Is he really as smart as everyone claims he is?

Is he really as smart as everyone claims he is?

discount mike stoklasa

he was before the xanax

If you are generally quiet then people think you're smart. Multiply this by being rich and famous and you're a genius.

I'm sure he said on his podcast recently he took Xanax when he first started performing because he had panic attacks.

I mean, it's well established that he's well read. Lots of Russian literature, etc. However, I don't particularly equate being well read with being intelligent.

> I don't particularly equate being well read with being intelligent.

he's smart but not as smart as some of his fans would have you believe. artie has said that he's a real whiz with numbers though.

evidence for high intelligence:
> won 500K on Millionaire, could have gotten 1Mil
> Has lived his entire life without ever driving a car. How is this evidence? Try it
> Poker player. "Successful" or no, you can only really do this long term if you're very smart.
> Excellent joke writer.
that's all I got

I understand why he did not go for it and Regis was kinda right in that it goes for charity, but I really wish he did
>Won mostly on incorrectly thinking Regis knew the answer and trying to read him

filling your mind with the words of others does not immediately grant the required knowledge to understand and use said words to better yourself or the world around you

not that some fedoraposting retard knows the first thing about intelligence

This. There are episodes of Adventure Time and Rick & Morty that are as deep and profound as any book out there, and I am probably 5x smarter than Norm MacDonald and the only books I've ever read are The Dark Knight and Metal Gear Solid novelizations. Norm is a Christian so he must be an idiot.

Artie? Of the Artie and Anthony Show fame?

Norm is the only Hollywood comedian that's slyly open about being redpilled on the holohoax. I have absurd respect for him with being as open about the absurdity of the holocaust lie and his adoration for the NSDAP and Hitler as he's been able to. He knows the Jewish Supremacist elites, especially in Hollywood, are some of the worst people imaginable, and that's why he's always stayed on the sidelines and never really sold his soul and stayed true to himself.

Over-praising "The Russians" in general is a mark of a mallgoth trying hard to sound deep. Not saying they're not good for the record

Shitposting aside, is Norm really a Christian?

Yes, he's Catholic, and a rare NSDAP sympathetic Catholic at that. Although there was that one Bishop who got in hot water for calling out the holocaust lie. Maybe that's how Norm started questioning it too.

>Extremely well read (not just Russian lit like the other post said, American lit too)
>Supposedly good with numbers
He isn't very educated but he is very very smart

maybe. he says he thinks there's a god but doesn't know his nature and that he respects christianity and judaism.

>NSDAP sympathetic
his ex wife and son are jewish and he's constantly talking about his love for dangerfield, rickles, and other jews.

>his ex wife and son are jewish and he's constantly talking about his love for dangerfield, rickles, and other jews.

And? I think Hitler did nothing wrong and the Holocaust is a lie and I still like Seinfeld and Larry David. You do know there were plenty of Jews in the Wehrmacht, right? One of Hitler's best friends was a Jew.

Are you fucking retarded?

>Has lived his entire life without ever driving a car. How is this evidence? Try it
It's a little late for me to try that. I've already driven a car in my life. Could you just explain it?


lauren quit the podacast.
the chippa lost his babe

Well it's hard to keep track of what well-established historical events that clearly happened you are denying. You deny the holocaust, do you also deny that the Nazis were incredibly anti-semitic and viewed Jews as subhumans? If you don't also deny this basic historical fact then doesn't it seem odd that he'd marry and procreate with someone he considered to be a subhuman?

They were viewed as parasites, because they are.

Surprise dumbfuck, history is more nuanced than your Jewed up bullshit public school education led you to believe.

How does it feel to be that fucking stupid?

He's on Dean Martin level minus the signing voice.

He's smart, but tends to surround himself with idiots and thus gets challenged very little.


Why does he takes Xanax?

>Russian classics

the only one trying hard here is you bud

The Jim Carey episode was really fucking uncofortable to watch. Jim isn't a very nice person to be around, Norm looked genuinely scared a couple of times.

This post is a work of art. Immaculate shitposting.
You made browsing Sup Forums tonight a real treat. Thanks, man.

I love you

Norm's brother is a respected journalist up here in Canada. Smarts seem to run in the family.

I've seen a couple things, you know, a couple things here and there. Like, uh, for example here, you know what I saw once? You know what I saw? I saw, and this is a true story, I saw, on fire, off the shoulder of Orion, ATTACK SHIPS. I watched


glitter in the dark near the the Tannhäuser Gate.

Stop laughing; this is serious. I saw c-beams glittering, attack, all these moments, you know, they're gonna be lost like, uh, like tears in rain. Like when you're crying, you know, in the rain, and people can't see the tears on account of your face already being wet, you know, because of the rain.

Well, time to die.

>I think Hitler did nothing wrong

oh so you're an idiot

more nuanced then the garbage you get from stormfront, too lmao