Maybe they just should've pulled a Force Awakens and rehashed the original instead of whatever the hell this was supposed to be. Three people walked out while I was watching. I'm the type to stay until the end but it did not pay off. This does not touch the original. That was a move with an actually entertaining story in addition to having philosophical themes that make you think.
Maybe they just should've pulled a Force Awakens and rehashed the original instead of whatever the hell this was...
*that was a movie with an actually entertaining story
Seen the movie
Walked out with hate and anger
4 days later calmed down. Accepted it
Wanna watch the movie again
>Maybe they just should've pulled a Force Awakens and rehashed the original
fuck off
force awakened sucked, which is probably why a year later everyone was acting like Rogue One was so much better, even though it too sucked
These rehashes are lazy but god damn if this isn't even worse. This movie barely had a story. Better to copy the story of a superior story then to waste almost three hours of people's time for nothing.
Why didn't Luv kill K when she had the chance?
OP here and I'm aware they sucked, even the prequels were better. Focus on my point here. 2049 did not know wtf it was doing, this was a colossal fuckup especially since I was actually looking forward to this unlike SJW wars. Even Tron: Legacy did the sequel thirty years later thing better.
>it's better for filmmakers to go the extremely safe cashgrab route instead of trying to do something new and original
People like you are responsible for the current degenerate soulless studio infested state of the film industry
What didn't you like about 2049?
*of a superior movie
How was it a colossal fuckup? What's wrong with it?
I don't think trying out new things and ideas is the problem. The problem here is the new ideas they came up with for the sequel were all pretty fucking stupid.
Luv doesn't want to just kill K, if that was true then she wouldn't kiss him, she wouldn't say "I'm the best"
Luv was the exact mirror of K, and her relationship to Wallace mirrors K's relationship to both the LAPD and the Resistance. For K, his identity is formed wholly by his role as blade runner for the LAPD. Within his role, he had purpose and his whole identity is forged by it as an external force. For Luv, her identity is wholly formed by her role as Wallace's "best angel." K is satisfied in his fantasy with Joi, which Luv doesn't have, and he is subsequently able to evolve and channel his fantasies through her ("You're special," etc) whereas Luv's specialness is all from Wallace.
She simultaneously fears him and can't leave him because he gives her purpose and she relishes being The Best One. While she is clearly upset and traumatized by his actions, he is the only thing that gives her identity, same as the LAPD. Luv is a reflection of what K would be like without Joi. Wallace is all Luv has, for better or worse, and that's her whole world. She struggles against it the entire movie while K feels comfortable within his fantasy as an outlet.
When Luv destroys Joi, it's possibly out of jealousy for what K has that she lacks. At that point she is fully reaffirmed in her identity, while it shatters K. This is why the Resistance helps form his identity as well as that of a free replicant. The choice is his to remain a slave to his fantasy and former life, or become a slave to a movement where he loses his sense of self. Within the resistance they all had his dreams, they all think they're special like K. Ultimately he is allowed a choice, and goes with an alternative to both. Luv never got the choice at all, and where she frees K by breaking him down with killing Joi, this is what ultimately locks her into her own identity and sense of self for good. She fully becomes Wallace's best angel despite her dissonance with him.
Stfu you pretentious fuck, this had the cgi Rachel and everything. It was a disgrace to the memory of the original. And Blade Runner is a franchise so by definition this movie was safe. Give my a cyberpunk movie not attached to something, something actually brand new and original. I will pay good IMAX money to go see that. Otherwise fuck off with your lame attempts at moviemaking.
OP here again, this guy gets it. The rest of you don't.
>this had the cgi Rachel and everything
What everything? So far you haven't said a single actual argument, just a bunch of "it's bad because it's bad" whining. And using CGI in that scene is perfect because she isn't Rachel but a copy of Rachel.
And in some departments the new one is definitely better, for example the romantic subplot of K and his virtual waifu is ten times more genuinely emotionally investing and moving than the absolutely flat romance with non existent chemistry we got from Deckard and Rachel in the original.
This is pretty much a non disputable fact.
Also Blade Runner 2049 was far better than the original, unless you're in for the action, which should always be secondary to conveying a meaning.
2049 story was way better than the original, but OP is probably too dumb to understand it.
The story they wanted to tell (Deckard has a kid) could've been told in such a far better fashion. Everything was just so awkward, the pacing, the pointless hologram girlfriend (couldn't he have developed a thing for the hooker instead). The fact that the lead guy is pretty much useless. The slooow pacing. The original was straightforward, he hunts down replicants, ends up getting saved by one, falls in love with another one, and escapes with her. Perfect sci-fi movie. 2049 was a mistake. What comes to mind is Drive compared to Only God Forgives. I remember everybody defending that OGF trash but really the movie just sucked and lacked the simpler and better plot Drive had.
Nope. It was objectively better than the original. The fact that you wish it was more like Force Awakens is proof that you're an idiot. You should have walked out with the other plebs. I'm glad there's a mainstream movie that wasn't trying to please mindless fanboys.
