Wow, Brazil is amazing!

Wow, Brazil is amazing!

Let's get this shit started.


Let's not be racist here

We will be a superpower by 2020

Screenshot this

Include me in the screenshot

>my professor has been in Brazil twice
>my professor has been mugged in Brazil 3 times

Does he blame whitey?

Good luck

Only if Bolsonaro is elected.

Superpower by 2015


the only reason Brazil gets any attention and has any sort of power is simply because of its sheer size

by every other margin its going nowhere

That's two time less than the average, your professor is a lucky guy.

I wonder what good ol Dilma is up to these days..

Goooood ol Dilma.

Comparative government textbook. The entire class is just about le evil colonialism and liberal kikery

Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!

With his passing let the unravelling of worlds commence!

Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!

May we fill many fertile Deer with our tadpoles.

Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts.

Let Kek be known, let Kek be shown.

Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!



Is it possible to share the whole case study? Or could tell me the author's name so I can look for myself?

i want to visit you guys but i dont really want to be hacked up and turned into human sausages

tip top jej

They only take the kidneys, not that bad.

It's pretty short and shitty




Good Riddance

Thank you.
I'll take a cup of brazilian coffee and then read that. I'll share my thoughts afterwards...

>Lula is finally going to jail
Fucking Finally


Except for muh inequality that's pretty much redpilled. What they teach here is far from that though.

>evil Portuguese blue-eyed blondes invaded and genocided poor natives
>they also enslaved poor dindus
>evil military government destroyed democracy and made the country shit
>bloodbaths happened during the """"""dictatorship""""""
>after the democratization happened everything turned out to be better

Reminder that this country became a hellhole only after the social democrats and the commies started to be elected.

Feels good, doesn't it?

We didn't even pay these niggers to write that.

That's just wrong. I know you know nothing about us so restrain from such statements. Better to stay silent.

bump, but if this thread dies I'll create another one

Look at my flag.

It won't if Brazilians keep being monkeys.

Seriously, I try not to be a monkey, but while growing up here you are trained to stick rows, to steal office material, to cheat everyone, fake documents and medical reports are just a formality.

I have suffered police aggression from absolutely nowhere, been mugged and robbed at gunpoint some times, I have beaten up three muggers. One bumped his head on the curb and blood came out of his ears. I don't know if he is alive, and i don't really care. I would go to jail if I called the cops, so I called an ambulance when I got home. The other one had a gun, was wearing a helmet and was on a 150cc bike, and knowing this jungle I had already picked up a cinder block that was on the street and left aside. I slammed it onto his shoulder, the helmet fell off and he ran away without it. He almost left the motorbike. I would have gladly killed this nigger.

If you aren't in some degree dishonest or some kind of rascal, you are alone. This is truly a land where dog eats dog. We are just trying to survive, and this happens in every social layer. You would too, if you came here to live, it's some kind of natural selection. Last year a rich kid known as Thor, driving a mercedes clk, ran over a biker and nothing happened. Nothing. At all. According to the LAW, its better if you kill someone in a car accident than to just cripple the guy, it costs you less. That's Brazil, my ridiculous country. Land of the fucking monkeys.

Thanks user. I didn't mean for this thread to be about the article, I just wanted a Brazil thread.

I'm really interested in your because of all the crazy shit that goes down there. Unfortunately it's one of those lands I can never travel too b/c white skin and blue eyes. Feelsbad

>a Brazil thread
I see, but that seems like a very concise history of our country for foreigners to take a brief knowledge.

"subjugation of indigenous" was seen both as a conquest of the New World and as a "christian conversion campaign of those wild souls", back in those times, even thought nowdays lefties have partially make us feel guilty for that - but most of us just don't care at all. it's not unusual seeing indigenous traits in many brazilians in the big cities, you may at first take them for afro-brazilians

in a first moment, a monarchic government was the foundation stone over which the new country was created. that, therefore, was the most important cause for keeping the integrity of the territory

"This disenfranchised virtually all the former slaves, who were illiterate." - looking at todays consequences of uneducated people voting, what I'm supposed to think if not that this was very proper at the moment?!

clientelism - you can see one of the sources of a worrisome cultural trait over here: the canalization of corruption

Yup, the whole country is under control


The leaf and the trips speak the truth.

>cup of brazilian coffee
Literal shit.
The best coffees are exported as is everything else.

Can confirm, if you think Pilão is good, you would think the stuff we have here is god-tier.
Pic related, Best coffee I can find around here.

Also, congrats on overthrowing your commie president


I give you 7-1 odds.

"In a preemptive strike the military overthrew the elected government in 1964 with U.S. and considerable uper- and middle-class support." that seems to give U.S. a bigger participation than what they actually had.

"led workers ... to organize illegal unions" - oh fuck, the red capes are coming! but that neglects Russia luring Brazil with socialist proposals during the WWII, that's where they came from.

"liberation theology" - kek, now you can see who they interviewed for that. their participation was much smaller too. even the catholic church excommunicated them! they are nothing but true communists infecting the institution (that's why they was blaming US in the other paragraph).

let me correct myself, that's a not so accurate portrait of our history then.

>pic: the demon lord of the spurious "teologia da libertação", Leonardo Boff