C'mon, I need some new stuff to read.
Politics/philosophy/history/economics related
Redpilled books
Other urls found in this thread:
Camp of the Saints
Anything from the Mises institute.
Hitler in ourselves by Max Picard.
This. Best book I ever read because it's coming true.
The greatest redpill
PhilisiphiƦ naturalis principia mathematica.
Pol list of books and downloads of them all some user linked
>Camp of the Saints
I second this, reading it now, on chapter 13; cant get a more accurate depiction of how shit poo in loos are and how fucked whites will be until we chimpout at a 4th reich level.
The Devils Chessboard
The Secret Team
Cant copy link cuz im on the phone but just jewgle "Leon degrelle campaign in russia pdf"
Understanding the empire by Soral
this, 't must be known hein
this bakakaka senenenpai
Wew just looked that one up, seems interesting, thanks user.
I have to download this shitty app first so I could view it, but thank you anyway.
Decline of the West by Spengler
Imperium by Yockey
Hainsworth or Raspail?
For non-theory stuff, anything by pic related.
Virtue of Selfishness and Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology
Everything you need is here.
For some more specific choices, I would:
>H.H. Hoppe - Democracy: The God that failed
>F. Nietzsche - Thus spake Zarathustra
>T. Carlyle - On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in history
Sir General John Hackett's "Third World War".The lesson is be prepared.It still holds true.
every man should read this book
Although his books may not have much to do with politics, H.P. Lovecraft was a massive nationalist and strongly opposed multiculturalism.
Thus Spoke Zarathustra is on my to-read list. What can I expect?
jesus christ 11 GB. what a find. who put this all together?
The Secret Doctrine
Isis Unveiled
The voice of the Silence
The Kybalion
Corpus Hermeticum
Stanzas of Dzyan
Fly fishing