Any one else get depressed thinking how bad things have become? Maybe it's just nostalgia...

Any one else get depressed thinking how bad things have become? Maybe it's just nostalgia, but growing up in the 90s things seemed so optimistic for the future. Now I feel like our country is divided, and everything is politicized. What do other Sup Forumsiticans do to not be utterly depressed?

700mg of DPH every weekend.

>Any one else get depressed thinking how bad things have become?
The 90s-
enslaved to TV for programming
internet good for chatting and shitty pix
required to go to school(prison) every day
shitty drugs

everything I want and no fucking school
and awesome drugs

I just remember that they aren't remaining me about nuclear annilation every moment like they used to.

Granted the threat is exactly the same or even a bit worse as in the 60s-80s but at least they don't remind me about it.

No because things aren't that different. Selection bias is real, get off Sup Forums for a while.

paper cup pattern lol

masturbation and hard drugs

Holy Shit. Kill yourself man thats not a life that should be lived.

I haven't seen that cup for 16 years.

Yes, I miss the 90s immensely.

The 21st century has been a pretty big let-down so far.