
>Donald Trump supports paid maternity leave

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What is wrong with that? Why shouldn't mothers be able to look after their newborns?

Because why the fuck do you have a job if you're pregnant?


Fuck your pay wage gap, nigger. Women are shit workers compared to men and everyone knows it.

Your mother didn't work at all during the ~9 months she was pregnant with you?

business owners shouldnt have to pay someone 30/60/90 days for no work

its also employment discrimination based off sex if you dont give me an equal amount of paid family leave

You know there wouldn't be any men without women giving birth to them, right? Why in God's name would you want to force women directly back into the workplace and have the government raise the child from birth instead of having her stay at home a few months and at least give him a leg up in development? Do you even think before you run your mouth off like this?

Some countries have maternity leave for men too

because maternity leave should be an incentive put in place by competing businesses that want to attract workers. If the government implements it, it forces businesses to spend money in areas they don't want to. Basically its just bad economics

Pretty sure it was maternity and paternity leave.

Fuck maternity leave just give tax breaks to stay at home Mums.

Because we have sex discrimination laws and they aren't compatible with paid maternity leave

We also have property rights which says the government cant tell a business how to allocate their funds

sex discrimination to give women a tax break and not men


Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!

With his passing let the unravelling of worlds commence!

Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!

May we fill many fertile Deer with our tadpoles.

Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts.

Let Kek be known, let Kek be shown.

Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!

Why not just institute paid maternal and paternal leave? Is there anything wrong with that?

No you dummy. It's part of a plan to incentivize native births with tax credits/deductibles.

Speaking from experience with my own kid as a father, it sucked not having paternity leave. Thankfully, in Commiefornia, my wife had 12 weeks of total paid time for a normal birth that was extended to 22 due to complications. However, since there were complications, I had to be home for a period afterward to help her. I had to use up all of my vacation and the time off beyond that was completely unpaid. Honestly, not sure how the white race is supposed to rebound if it's such a burden to reproduce. I think 1 is where we are calling it more kids.

So Sup Forums, why do we bitch and moan about "white genocide" but ignore the financial burden that is child rearing and not support any policies to alleviate that burden? I mean, most of the people we want reproducing are the kind that responsibly look at the costs and decide that it's too costly. The ones we don't want reproducing don't care and squeeze out kid after kid while being fine existing on all manner of social welfare in perpetuity.

What gives?

it costs an employer a shit ton of money to pay you to not work for long stretches of time

why should an employer be obligated to pay you for no work?

Why should a parent be fired for becoming a parent?

Once again Trump is advocating that we fraternize with the opposite sex and perhaps even have sexual intercourse with them for the purposes of procreation. I am disgusted. How ever are we going to be able to preserve our collective virginities if we have degenerate fucktards like this running for president? What can Sup Forums do?

if being a parent means they unable to show up to work and do their job, then they shouldnt have their job

i shouldnt have to pay someone for not doing their job

i also shouldnt be obligated to hold a position open for someone while they are not doing their job even though they promise to come back

get the government out of the free market

>muh free market
Demographics are more important dummy. Without more white births, we'll end up like Brazil.

Fashy market fundie spotted

Are you against free movement of labor as well? That's an anti-free market policy.

fuck off. you libertarians would sell out your own people to make a buck.

I'm staunchly against the idea of having children but this is just retarded. Think about pregnancy as an illness. What if one day you have a debilitating stroke that requires you to take time off to recover? Should your employer just fire you right then and there because you're costing the CEO 0.0001% of his yearly bonus?

I thought men and women were equal...

Attitudes like this are why white birth rates are dropping.

you cant post here until youre 18

Lazy niggers are the ones that are going to be taking advantage of this

Have to pay the nigger 3 months for her not working every year/year and a half

paid maternity leave will not suddenly cause an influx in white births--that will only come from a change in culture

what does this have to do with free movement of labor?

Yes he should, you aren't entitled to your job and you shouldn't be paid for not working unless so negotiated in your contract

It's not profitable to fire people recklessly over small things. Employers dont fire people unless they ought to be fired

>against paid maternal leave
>against free or subsidized childcare
>against free or subsidized prenatal care

>wondering why more employed middle class women aren't having children

Gee, it can't possibly be because they can't afford it. Who knows what the reason could be? ツ

You aren't paying someone for not doing their job. The employees as a collective are paying to be monetarily covered during a individual pregnancies.

> Why can't the people get a coverage if they want to on their own instead of government obliging them
Because here the costs to society exceeds the costs to individual.

>what does this have to do with free movement of labor?
You went "muh free market" on me which was why I brought it up.

But again, you're wrong. This includes tax credits for ALL working mothers and stay at home moms. This is a huge incentive for white births. Black families already receive welfare; white working families don't.

It's a good thing. I support it for mainly a few reasons.

1. The government already doles out welfare to spics and niggers who don't contribute or pay taxes. Spics are a bigger problem than niggers though because spics abuse the welfare to have a lot more children.
2. The middle class families will actually start to see some benefits for themselves. Instead of paying into the system that are only being used by spics and niggers who don't produce or contribute to the system in the first place.
3. White birth rates will probably increase a bit
4. Government workers and shit probably get this kind of benefit already. Why should they get these benefits but private working citizens do not?

