Stolen Valor

Can anyone explain stolen valor to me? I can't wrap my head around this one.
I mean how can you steal something from the U.S. armed forces that they didn't have in the first place???

Definition of valor:
>great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle.
"the medals are awarded for acts of valor"

By definition valor excludes such actions as sitting around in an air conditioned room piloting drones and blowing up children's hospitals.

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I'm stumped guys help me out with this plz.

Because a bunch of autist say they're soldiers to get special treatment.

We wuz heroez and shiet

You really need to get off the internet user and get some hobbies.
Imagine you worked your entire life for something, after you achieve it someone with zero work involved in said project claims it as their own.
It's wrong because it's falsified, it's a lie.
It's no different than you forging documents for a college transcript or creating documents for illegal immigrants.
The end goal is to deceive other people for your personal satisfaction.

>air conditioning

Implying we're all in the air farce.

The actual soldiers are the ones who have the biggest problem, because they recieved injuries or know other soldiers who died in service.

These faker guys are just trying to be cool or whatever but you were a PTSD special forces guy or something you'd lose your shit.

Who cares about valor.

>sign up for job
>get paid just like any other job
>chances are it's fun occasionally
>maybe not
>away from home
>knew all of this before contracting your life away

>out of the military
>want everyone to brown-nose you for fighting for our freedums
>someone's trying to get in on that action
>they didn't serve their time of dicking around for 4 years like you did

Entitled Welfare Queens that have been taught they're heroes picking on people with serious mental disorders.

These adults pretending to be soldiers have the mental level of 5 year olds pretending to be cops etc.. It's pretty pathetic that they can't see it.


Ho ho ho...

As a veteran, I dont get too butthurt about the stolen valor faggots.

the ones who get really butthurt are the ones who never really did anything with their lives other than serve in the military.

so then they see some guy who is really only relating some tale they read about on the internet, and the veteran calls out the stolen valor guy. He is offended because the stolen valor guy sits in the same bar as the veteran, telling the same bullshit tales, but one served and one didnt.

I dont really give a shit. I served, I deployed, I didnt kill anyone because I was a fucking cashier in Kuwait. I paid soldiers their casual pays and I paid contractors to bribe Iraqis. I dont have any good war stories.

Sailor here. I was in for 12 years and did cruises in Iraq and Afghan, I actually launched the very first airstrike that started the Iraq war.

I am not a veteran. I am not brave, I am ashamed I lacked the courage to serve with the marines and I damn myself for my cowardice.

Those people who fight and face danger deserve the shameful little we give them. If you are parading along stealing from their bravery I feel society should judge them. I know people hate the military and oppose what has been done with ours but at least we can all agree as humans beings that cowards shouldn't prosper from the respect afforded the dead.

>I didnt kill anyone because I was a fucking cashier in Kuwait.
Thank you for your customer service.

>12 years
Never understood people like you.
All those years now wasted without retirement.
Could've waited 3 years and got some deal like I've seen some people do but never explain how.
Either do your 4 or go for retirement.

Look at the bright side. If you had been a marine, you would probably be overwhelmed with guilt and shame that you slaughtered innocent people so that globalists and kikes could play their games and get richer.


Yeah, yeah. The truth of the matter is that Saddam Hussain's regime gave the region stability, and if Ghaddafi and Saddam hadn't been toppled, the """"refugee"""" crisis would never have happened.

Honestly the source of your shame should be that you were nothing but a pawn in the games that evil, powerful people play on the chessboard of geopolitics.

A bunch of places do special discounts for emergency services and military personnel. Stolen valour laws are basically laws against what is a kind of fraud, just applying specifically to pretending you were in the armed forces when you weren't.

Which base? We had Indian contractors working the PX at Beuhring

I don't get it either. This is America, dumbasses have every right to be dumbasses and we have every right to point and laugh at them for looking like a soup sandwich. It's not like they're hurting anyone, just point at the uniform violations and laugh.

Because US soldiers get gibsmedats, so people stealing those is an issue.

You won't have a military soon. Have fun with a german controlled EU force.

Hooyah, catch those fuckers.

Just so no one gets butthurt, this was a joke.

>It's wrong because it's falsified, it's a lie.

I agree, but that is not what I am focusing on.
Yes, impersonating a military officer in an attempt to get special treatment, aid or to get into places you aren't otherwise allowed in is wrong.

Just in the same way as impersonating a cop is wrong for ethical and security reasons.

However, in the case of the cop we don't go around calling it 'pilfered bravery' or anything like that.

