Sup Forums BTFO

Sup Forums BTFO


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Good riddance.

your not going to carry that corpse into the whitehouse ok? democratic top brass is done.

>implying southerners want to leave a trump presidency
>implying northerners can run

We don't want you faggots anyway

Your next Joe. Your going to prison.

>implying liberals would go to Mexico.
>implying Mexico wouldn't have them shot trying to cross

>Hillary voters are this incapable of respecting a nation's laws
Like pottery.

Northerner here

I'm gonna intercept those going into canada.

they are scared shitless. someone already leaked his sexcrimes against children. he is DONE.


>Sup Forums BTFO

Not realizing this is what we want.

I wish

>Implying they'd survive the trek from their homes to the nearest bus stop, let alone trekking from their liberal cities and down to Mexico.

Hi /reddit/, I see you're new here so let me direct you to a board to which you'd have more things in common with. We love to be friendly here at Sup Forums and want you to have the best experience possible.


>reddit btfo
clinton dies tonight

Enjoy several years in prison.

>illegally into Mexico

Well that's dumb. We can go there legally.

They will go to Canada for the gibs me dats.

Please fucking do it you limpwristed nigger

>Bidden we would like have a word with you.....


Links please, I won't believe this until I see it with my own lyin' eyes.

Kek favors you so you will be spared the oven. However, I'd expect a very large influx of traffic into Tel Aviv International Airport (whatever it's called) the day after the election. Just remember to smack those planes with stingers, they are full of evil Jews that give good Jews like you a bad name.

The non-Semetic cucks and shitlibs will flee to Canada along with all the dindus. Kek wills it.

>liberal cucks want to flee to enrich Mexico
>Mexico paying Trump to build the wall, insisting building it higher than planned

>tfw the first 3 minutes of this "If the Nazis won" vid comes true
Please happen

And I'll be sending them back.

They aren't sending their most bueno, eses. They're sending pendejos, some of them are maricons. Almost all of them are cucks, claro?

All these liberals are going to enjoy being ransomed by the Cartels and having their fantasy land ideals destroyed when they cross over and meet a few locals.

Once the randoms begin, I can hear president Trump on tv.

"And let me repeat, we do not deal with terrorists."

"All Americans who stayed on our side of the wall are doing fine."

I'm sorry what's going on over here?!

Imsgine biden whispering in yiur ear about assfucking youll get a hard on real quicjy im not a robot

>libshits try to cross into mexico illegally
>Mexico builds wall to keep the libshits out
>libshits are stuck and mexico payed for the wall


Guys listen.
No really, come here, look.

>illegally migrate to America
>no worries lad Obama said just let you go :DDD

>illegally migrate to Mexico
>get put in prison for 10 years and receive daily butthole dilations by the fattest spic you can imagine

The wall works both ways

>implying that the wall won't already be built with meme magic

And America was forever better without the undesirables.

Wat is going on here??
>headless woman


They will al last live in the Gun Free Utopia they always dreamed of.

>all the fucking shills saying it would be terrible
can they just fuck off?

Rest of it was fucking great.

How can they run if there is going to be a wall there?

Gtfo. They will not be missed.

Came here to say: this.

Why run when we will ALL be saving anywhere from $5-10,000 on average per year in taxes via Trump's plan vs Killary's (which will increase it) and the current plan? Even those who make minimum wage will save thousands. Do your research and stop being a media sheep, you cuck nigger.


None of them are people we want here


>implying that wouldn't be the greatest thing to ever happen to this country
Leave and never come back

That's gonna oversaturate the country with potential drug mules.

You're probably gonna have to kill a lot of people to keep getting work.

>People in the news saying, "HIS PLAN WILL THROW US INTO MORE DEBT!!!"
>Implying I wont be using the saved money to buy gold/silver and food/booze/ammo for trading.

If he crashes this plane, I'll be surviving.

>Sup Forums BTFO

Since all the faggy liberals said they'd go to Canada, Australia or Europe, seems to me the only ones heading back to Mexico will be the Mexicans themselves. Which is just how nature intended things to go.

can't wait

and nothing of value was lost ey?

>Real Americans

Good riddance


Alberta still burns, just herd them along.

>tfw it's the refugees welcome shit all over agai but in reverse with crowds of cheering conservatives, nationalists and Sup Forumsacks waving banners and cheering the departing crowds of the non-whites and liberals crossing the border

"People in the news saying" is no longer a viable excuse to validate something as factual. Did you NOT read the DNC Wikileaks documented evidence that the DNC is WRITING THE NEWS?


haha idiots. no one cares go, better for us

God that would be fucking amazing.

I got my gun ready on the border.

>Headless woman

At least they're integrating well

ya cheeky bastard!!