Why did he lose Sup Forums?
Why did he lose Sup Forums?
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republicans didnt bother going out to vote.
Electorally it's hard to compete against 99% of the black vote unified against you
Sarah Palin
Beating an incumbent is always tough and Obama is exceptionally popular.
Demographics make the white house an uphill battle for republicans.
Evangelicals refusing to vote for a Mormon.
Car elevator for an underground garage. It really is that simple.
- white male
- politically correct
- cuck voterbase
- Mexicans are brainwashed
- blacks are brainwashed
- white women are brainwashed
He gave up before it started.
Why don't people like mormons? Nicest people on earth.
Low energy mormon
>Sarah Palin
you're confused
Too weird
All of them are.
He's a rich guy who tried to pretend that he wasn't rich, also he's a Mormon and wears funny underwear
Don't fuck with Big Bird.
Because Ron Paul was cheated out of the nomination.
He was out of touch with the public is all.
Weird fake fuck with binders full of women.
because he is a cuck
>But muh screencap!
Nobody here gave a shit about Mittens until this
He took a dive in the debates.
One of the biggest issues was Obamacare.
Romney paved the path for that turd in Mass.
Because that type of conservatism can no loner win an election in the US.
All these "true conservatives" that hate Trump are too fucking stupid to see he is saving their party.
Country club republican lost in the Bush era
Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!
With his passing let the unravelling of worlds commence!
Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!
May we fill many fertile Deer with our tadpoles.
Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts.
Let Kek be known, let Kek be shown.
Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!
Too much of a Patrician. Reminded voters of their dick boss who fired them when they were younger.
Not a bad guy although
No memes
He had Binders Full of Women
Yeah the "47%" comment really fucked him.
But when you put his words in hindsight in this current election there is a bit of truth in it
>47% of people don'y pay income tax.
>State this fact.
>Lose the presidency.
This is always something that perplexes me.
HOW is he maintaining popularity despite everything wrong with his time as president? All the scandals, all the things gone wrong, everything.
How is he maintaining that popularity?
because he's a stiff
America wasn't white enough.
>if only white males had voted he'd have won in a landslide 60%
Because he wasn't black and Obama still looked like he could do some good. Also he was a neocon who fucked off the Republican extremists like the Tea Party and Libertarians. The way Ron Paul was screwed was disgusting, anyone else remember Sup Forums when that happened
what I don't understand is why mitt Romney lost. He's a tall handsome millionaire with a perfect hairline, but people would rather elect a fatherless mulatto apparently. Shitskins no doubt.
Dunno about over there, but over here the British media, any political panel show, anything, sucks his dick daily (especially the BBC of course).
Also, back in 2012 shit didn't hit the fan nearly as much as it did now. People are waking up, people are realizing that this corrupt bullshit needs to be put to a stop. Whether or not Romney would've been the right guy for that is up for debate, but Trump is absolutely.
I'm betting mitt Romney actually holds opinions very similar to trumps but like other conservatives he's too scared to express them.
Because criticising a black person is racist
Because if you don't like him das racis an sheeeit
>went to France to avoid doing his duty in Vietnam
Why are politicians such pussies ?
>Trump's supporters are a basket of deplorables
>Oh shut up you silly racists this doesn't mean you if you're not a deplorable hahaha
>Just stop being deplorable :^)
Can you imagine the outrage if in 2012 Romney said 'if the 47% comment offends you, how about you get a job and start paying income tax'
His ratings would have tanked even more than they did.
>Shitskins no doubt.
And that's the problem too. If the sick ass Hillary does get elected she plans to import thousands of Syrian refugees here. You can say goodbye to the Republican party forever.
Americans like millionaires, they just don't like aristocratic ones.
On the radio here the other week a dj praised him for "getting health insurance for millions of Americans". As a soundbite that sounds grear. But no one ever looks past that soundbite to see the implications of obamacare
He lost due to election rigging in battleground states
His intelligence told him that the election was in the bag and he trusted it. Then entire battleground districts magically voted 100% for Obama.
because he was a retarded faggot
>if in 2012 Romney said 'if the 47% comment offends you, how about you get a job and start paying income tax
I dunno, if he actually said this, I might voted for him.
Obama was the first black president, and personally very likeable. So the country was willing to give Obama the benefit of the doubt and thus more time.
I wish it weren't this but it is. The brain wash is real.
He was too weak to punch back at the dishonest media like Trump does
Quite simple he loses to obama in the who would you rather sit at a bar and have a drink with. This logic has won the presidency since at least 1990
>Shithead is exceptionally popular.
The thing I find incredible is that he partly got in because people thought a black man in the white house would put an end to racial divide/hatred etc. But race relations are far worse now then they were then but no one will say this in mainstream media.
Sounds familiar I wonder why
He was a low energy loser and a cuckservative
the (((media))) made a huge deal out of his 47% comment which was accurate and mittens said nothing wrong. he is a cuck tho so fuck em
this, obviously it was the overwhelming black vote that did him in (on top of being a retarded faggot)
luckily the democrats were stupid enough to not try the black meme again, which will result in extremely poor turnout from the nig nog community while still seeing high turnout from conservanigs who hate clinton
>the (((media))) made a huge deal out of Trump's this and that
>Still gets Republican nom and is just a few states away from destroying Hillary and Nate Shillver
Also...he advocated an even worse foreign policy then Obama. Full-on neo-con, GWB style.
Obama's has been pretty bad, but at least no new ground wars. No invasions and occupations, no American soldiers being sent to slaughter.
he called 47% of americans lazy and poor or something during a dinner.