Fuck, Sup Forums, I'm watching the Alex Jones Show everyday. Have I lost control of my life?
Fuck, Sup Forums, I'm watching the Alex Jones Show everyday. Have I lost control of my life?
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Life is fun, because you can't control it.
Nah man when you start buying yhe suppliments is when you know youve lost it
Alex Jewns
Just buy the damn filters
He's addicting to listen to, just enjoy his bullshit and don't pay for anything.
I think this whole election has been good for Mr. Jones' career. Good for him.
The t-shirts are good and it's good that he's selling them at cost.
He says he sells almost everything at cost and any profit goes to "fund the operation", but I bet he's rolling in $$
Why wouldn't you watch Alex Jones? The only argument people like this mongoloid are these macro images of water filters as if professionally produced shows don't need advertisement.
The alternative would be to get your dose of political blue pills from mainstream media with ads for anti-depressants.
William pierce is much better
Trust me, my dad works at Alex Jones.
You've been making some very comfy posts today lad keep it up.
I listen to him often too, just to hear how nuts he actually is. He's right about some things, but when it comes to conspiracys like spraying the sky and shootings entirely faked its crazy
all you need to know about AJ and any libertarian is that they only care about money.
they are basically white jews.
Ditch Alex and just start pulling news from multiple sources and constructing your own narrative.
Watching a jew plant are out of your mind?
Drop it, he plays with your mind and paranoia. I remember watching him rant that Jade Helm will result in some horrible millitary coup...and as you can guess nothing happened. He always pumping up heat, expectations and fear like those faggots who create happening threads evey time some nobody says something on twitter. And in the end you waste your time and nerves.
Infowars is one of the only new sources that you can even take seriously nowadays. Alex isn't controlled by globalists like every other major site so he's able to report the truth and not the narrative.
Wait... people here unironically watch Alex Jones? G-guys?
I do that too
yeah... but watching the whole 3 hrs... I fell it's just too much man
No doubt. I feel bad we don't have anyone like him here in Bresil
Alex Jones is pretty funny because I think he has actually be realistically red-pilled. Like when he started he was 100% into the conspiracy shit, in the last 2 years he's softened and is incorporation a lot real legit stuff. It's still about 60/40 but it's an interesting change, possibly because globalism is now a recognised issue
basically this.
I actually do like Alex Jones, but his memes are hilarious.
yeah. And he's got a great personality and presence. A true showman... it's fun as hell to watch
Same here. I used to avoid him and couldn't stand his voice and then I started watching clips on youtube and now I watch his show everday and the nightly news
Once in a while,
His fun compilations are just gold.
>start pulling news from multiple sources
>from 95% of "good goy" articles
You are going to get a bad narrative if you shiggydiggy.
The man overdosed on the red pill and it shattered his sanity. He has learned things man was not meant to know.
Remember that this is the man who literally snuck into Bohemian Grove (secret club of the elite) and filmed them doing their satanic rituals.
I watched the memes and tough he was just a wacko.
But then you see that, while he certainly exaggerates stuff, a lot of what he says ends up being correct
Thou shalt make the first post, and it shall be the best post.
Nigel 3:17 - Book of Kek.
No user, you just became woke asf.
>Dark Secrets inside Bohemian Grove
I can't watch that again, the ritual is 2spooky4me
Bless you Alex for taking these demons on
I mainly listen to The Daily Shoah, Ben Shapiro, and Gavin McCinnes..
Don't listen to Alex goyim, CNN has got you covered with honest, reliable news.
No, on the contrary, you are breaking the conditioning.
the ritual seems to be usual rich american faggotry, like fraternity house stuff desu
I know what conviction sounds like, and those people had it.
You're going to have to try harder, demon.
And your demonic Mandela syndrome misquoting powers aren't going to help you either
What did they mean by this?
honestly cant listen to him for more than 5 minutes
Alex Jones is my favorite tv/internet news guy. Definitely red pilled. Nobody is perfect but he is the closest. Very interesting/truthful news with a lot of humor to make me laugh which is important. I love when he goes crazy
I can't take him seriously. Not that he's entirely wrong, I just can't take a guy seriously who feels he should do a whole segment on opening pickle jars. And he's completely obnoxious.
Guess he's gotta fill those 3+ hrs every day
Yes. Watch something better.
>Fund the operation
>Global transmission
I love it when he says that shit
AJ rocks, he is way better than the MSM.
