupid stuff Catholicism has.
Stinking with Lutheranism for the moment, even though so many Protestants are cucked
Fuck Paganism though, it's just advanced Animism
I mean Roman kept accounts and Historical evidence you nonce.
Druidisms exact rights were gone with the Druids, but their roles were documented by the Romans perfectly.
>not believing in kek
Kekism is a type of Paganism now, isn't it?
Atheism is real.
>it's just advanced Animism
You know Semite-based religions and most Germanic/celt Religions have the exact same indo-European roots right?
Christanity just removes the earth mother from the sky-father/Earth-mother duality.
>we know better than all that bullshit
And this line of thinking is exactly what perpetuates the degeneration of society that is causing the fall of the west.
What he said has nothing to do with semantics. This thread is stupid. You're trying to pick a religion to suit your policial and cultural worldview rather than the other way around. That's retarded by anyone's measure, religious or irreligious. If you believed in either of those options wouldn't need to consult with the Internet about it. If you don't believe it, don't pretend to.
>no argument
What if I think that there is absolutely a creator, but don't know if there is divinity on earth or if he knows about us in the first place?
What am I?
Reasons for paganism
>true fundamentalism
>redpilled religion (rules of nature and not of men are important)
>acctual religion based on interpreting nature
>survivalbased morals
>scientific, if science should find out something. Paganism doesnt worry, because its bible is nature itself.
>comes from your people and not kikes
Reasons to be christian:
>popular at the moment
>basicly a tool to control
>live against the rules of nature
I could find some more, but that should be enough
He was a Jew but like a good one. Like Jesus. I have no other examples. maybe Prager
2nd is false
morality isnt that important.
things can be objectivly wrong if the actor dies.
as other posters have said paganism is a meme religion. we have no idea how it was actually practiced by "true" believers. part of the reason christanity spread so quickly across the Roman world was that the pagan cults were mere shells of civic parades and meaningless temples. the roman state cult of gods was without any authentic substance. the late imperial "mystery" cults and then christanity offered a much more solid base to build belief systems on. a similar situation happened when islam came with pagan and animist groups in arabia and then africa.
I don't know? A deist?
We do know better. This isn't even an argument.
Actually, it's documented perfectly why Christanity "Spread"
It was forced by Emperor Constantine because he tried using it as a unifying force.
Same reason with Islam. It was forced.
how can the creator not know about humans?
Do you think its like he roll some dice and they flew under the table and he doesnt acctually know what he has done?
Sounds kind of senseless
Maybe the creator isn't sentient?
Yes, of course, but it also offered a much more substanial way of looking at the "greater" and the afterlife than could be offered by the Greco -Roman cults or germanic beliefs.
Uninfrormed christians...
he is correctAnd its kind of compareable to democracy, its spreading like shit because it sounds so nice, just like christianity.
Don't know you. Don't know what you want. Honoring your parents is a good idea.
You want to be religious because you've seen a lot of pictures and movies. You imagine an idealized warrior fighting proudly against demon hordes (immigrants etc).
The warrior isn't religious. The pagan viking and the Christian crusader are the same. They're just warriors. They're not religious, the religion is just part of their culture.
You don't want to be religious. You just want to be part of something greater than modern materialism. We're all there bro
Not really.
The Greco-Roman cults were already in a decline when Christanity came in.
Germanic beliefs weren't even superceded. They literally lied, said Christanity was the result of the end times in German myth and all their customs was passed on into Christanity.
You know, Christmas, Yuletide? All done to placate the Germanic subjects.
Christianity was a literal cancer religion, it infected smaller religions in Europe and slowly formed them into local versions of Christianity.
In some ways it was a good tool to keep Europe somewhat unified.
In others, it basically killed of swathes of European culture.
Smash Christ cucks, they'll just turn their cheek and let you fuck their girl.
>popular at the moment
>1700 years
I just don't understand how anybody can be anything but Christian and call themselves red pilled.
Pagans are out there worshiping made up tree spirits while atheists prance around pretending that mentally ill men in dresses can breastfeed babies.
