When will Sup Forums stop misusing the term kino?

The basics:
>film is not a movie, it is a physical medium (photographic film stock) on which a motion picture plays; it is now an antiquated piece of technology
>a motion picture is a series of images traditionally contained on film stock which tells a story
>two colloquial names for a motion picture are a movie or a flick (note that they are not rankings of artistry)
>cinema is a place where motion pictures are shown

Now, to continue:
>kino, or absolute kinography, is one of two things depending on your philosophy
>it is either a way of using cameras to capture motion in ways that portray reality without telling a story or imposing artistry onto what is captured
>or it is a subgenre of motion pictures, and specifically a subgenre of documentaries

Other urls found in this thread:


remember when only "The Pest" could be described as kino?

No. Sup Forums is shit and cancer

bump Sup Forums must learn

>not understanding memevolution

this post is def not kino. in fact, it's rather dishonest posting.

this post is kino

>emotionally dishonest
we Sup Forums now



>it is now an antiquated piece of technology

>this is how a word should be used
That is not how you language senpai

but it is faggot. kino was invented to mean a particular thing


fuck off with deconstructionist shit. that was only invented to justify niggers speaking english poorly.

Well he's right, but niggers are still not justified, because we have to make "borders" in reality, language and definitions otherwise we will understanding each other even less then we currently do. That be said, we all know what kino generally means around here and OP is a fag.

Language isnt arbitrary though. Neuroscience proves this.

it's just a meme, dude.

It is in a sense that you can create it, in other words you can call same object in different set of sounds, letters.

Sup Forums loves "kino" because they hate talking about movies.
Why discuss it in any detail, it's kino, it's almost kino, it's sort of kino, it's not kino. Why? Who cares.

But theres still a neurological grounding in those choices. Unless you can prove the widespread success of a deliberately constructed language disconnected from natural cultural development, ie not esperanto, you just have no arguments. Meme linguists and philosophers developed those ideas before neuroscience outpaced them and made them obsolete. Stop holding onto bullshit ideas disproved by science just because they're taught in shitty college courses for memers.

It's literally /ourword/. We must protect it from becoming normie

It's the perfect confluence of stereotypical nerdy plebshit, it's the average Sup Forums poster, relatively new to the site, who goes to all the big boards on the site and shits them all up equally with his narrow knowledge and experience with various artistic mediums. He knows mainstream video games, he knows mainstream movies, he knows mainstream cartoons (especially those from the 90s and early 00s), and he knows only the biggest comic book characters. And he feels marginalized by society because of how much of a shut in he is, so he'll have the most shallow Sup Forums opinions and tastes. He'll prattle on endlessly about cucks and interracial porn, but he isn't informed or even cares about international political issues and happenings. It's just a slight veneer of memeracism and mememisogyny and the rejection of anything that could be considered "degenerate."

And the cross poster signals all of this to his other cross posters with the word "kino." It's like those hobo chalk signs. You slap it on a thread so other cross posters know it's safe to come out of the woodwork.

well too bad

just like Pepe the frog, we're taking ownership now


>deliberately constructed language
Not how it works. There probably is cultural factors, but this thread itself is a proof that words have multiple definitions that mean different things to different people. How could they not, if people are different and have different level of information about language and world in general. The meaning of "kino" to OP is different from that of a random shitposter because shitposter knows less, or just does it intentionally. And most people are shitposters here so their definition of "kino" works here quite well. Thus we have general meaning of word kino as it;s used on Sup Forums but it does not eliminate other meaning, they exist side by side. I have not learned this shit on collage, just read his book, I admit I might be interpreting it wrong.

>missing the point like a grand retard
OK fine. I've stopped caring if you're too stupid to understand my point. You "win".

Im not a bundle of sticks dumbass

i bet you like shoving bundles of stick in your ass. i'm not a donkey :)