A replicant is still supposed to resemble a real human being. This is the same excuse they gave for Tron: Legacy. "Well it's all a simulation so the younger version of him is supposed to look fake". Absolute fucking bullshit. They need to take their uncanny valley nonsense and shove it.
>everything was awkward
You're a retard
>the main character was useless
Except for the part where he drove the entire story
>it should have been a rehash
Stick to Transformers and capeshit
Blade Runner 2049 is to Blade Runner what Star Wars: The Force Awakens is to Star Wars. What slowly starts out as a quiet, small journey of discovery quickly devolves into an epic miscalculation that ultimately equals nothing. Propelled by an unhealthy misconception of what the original Blade Runner was which is a grimey, intimate meditation on desolation and loneliness—, Blade Runner 2049 meanders on majestically like an orchestra without a conductor. Where it tries to be epic, it exposes its emptiness. Where it tries to be clever, it flashes a lack of ambition
I wasn’t disappointed in Blade Runner 2049 because it failed to replicate the dreamlike vibe of the original but because its replicants disappeared beneath gorgeous images and shallow philosophy
Oh, you're just dumb. I thought you'd make an interesting point.
this film is literally a pleb filter my nigger.
4 people walked out when I saw it too. I looked at them to see how they looked like, and you know what?
they looked like literal retards. you know how you can tell if a person isn't very bright by just looking at them? that's how these people looked. like actual peasants, lowest of the low
throughout the movie I could only think of one thing:
WOW, I can't believe a studio gave a director this much money to practically shit all over the majority of the population.
it was uncompromisingly brutal in its approach. no remorse or pity for the average movie goer. the frustration those people that walked out must've felt not understanding what they're watching and not having the strength to sit still for a few hours was making my dick DIAMONDS.
10/10 movie just for that desu
>for example the romantic subplot of K and his virtual waifu is ten times more genuinely emotionally
virgin NEET detected, must hit close to home for you huh
Whoa, nice agumentation there. Let me try that.
You're a retard, stick to the other awful shit they make now.
Wow, fucking great debating bro.
>The story they wanted to tell (Deckard has a kid)
That's not the story you dumb mongoloid, that's just a plot point, the story is entirely about K from beginning to end.
>Everything was just so awkward
Not an argument.
>the pointless hologram girlfriend (couldn't he have developed a thing for the hooker instead
Why is she pointless? How could he develop a thing for a literal hooker he knows in mere minutes, instead of his holo gf which he knows entirely
>The slooow pacing.
What's bad about that? The original had slow pacing also, that ENHANCE ENHANCE ENHANCE scene is literally just Ford sitting in a chair saying enhance zoom in for 10 minutes straight, but I don't see you complaining about that.
You still haven't formed a single coherent valid argument, still just a bunch of "it's bad because it's bad" whining. Embarassing.
>virgin NEET detected, must hit close to home for you huh
You're straight up lying if you say that you enjoyed or even remember the utterly flat romance between Deckard and Rachel in the original.
Delusional dumb nostalgiafag.
>Nope. It was objectively better than the original. The fact that you wish it was more like Force Awakens is proof that you're an idiot. You should have walked out with the other plebs. I'm glad there's a mainstream movie that wasn't trying to please mindless fanboys.
>2049 story was way better than the original, but OP is probably too dumb to understand it.
You plebs are still around. I remember when this board praised Avengers. I remember when they claimed Force Awakens and Jurassic World were better than the originals.
Wtf is wrong with you people. Get some taste. And by the way the plot is pretty damn easy to get. This isn't an intellectual masterpiece, look elsewhere for that. Deckard has a daughter. They could've just told the thing in a way less boring way.
Did you like Blade Runner 2049?
>You plebs are still around
>Wtf is wrong with you people
>Get some taste
wow nice highly eloquent arguments, you sure did convince me how this film is not as good as I thought
It was great until Ford shows up. Overall i'd say it's a good 7/10, but I have to see it again.
Thanks for the explanation.
This board isn't contrarian at all by the way, it seems like every major new release gets praised for the first few weeks. Star Wars, Jurassic blank, Blade Runner. Is this some sort of shilling operation? I think I'm starting to get the picture.
And you are still the same jeff that relentlessly shilled in favor of TFA and the same jeff from all the years before?
Not dumb enough to use a moniker on an anonymous site you genius.
"Boring" is not a valid argument, it only says what your mood was while watching the film.
Same as saying "it was fun", that does not indicate anything about the actual quality of the film whatsoever.
And first you say how the original was simple and "straightforward", and now you're using the same argument for the new one but it should be somehow an argument against the film?
Make up your brainlet mind my friend.
TFA was hated right from the release. Jurassic World was hated before the release, during the release and after the release.
And BR2049 is praised and will be talked about for years and years on Sup Forums, you keep being a delusional fag all you want
Don't make stuff up newfag. You weren't even here two years ago? If you even brought up TFA being a rehash you would get flooded with "better than the original" comments. Same story seems to be repeating itself ITT, but instead of it being a rehash and sucking the movie just sucks.
*leans forward*
It all makes sense now. Paid for shills. I knew it.
>no answer
>check the archive
>yes it is the same one
So it's true then. The Force Awakens trains you to watch and praise Bladerunner 2049
>TFA was hated right from the release.
