Is The Room truly the best bad movie? Is there nothing else that compares?
Is The Room truly the best bad movie? Is there nothing else that compares?
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Why would you step on a girl before throwing her out of the pocket? Cells.
Blow with Johnny Depp is literally the worst movie I have ever seen.
Wiseau has the quality that makes bad directors great: he cares about the shit he shoots.
Troll 2 is a great terrible movie for the same reasons.
Meanwhile who ares about Postal when even the director knows its shit.
Weather "The Room" is truly the best bad subject is purely subjective. Personally I think Manos and Fateful Findings are better bad movies. What makes it stand out is the mythos behind the creation and Tommy's personality
>Thinking Wiseau is anywhere near Niel's level of Breenius
what makes the room great is the fact that tommy wiseau is retarded and every aspect of the film reflects how retarded he is. the film is a perfect encapsulation of retardation.
>mfw no Samurai Cop
i thought that was the most brilliant movie of all time as a kid.
Greasy Strangler is good challenger for the Room
Well, the behind scenes story of Manos is pretty fucked, too
The best bad movies are the ones that are entertaining all the way through. It also helps if they're at least a little ambitious. I've seen a lot of bad movies but very few have funny scenes all the way until the end like The Room.
is there a documentary on it or something?
i thought that was an intentionally bad film by dirty hipsters. those annoy me. it seems like cheating.
This one is pretty great:
You can literally skip to anywhere in the movie and there is something that will make you chuckle
the new season of mst3k does that movie. there are parts that are almost funny, but they never really do the movie justice.
Ehh, some dummy dentist wanted to make a horror movie. The only crazy thing was Torgo was on acid the entire shoot, which in 1966 was standard hippie behavior., though he did kill himself shortly after production. I do like that he was wearing goat legs the entire movie they just never showed on camera and thats why he has the weird walk.
Apparently he wore the goat legs backwards causing extreme lasting pain that led to his suicide. That's what makes the backstory amazing, the movie was so shit that it killed an actor.
I think the terrible pacing and clumsy editing make everything seem so awkward and weird. Even shots and scenes that wouldn't/shouldn't be funny and would normally just look cheaply made.
Not that i know of
>some dummy dentist
Really? Didn't he sell fertilizer?
Well the problem is probably not. If the movie still watchable start to finish then it cant be the worst movie. Maybe the worse movie that passed itself off as a legit theatrical movie.
those sons of bitches :DDD
those motherFUCKERS >:(((
I think it's actually a good movie by accident rather than a bad movie.
It's the best movie Lynch never directed.
It's a good comedy by accident.