What he isnt underground enough for you, what you think he shouldnt make money? Fuck you
TIL my father has lost it
I think he just do what he needs... It's quite a miracle what he manages to do really
It's too late, user. You're on the slippery slope. Abandon all hope.
>calls frogs, toads and jars, cans
>Daily Shoah
fucking garbage
>ben shapiro
not terrrible
>Gavin McInnes
pretty bad
the cognitive dissonance is strong with these two. both fairly smart when it comes to everything but the existence of a god.
i'll never understand why people actually like the daily shoah. i guess if saying "cuck" and "dindu" is the epitome of comedy to you it's pretty good.
the fatherland is good, though.
Trevor Noah has not uttered a funny sentence in his life
>Why wouldn't you watch Alex Jones?
Because it's bullshit. If you actually believe his conspiracy theories, you have to be at least semi-retarded. There is no way even one non-schizophrenic knowledgable person buys into his rubbish.
You don't have to believe everything he says you know. He's been tuning down a lot of the conspiracy btw
good, Jones is some quality entertainment
What about Olavo de Carvalho?
Sure, he's great, but he's a philosopher, not a reporter.
But True Outspeak gave me the same feeling I have when I watch Alex Jones.
Again, on Olavo, I loved to watch his 'True Outspeak' shows many years ago.
Back then, it had like 200 views on youtube. It was great, it seemed like you're involved some type of underground resitance to the new world order.
Kek, exactly what was about to write. Too bad he's stopped doing them. It was amazing
i honestly hate all the other people who host except maybe Rob Dew and I don't mind Guciardi that much
I like David Knight a lot because he's very eloquent and professional, Paul is really repetitive when he doesn't have a script and it gets really tedious.
Guciardi is on so infrequently and Alex pokes fun of him so much (pic related) that I'm sure Alex must have not forgiven him for all that shit he spewed a few years back.
In fact, I bet most people know him as "The Yerba Mate guy" because he's only ever in the commercials except for once every few months.
But isn't that capitalism? Nothing about "funding the operation" excludes making a paycheck for his family, cuz.
T. Everyday at work listener
Alex Jones is indeed breaking the conditioning
Things he says I don't agree with
>fake sandy hook
Things he says I do agree with
>the elites are going to summon demon "ai" into robot bodies
Life is funny sometimes.
He never said domestic invasion. But you'd have to be a nut to not be worried about clandestine operations within your own country.
You're retarded. The globalists has always been the number 1 enemy, he's been talking about it for 20 years. You're a fucking clueless pretentious know-it-all who can't deal with the fact that Alex was right so you construct a fantasy in your head in which you were right all along and that it was Alex that recently changed, not you. And you're so full of yourself that you actually eat your own bullshit.
And the "fraternity house stuff" is based on the ancient osirian cycle, and freemason doctrines.
CONNECT THE DOTS, these people rape babies and worship phallic monoliths
trump wins
He's a decent news source and an even better entertainer.
I used to watch it everyday too, kind of ironically though, until i had a dream with him
In the dream i kind of met him in the streets so i would say "Oh Alex man, great fan, your show really helped me see the truth" in a cheeky way, and asked him to stay around so i could show him to my friends and make him tell a funny conspiratorial story
But then he started to get really clingy and weird and asked me on the verge of tears how did his show helped me, and if i had changed my dietary supplementary habits to fight the NWO hormonal war. So i told him it really did open my eyes to the NWO but he wanted to know if i was taking Super Male Vitality so i said no and he got really sad and starting saying how all he was doing was to help in the chemical warfare, like the news he told were not important, only that you believed them and filtered your water, the real war was fought by manipulating the population's chemical balance, and he had to instill fear in people to get them to listen to him, otherwise they wouldn't.
So we took him home cause he was depressed and mess, he kind of got anxious and starting sperging to some chicks we had around, so we tooked him home and he lived in this weird metallic apartment complex that looked like an alien prision, (his room was the biggest), and slept in an isolation chamber, like there was nothing in his room, only the isolation chamber in the middle, everything in rust-af looking metal
Then, without Jones, we got into a zeppellin and had an air-orgy
alex jones and pjw are too pussy to name the jew though they probably are very aware
Look at these guys, they'll never push some pussy kike gun control law.
yeah, I feel the same way. He's totally nuts on lots of things, but even when he goes on his crazy conspiracy rants they are entertaining as fug