>By definition valor excludes such actions as sitting around in an air conditioned room piloting drones and blowing up children's hospitals

These are American soldiers though, not Israeli ones.

>listening to EU

Eat a dick you hippy faggot, stop being obtuse you fucking know what this is about...people who misrepresent themselves as members of the military to get free shit.

Being deployed in an american unit is an act of valor on its own.

Blue on blue causes more casualties than enemy action.

would you feel better if it was called "don't take shit from the military law..." its just the name of the act, not sure why your bitching the thing was overturned in the 9th Circus Court of Apples.

Who the fuck invited your goose stepping ass to this conversation?

I had a kid. I was in the delivery room and was joyous.
Ever wake up at bight, like at 230, when it's just you?No distractions; just you facing yourself.
I did and I though about all those air strikes. I thought about how I had personally loaded them. I thought about the homemAde, I thought about my son.
I was.No different from the victims of my violence. We were just a bunch of poor people killing each other for no reason.
I realized I was a very evil man and felt shame.
I didn't my son raised by a drunk, a fornicator, a brawler and a murderer.
I couldn't say I honor my son's life and take others; I cancelled my contract extension and got out.
Violence is wrong; it eats you alive and anyone who praises it has never seen it. I will never pay the debt I incurred my hands will never be clean and I sold myself for 20 k.
I am damned to hell for what I did.

kek, heavily underrated post.

Cry me a river faggot, you never pulled the trigger....

Its just a troll bitching about semantics.

that's actually pretty funny, senpai.
Here's a (you)


I can't fathom the US verneration of "veterans". You have, quite frankly, the least brave soldiers in the western world. The vast majority have never even seen the enemy even when deployed to a war zone. Most just do remf jobs in completely safe, air-conditioned bases. Yet you're expected to fellate these low-IQ spastics and murderers who were too stupid to get a job in McDonalds so joined the army for the benefits. And most of you are happy to oblige.

>Make wearing medals a felony
What if I'm wearing military medals that I found at some military surplus store along with some cosplay at a anime/comic convention?

When you are an imperialist nation, it is very likely that masses will argue against your expansionist-neo colonial policies. This is not 19th century anymore, -fuck them savages- rhetoric does not work.

Dont support the war but support the troops narrative basically makes up for it. It keeps people warlike regardless of the war is just or not.

Oh Mohhamed its up to his Jewery tricks again...

I think your fine as long as you blend into your sea of faggots.....Also dont fucking ware them if you did not earn them. In other words dont put them on till you get your anime convention.

Ya I know hes being fucking dumb....


> -fuck them savages- rhetoric does not work.

never had to work with the ANA or ANP have you?

I never claimed to. I enabled it.I accept responsibility for my actions as part of an invasion that killed innocents.
My weakness put me there, I was picked on in high school so I signed up to prove myself. All that did was prove I was a bully myself who didn't learn that true strength is not resorting to violence.
I don't care what you say, I bear responsibility for my decisions and the fact you don't understand this just shows you have never seen it.
There is nothing heroic about war. It's all a racket. If I was brave I would have joined the marines or the army but I just sat back and bombed people from the safety of a ship. That's says a lot about my character and I didn't want my son raised by that.

For the masses, not for soldiers. Fucking Hajis work for soldiers no doubt about that.

Stop stealing my wages HIIIISSSSssssssssssssssssss

What makes me mad us seeing people who never served praising murder and aggression.
I crawled when I was in, I worked, I beat women and I hurt those weaker than me but people who have no clue how the word works praise violence laudable.
We are not made by God to destroy.God is a God of creation a if we are made in his image then destruction, an evil act, is antithetical to our nature.
I will never raise my first against motherboards even at the cost of my life because violence is a virus

Christ son go drink a beer and live your life....your too ate up about sand niggers for no reason..

OP is there is a different way to say that America being overly-militaristic/pidgeon holing everyone with common sense and a square jaw is FUCKING RETARDED

Arguing about stolen valor is stupid. Also you're welcome to leave. I admit the pidgeon holing actually got so bad that I am planning on leaving the U.S.

Don't want my kids being raised to think that if you're basically normal, you have to go suicide yourself in a war for the jews.

See I made a better argument out of this.

ah so no real conversation then...

what a shit thread

OP a huge faggot as always

you serious dude? you never were first man through the door or smoked some faggot with a turret mounted 50. you pushed buttons on a ship.

get the fuck over yourself


Kek curses those who would try to steal their honor.

what's worse?
>obviously mentally ill individuals playing army man dress-up
>autistic servicemen going apeshit over obviously mentally ill individuals playing army man dress-up

obviously mentally ill individuals playing army man dress-up. If your not smart enough to not ware a uniform that you have no reason to be in...well that problem solves itself.