Ultimately, what this boils down to, is the middle class finally getting a piece of the pie they have been paying into.

> paid maternity leave will not suddenly cause an influx in white births--that will only come from a change in culture
But there is an ample amount of research that indicates that subsidies towards childbirths and rearing increase birth rates in high income societies.

While Europe does not have a very good birth rate, it is still 20-30% higher than in Japan/Singapore/Hong Kong/South Korea aside from Germany and Italy.




not an argument

Look at this pathetic Trumpcuck. I bet you support Donald Trump's unbashed support of Israel too huh you fucking kike piece of shit

white socialists need to die

you're first

No. Fuck Israel and the globalist jews, they're a parasite to this country and west.

I fail to see how skyrocketing wealth inequality with zero safety nets benefits middle class families who want to have children but can't because they cannot afford it.

And why wouldn't you want to support that?

No. He supports PATERNITY leave. So father's can use it too

trump has a jewish kike daughter and jew cuck grandchildren

why should i vote for him again?

Here's a better Sup Forums channel.

Part of the cost of an employee is also the employee making future employees. You AnCap fags see only 2 inches in front of you. Membership in society, including corporations, requires things that ensures its continual existence.


>Sup Forums is defending maternity leave

I like Trump already

cucks are too retarded to get that

one has to be employed in order to be eligible

Against the wall with you.


haha wait the US doesn't have paid maternity leave? Fuck your country sucks

youre hurting middle class business owners by forcing them to pay paid maternity/family leave causing a higher barrier to entry to a larger business scale

you're devaluing a man's work by forcing them to work full time while giving a woman 3 months of salary for not working

you've effectively made a man's work worth 3/4 of a womans

its either there should be (paid maternity leave & you can discriminate against employing women) or (no paid maternity leave & no sex discrimination)

these are the only viable options

The rest of the civilized world has had paid maternity leave for decades. Why not implement a good idea just because it's a change?

setting the precedent of accepting sex discrimination is not a good thing

fathers get paternal leave here; 15 work days if taken in one chunk, a bit less if taken in several chunks

Paid paternity leave is also a thing.

We do, it's just left up to the employer and employee. You know, how it's supposed to be.

Good goyim, another year at the assembly line is more important than reproducing, when you go old an infertile we can just import Abu as replacment and pay him less than half

How is it bad? It helps to encourage the white working class to have more kids.

>15 days

Fucking shits. You give that to your women too?

>you're devaluing a man's work by forcing them to work full time while giving a woman 3 months of salary for not working
>muh fee fees

>you've effectively made a man's work worth 3/4 of a womans
>Muh fee fees!!!!!111

>its either there should be (paid maternity leave & you can discriminate against employing women) or (no paid maternity leave & no sex discrimination)
>muh fee fees!!! muh mens rights #MRA

uhh dads also get paid leave here.

That's why it should be socialized. A single small business owner who happens to have a few employees out on parental leave might actually be really hurt with costs if he had to bear them on his own. It should just be an insurance cost paid by all employers for each employee that can then be used for hose who apply for parental leave pay. Same thing they do with disability. Just extend it to include parental leave.

fuck off retard

paying women who actually work for having children, is infinitely better than welfare

if its not equal to maternity leave then its sex discrimination

if it is equal, then fine, thats a little bit better



bro most companies already pay for maternity leave.
its just not a law.
my sister got like half a year paid time off after she had her kid

hey i wasnt the one who implemented sex discrimination laws

i just want to enforce the current law

women get a couple of months iirc

it's not a problem since we have nuclear families like you see them in old american films

thats fine, as long as its the business owners decision then there is no problem

the problem is when the gov. mandates you pay someone for not working

> Youre hurting middle class businer owners
But the workers pay it themselves through social fees.

This I agree with. It should be parental...equal to both mother and father.

>everything I don't like is socialism
wew lad

>MUH FEE FEES!!!!11!!!

I don't really think you'll find too many progressives arguing AGAINST paid paternal leave.

You see it as not working.

People with perspective see it as creating the next generation of workers...something kind of required. Also...fighting white genocide.

women are stupid and like these things

this is literally textbook socialism

>tax cuts are socialism

The United States must end the international embarrassment of being the only major country on earth which does not guarantee workers medical and family leave, sick time and vacation time. Last place is no place for America.

Let me be very clear. It is not a family value to force the mother of a newborn baby to go back to work a few days after she gives birth because she doesn’t have the money to stay home and bond with her baby. That is not a family value. That is an insult to everything that I know about what family is about.

> women are stupid
yes women are stupid, however the core of the problem is feminism and women's suffrage. It is a mind virus that has infected virtually every single western female. We must work to uncuck them from this. By making paid maternity leave mandatory, perhaps Trump can push for white women to breed more and move out of work places and into traditional motherly roles for the next generation of Übermensch.