Lmao no it wasn't
The trip I'm replying to was one of its biggest shills you fucking newshit
I'm saying the main plot point was easy to understand you moron. The way it was told was all over the place and lacked proper direction. Jaws is about hunting a killer shark. They could've spent two hours and forty five minutes showing a guy looking for shark teeth if they took the 2049 approach or they could've gotten to the point and hunted the shark.
I cringed
>Jaws is about hunting a killer shark.
Yes, and BR 2049 is about a replicant trying to find his own identity. Now how do you "just get to the point" of that without flashing out the story?
No just plebs as has stated. We'll see the real shilling(assuming it doesn't make enough back from the theatrical run) around the time the bluray/itunes release happens.
Just like Dredd
>be me (28)
>watch BR2047 3pm 2d in small cinema
>40 people tops, theatre 2/3s full
>noone younger than 25
>throughout the film hear gasps, a couple of laughing scenes (dog) and alot of "wows" after the film is over
Gotta love living in the first world.
Don't even bother my man, these monkey dick waving kids will call you a brainlet and shitter defending this turd of a movie.
The Original doesn't have a story
>Deckard you will kill these replecants
>Deckard kills replecants
I preferred BR2049 over Blade Runner in all honesty.
This is the type of people that comment on this board. I'm not even surprised.
most people not blinded by nostalgia do
If only roy had been the main character
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Blade Runner 2049. The plot is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of epistemology and artificial intelligence most of it will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also K's existentialist outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Vladimir Nabokov's literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these scenes, to realize that they're not just visually stunning- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Blade Runner 2049 truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the profundity in K's baseline catchphrase "Within cells interlinked," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Denis Villeneuve's genius unfolds itself on their theatre screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Blade Runner tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
Take your fucking ritalin before watching movies, then.
That scene is great.
Blade Runner is entirely carried by its visuals, cinematography, score, and basically everything that isn't the story. The story of the original Blade Runner has no mystery, no guessing, nothing. You're passively watching the entire movie because the entire plot is told at the very beginning and you're simply watching it unfold.
That doesn't mean its bad, but to say the original story was entertaining is not how I view it. I enjoy bladerunner to take in the visuals and the universe. The look of every scene is, without much exaggeration, art. Its like you're watching a moving painting with about the same amount of story
What exactly is wrong with that? The film came out in 82 which is a more than a decade before you were born and CSI type meme shows that do it
I tend to like good movies like TFA
would've given you a 2/10 for effort but since it's just an adaptation I'll only give you a you
ITT virgins get mad that adults don't like a bad movie.
When I see arguments on Sup Forums that are almost word-for-word ripped off from some YouTube dipshit, I have to wonder why I should even bother.
Believe it or not, that is how almost all movies are structured. You are aware that there is a goal, most times you know what that goal is, and by virtue of the lead being the main character, nine times out of ten he is going to achieve that goal. The mystery is in the first viewing, cunt. Just because every second of the film has been picked apart a million times online does not mean that at one point, it wasn't mysterious. You want to know why Roy and gang are on Earth, you wonder what Deckard is going to do when he finds Roy, you wonder what is going to happen to Rachael, you wonder about a lot of shit.
The Lord of the Rings isn't made pointless because you know they've got to walk their asses to Mount Doom and destroy the fucking ring. The point is the journey, and if you think the only substance a journey has is the visuals, then you're honestly missing out on 95% of all media you consume.
Meh, it wasn't amazing but neither was the first blade runner either. I think most people just have extreme nostalgia glasses about it. It had all the key elements of a neo-noir with the sound track and cinematography, but in this movie it centers more around the emotional conflict of the protagonist trying to find meaning in life/death rather than the quasi existential themes of first film dealing with what counts as a "real"
It still has an existentialist theme in that regard, it just isn't as prominent. Also, the fact that there are 4 different variations of the femme fatale in the film and that they obviously had female writers write the lines of the female characters (in that they were noticeably more shit) is a bit jarring.
>Don't pay attention to the people that disagree with you
What a pussy faggot
This just tells me that there should have been a shorter and far easier version for the american public and this kino version for the true connoisseurs.
>good movies like TFA
Here's the (You) now fuck off.
Fuck off nigger shill. Go defend your shit flick.
>normies and plebs everywhere walking out
>They cant understand the ending let alone even follow the story as it moves along without holding their hand
>box office flop
These are all signs that a movie will be great and remembered
>saw it on a tuesday night which is cheap movies night so theatertically a lot of teenagers show up
>room was about 70% full
>teenage couple sitting in the row behind me, could hear them running their hands across eachother for the entire movie
>a couple got up and left in the 120 min mark for some reason
When the film reached it's last act, specifically all the stuff with [spolier]Wallace trying to extract the information out of Deckard with the fake Rachele and the kino lighting coming across his face[/spoiler] I felt relived. Because I knew that nobody in this production had buckled to trying to appease the lowest common denominator.
I legitimately overheard dumb roasties leaving the theater complaining that it was too boring. It's all too typical
not an argument
you're so much fun