Just remember, human lives don't all have the same value

Stolen Valor only applies if you use a lie about military service in order to gain something tangible. And they do have a name for impersonating an officer, its a crime called "impersonating an officer."

As a vet, i approve this kek

He did bad things and then found Jesus.

Some men need the threat of eternal damnation to keep them from being a dick to everyone and killing people. Just let them have it and the world will be a better place.

seeing welfare queens who were to inept to join the work force prattling on and on about how hard it was and how much they sacrificed

while garnishing my wages in order to keep Israel nice and safe never fails to make me laugh.

that applies to law enforcement personnel not members of the should know this shit.

Can someone at least post some stolen valor videos?

They are hilariously autistic.

ah ok well....I guess?

Soldiers always crack me up

>Take voews
>"To protect the nation from threats abroad and domestic"
>Come back from war
>Have PTSD
>Pest innocent citizens life by being violent and dangerous to society
>Most entitled shits ever to exist

Yea, nah too many idiots joining the army, when they come back home they act hard and shit and commit crime. Faggots

Never said I was. I don't know what you do t understand. I was wrong and repent of my actions. Why is a man admitting he was wrong shock you?
It's not about escape, it about realizing what evil is and speaking out against it. People who want to prey on the weak and poor and send the off to murder their fellow man so they can profit is evil. Anyone glorifying murder and destruction is evil.

here ya go

Faggot LARPers no different from Nazi fetishes. It's the people who say they served in Iraq and lie. It's an insult to the folks who actually served. It's mostly the 11x folks who flip their top about that kind of shit, with all good reason too. I'm insulted because no body pretends to be an Airman. Too many Army roleplayers, mix it up. Try to get the patches correct too, at least learn what an MOS is before pretending to be a soup sandwich.

You were too fat to sign the dotted line werent you? And you never did a damn single thing abou it.

I agree. I went to college for 5 YEARS.

These people go to boot camp for like 9 WEEKS and says "OMG SO HARD"

And then they get out of the military and can get on double welfare. So for the rest of their life they don't have to work. It's pretty much 30K a year which is amazing for doing nothing.

But then again i'm leaving the U.S. because of this logic. Like honestly you're killing republicans in many different ways by forcing the military down our throat. It's not right wing anymore. The French military is more right wing than us.

Come out of the closet somewhere else faggot.

> It's an insult to the folks who actually served.

Wow, insulting baby killers and Israel's foreign shock troops, they should be ashamed.

This is an outrage.

>$20K per year is fair compensation for people shooting at you on the daily

I don't care about stolen valor. Atleast wear the uniform right, christ. Should they get shit on wearing a uniform 'posing' as military personnel, yeah, dumb fucks should be embarrassed if they are jacked up on their uniform and they have a shit story. Fortunately with these videos they fucked up on both and get verbally raped by prior service-members. I love watching stolen valor videos, they are amusing.

It was my son not Jesus. I wondered how any people I had helped rob of that.
I understand its crazy. I understand those who say I never fought in the front line so how can I feel this way?
I feel this way because I helped someone strong hurt the weak and I share responsibility. But when the saw.The kid I realized nation doesn't matter, it's all a lie. Family, community, bonds through religion are important. Who you love is important not reflected glory from murder.
It probably sounds insane but I workday to better myself and create thibgs so I can be a strong person that my kid deserves.
It's not about me it's about where I lead my family.

Arifjan was the tits bro. but yeah I agree. I worked on medical equipment in Bagram and even then it wasn't too much work, do some periodic maintenance checks and take broken equipment and put it in the shit can so the hadji don't go dumpster diving for bomb parts. No war stories other than the occasional mortar on the other side of the base. Pretty boring. but I agree actual service members don't really care unless they're a lifer or they have a stick up their ass. I just get butthurt if I say something about the service to someone and they try to pick up my tab for food or buy me a drink. I work for a living too asshole, don't buy me shit.

>sometimes fun
It had it's moments
>dicking around
There was a lot of hurry up and wait, but that's psychologically more painful for me than the actual painful parts. I have extreme ADHD and holding still just kills me, though I did learn.
>muh mil discount
Never ask.
Never tell anyone I served unless they ask.
I avoid brining it up, because I didn't kill anyone and managed to never even be shot at.
Just hot, tired and miserable. But Haji is hot tired and miserable his whole life, so I think I got a hell of a break.