Romans didn't document shit perfectly, their records are always designed to downplay their enemies and make them look bad
Pagans continuously try to divide us even though Christian identitarians clearly have manpower that is 100 to 1 or greater, you're a tiny minority which does the bidding of the jews by separating white nationalism from christianity and thus makes it impossible to ever remove kikes from the churches and restore christianity to a nationalist form- which is the only way to unfuck the white race because white christians are the ones who have 2.1+ kids and comprise the bulk of people with traditionalist values in society. By associating white nationalism with anti-christian pro-pagan bullshit the bulk of whites who reproduce are turned off to white nationalism and are more likely to embrace cuckstianity and letting in more shitskins because "jesus was nice and that's the nice thing to do", further compounding the problems the West faces.
>things can be objectivly wrong if the actor dies.
On what basis? And from what perspective? How can you even being to claim objectivity from such an assertion?
How do you objectively define death as being morally anything?
From an atheist, materialist worldview, death is absolutely a good thing if it's killing off the weaker man because that strengthens the gene pool. It is good for our evolution if a weak man is left to drown because he was too weak to save himself, for example.
Nah not really man, although you have some good points. My reason for wanting to be religious is because I want to fit in. Have a nice nuclear family, be a respectable and disciplined member of society, all of that stuff.
No, the Roman Documents always tried to constantly make their enemies look like wayward romans.
>Oh the Germans worship a skygod.
>It's Jupiter!
>bible gets science right
>bible gets science wrong
>lol dude it's just a metaphor don't take it so seriously
Know of any books I can read on pagan practices/beliefs that isn't influenced by Christianity like some of these anons are suggesting?
I don't know what to look for or where to start. I've looked at books on Asatru, but the ones I've found seem like they were written by some wack job women.
>Tree Spirits made up
>Sky spirit is not
>if there is no god, there is no basis for objective morality
But people choose their religion subjectively, doesn't make that morality subjective as well?
Constantine converted because there were already way too many Christians causing upheaval
Islam was a mix of both
Traditions are traditions because they work you liberal cunt
Why it spread is irrelevant
Pagans are numerically irrelevant and their constant hostility to Christianity only serves to turn off the vast majority of conservative Christian whites to the idea of white nationalism as they attempt to associate white nationalism with paganism
Pagans are cancer to the survival of the white race, which is the most important thing
Thats not an atheist world view, but an European Pagan world view. Thats why they had rites of passage, to have only the strong children survive.
Atheism and Christianity are for faggots.
If you are white you should be pagan. That seems really obvious to me and I do not understand how anybody could argue against that.
Paganism is white. Christianity and Atheism are not white. That is just an objective fact.
No matter what you say or how much you make fun of pagans and call them larpers etc, at the end of the day Paganism is white and Atheism and Christianity are not white.
Being an atheist/christian is no different than being a wigger or being one of those white converts to Islam.
lol, yeah, I remember reading in my Atheist Bible ow "mentally ill men in dresses can breastfeed babies".
>bible gets science right
And the fact that the majority of Christians are neither White nor accepting or promoting the survival of the White race is even more damning than a bunch of Pagans complaining about the Bible on the internet.
>From an atheist, materialist worldview, death is absolutely a good thing if it's killing off the weaker man because that strengthens the gene pool. It is good for our evolution if a weak man is left to drown because he was too weak to save himself, for example.
>atheists worship natural selection
Do as thou wilt;
Do not impede others will, unless they in turn impede a third;
Love All.
Hate None.
The fundamental good and the fundamental evil are rooted in Free Will.
Evolution didn't create us equal and neither did god
Mostly look for historical texts. many WILL be written by Christains, but that's your best bet.
Honestly, I am a non-deist Pagan. I have studied alot of History of both Germanic, Celtic and Semitic religions.
I believe they are semi-historical works, Heroes of the ancient humans deified in ideas.
Gods like Wodan, Donar and Cernunnos are simply tales of Brave tribal leaders and heroes who led ancient man in it's infancy.
Take Wodan or Odin. He is said to be a wise old warrior who hung himself from the world tree to gain the knowledge of the written word. Take away the fancy parts and it's about an old chieftain discovering the written word.
