What percentage of fat nation's population would celebrate a successful Trump assassination?
What percentage of fat nation's population would celebrate a successful Trump assassination?
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wait a minute... cyprus is a country?
I thought it was just a tree.
>American education
About the same percentage as the Roman population who supported Caesar's assassination.
ask your mom Ahmed
Hey, Sup Forums is a safe space board. No body shaming allowed!
Not really
>insulting me as ahmed, while parts of your country is occupied by ahmeds
oh wait... same here... shit
they wont be laughing when civil war breaks out
There would be riots, Trump is winning right now. He represents tens of millions of angry people, and nobody believes in """"""lone gunmen"""""" explanations anymore. There could be civil war.
I would hope they'd gather and have a big public party.
It's called a "target rich environment"
Cyprus where the hell is that? Is that even a country? Do we own you? All i care about is muh freedom, i'm an american btw
Spread this like herpes and/or a fart on fire.
Extraordinarily few. Outside the hardcore conservashits supporting Trump, there aren't many Americans who support murdering politicians.
>But I saw a screencap of a tweet!
Cool anecdote. What is cherry picking?
>fat nation
Who knows? Knowing how degenerate and uncivilized Mexico is, they'll probably just chop some peoples' heads off with chainsaws as usual, but with balloons falling down from the ceiling.
We would objectively be better off as a nation.
>i'm an american btw
I could tell from the skidmark
I'm sure all of the Hillary supporters and the illegals would be happy, but then a coup would likely happen to put Pence in office.
>50% - Dems that hate him
>10% - neverTrumpers that hate him
>40% - Trump supporters happy that he becomes a martyr and a race war starts to avenge him
Maybe like 5%.
The majority of America wants Trump. The challenge we're facing is that "majority" alone isn't usually enough when dealing with a crooked system.
These Trump signs are all over my neighborhood. Not a single Hillary house anywhere!
Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!
With his passing let the unravelling of worlds commence!
Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!
May we fill many fertile Deer with our tadpoles.
Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts.
Let Kek be known, let Kek be shown.
Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!