People who impersonate service members are scum, but so is anyone who lies for the attention or perceived benefits that other people put themselves out for.
I'm not offended of the faggots wearing their ROTC utilities/dress uniforms.
But the fags claiming to be seals/rangers/marines with purple hearts, etc are scum and deserve a sound ass kicking.

As a veteran, of thousands upon thousands of wolfentstein enemy territory missions, I can say that I likely have better combat training and skills than you.
I generally don't have a problem with these guys, but i do have a problem with those who claim to be veterans without ever having single handedly won a mission by trickjumping over a wall and finishing the usual half hour match in about three minutes.
I've stood in the middle of firefights and taken down half a dozen tangos without losing a drop of health. I've shot down to my last bullet, and run in with a knife and taken down another, stolen his ammo and gone back into the fight.
I've been banned from servers for cheating, when I wasn't even cheating. I was just unstoppable, seemingly beyond normal human limits -
- and all these moments, will be lost, in time, like statistics on an abandoned website.
Time, to idle.

>people shooting at you on the daily

Is that before or after your daily burger?

>$20K per year
don't forget muh benefits.

for life.

>people shooting at you on the daily

more like sitting around at base all day

all of this. A tiny percent that deploy are ever in any real danger. And half the military is comprised of scumbags that would be criminals/unemployed if they didn't have someone telling them what to do 24/7

>Wow, insulting baby killers

Blue pilled as hell. I'll rep you for shock troops, but baby killers? I bet you complain about VA and how it's a waste to be entitled. We're voting Trump, you are going to Canada. See ya shitbird.

kek military privilege. ain't nothing sacred to liberals.

>By definition valor excludes such actions as sitting around in an air conditioned room piloting drones and blowing up children's hospitals.

How dare you underestimate the danger of carpal tunnel syndrome, or the pain of the boils on one's buttocks that riding a chair for hours typically causes. Today's desk jockeys face challenges the REMFs of prior eras could hardly imagine.

Between bootcamp, additional training schools and MOS schools some people spend as much as 2 years.
USMC boot is 3 months, with another month for the combat school.

I have a 2 year degree, I'll be going back this fall.
The experiences are not comparable in nature.

video from OPs pic

It seems like a lot of these stolen valor people who get confronted are mentally challenged in some form

After artillery striking people in their houses with no threat or consequence,,the logical fofllow-on is to bully mental patients who only want to feel what it might be like to have some kind of respect as a human being.

Nah, they are just scared people which is why they shut down when confronted directly. That's actually what being a coward looks like; sheer panic as they scramble for self preservation.

And nobody gets upset over Stolen Scholar.

Usually before.
Daily is obvious hyperbole, user. The point is that the soldiers who see combat are, in fact, being shot at by people who intend to kill them. How much would I have to pay you to do that? How much do I have to pay you to work fourteen hours a day on a slow day? What price do you attach to missing your sister's funeral because the unit can't complete its mission if it gives you emergency leave? The birth of your child? How much would I have to pay you to agree to spend nine months away from your wife, in a shithole that's low-hundreds on a cool day?
I bet it's more than 20k a year.

As for benefits, yeah. It's nice to have free healthcare - but it's not like it's top-quality. When I slipped a disc it took a month to get an x-ray done, another month for a follow-up consultation, and then they told me it would be four months before they got me in with a chiropractor.
Thankfully I care enough about my health that I paid out-of-pocket and got all that shit done within three weeks of the injury, while the army played catch-up on the paper work. They wouldn't compensate me for my unauthorized visits, of course, but at least I'm not permanently fucked like I would have been if I let the army take care of it.

Hope you are ok. You doing all right?
this guy is "SHAWN" and this video is pure autism.

Stolen valor is a national tragedy on par with the crucifixion of Christ. Perpetrators should be executed on site with no trial. Soldiers' lives are more important than yours, who else will defend our (Israel and Jewish corporations') interests? Next time you see a vet who took a one-year all-expenses-paid vacation in the desert with lifetime benefits, grovel before them and show the proper respect due to a god you worthless fucking piece of shit.
>not walking your standard issue canine

You're an idiot.
It being a simple misdemeanor with the possibility of a night in jail would be enough to stop almost 98% of those who would do it.
Something comparable to a public intox or disorderly conduct.

If you hate America so much move to Iraq commie. Do you know how many soldiers died defending us from Muslims so that you can spew your bullshit