Christanity has the same historical roots, just pushed through centuries of Monotheism.
God used to be a God of War and thunder.
God used to have a wife.
etc etc.
According to Mr Varg Vikernes, you don t only have to be white, but also have blonde hair and blue eyes, which may be applicable for nordic pagans, but not mediterranean ones.
Are post-atheists welcome?
I still don't believe in anything but I understand and appreciate religion for what it is. I would rather promote religion to help build a traditional society than have an areligious society full of atomized cucks.
He's not wrong. Nordic paganism is for Nordic peoples.
Pascal's wager is completely retarded.
atheists can have no basis for morality other than what is grounded in the material world
if an athiest were to define an objective morality, their rationality would have to originate from these such confines
Doesn't that make Athiests have a BETTER view of morality?
>People don't exist when they die, don't kill people
>Possessions matter a lot because there is no everything afterlife, don't steal
Yes I know. But he also argues that there is actually only one European religion, which is derived from Nordic peoples, and all Europeans were originally blonde and blue eyed, even the greeks and romans, so if you are just white you are basically a lesser pagan.
I have an honest question. I know where I am, but I'm hoping someone might be willing to give a genuine answer without adhom or memedodging:
What I'm curious about is why do people feel the need to have a religion?
When I try mull it over myself, all I can conclude is that it's about some need for external personalized reward or punishment in order to curb their own social behavior.
Some wondrous eternal gift in death if you follow the rules and respect others. Especially their own. And some equally wondrous eternal torture in death if they disobey the rules and run rampant.
And a desperate need to believe in something more powerful than themselves and anyone around them to try explain away all the good and the bad that happens out of their own small circle of control.
Is that... accurate? Is there some massive part of the puzzle I'm missing?
none of that necessitates darwinism, especially not the obviously absurd kind you're suggesting.
An atheist would have to be a very special kind of retard to believe in objective morality.
It's like not believing in Santa Claus and believing in the Easter Bunny at the same time.
no, because the law of human nature persists
>Bowing down to another man's rules
You're the definition of a beta.
>be good
>but it might be for noooothing abloobloobloo
fucking fedoras holy shit
sry but I dont have any books to suggest.
Vargs describes paganism quite well
see his channal, thulean perspective.
This is more indian paganism and has antichristian taste, but its still not bad (it is meant for some edgelords though)
But worth reading!
But at the end its simply nature, natrual rules like survival of the fittest etc.
>but it might be for noooothing
That's hardly the problem with Pascal's Wager.
As far as I know he's wrong about that. There is an original European religion but it's not from the Nordic peoples.
Post modernity+ the internet have severly isolated and atomized people, robbed them of their sense of identity and any value and tradition and their white race is constantly under attack. Western culture, consumer culture has become ever more uniform in the West and people displaceable. You're also dealing with a lot of neets. They're not necessarily looking for the religions themselves, but for a sense of belonging, motivation and stability. I don't think there's more to it.
Wow seems like someones daddy left too early
>An atheist would have to be a very special kind of retard to believe in objective morality.
Hey, you're right, which is why it's so easy for an athiest to fall into the philosophical bankruptcy of nihilism
Where do you arrive at the conclusion that people should exist in your reasoning?
Paganism, but finding a tradition that fits to you is pretty hard.
I just assumed he was being edgy. What's the problem then?
Because I like existing, and other people like existing too.
I would not like to be killed. This is basic human instinct.
As much as you may pretend "Do unto others" isn't exactly a religious statement.
>Hey, you're right, which is why it's so easy for an athiest to fall into the philosophical bankruptcy of nihilism
Nihilism is merely a consequence of seeing reality divested of human illusions. If it leads to depression it's only because the individual wasn't mentally prepared for it.
It doesn't take into account the infinite different possibilities of gods and afterlives between theism and atheism.
>a sense of belonging, motivation and stability
That was a really good point I hadn't considered.
Thank you
But how does that contradict my oversimplification? Are you saying we should bother to consider that God might want us to things we consider evil and punish us for a life of good?
>w-well it might be true so I better let others rule over me juuuust in case