What is Sup Forums's opinion on Drag Queens as opposed to faggots and trans?
What is Sup Forums's opinion on Drag Queens as opposed to faggots and trans?
Absolute cancer
It's always been there. Problems begin when you start taking playing dress-up seriously.
Dag queens ARE faggots.
>dress up as clown while pretending to have vagina
Much much MUCH worse.
Fire up the ovens.
RuPaul Drag Race used to be my guilty pleasure. The new seasons are cancer. Now they all open their mouth about politics and I can't stand it. They are also all degenerates. It's hard to look pass it anymore.
Drag queen culture is hard-hitting and real. You guys wouldn't know, because you don't expose yourself to it, but as someone who finds the gay culture very entertaining, drag queens take themselves very seriously (although their emotions get retarded at times) but they stand up for what they believe. One of the least pussy communities in the world desu senpai.
even worse than faggots and trans. send them to an islamic country. they know how to cure this.
I wanna fuck one real bad because it seems like it'd be a lot of fun and it would be easier to call "no homo" than with a regular faggot.
Drag queens were a prequel to the pharmaceutical/insurance scam pushing trannies.
They're also one reason I don't go to gay bars.
They are the same.
As long as you don't make me finance your lifestyle via taxes and not shove it in anyone's face or force them to accept it, go for it.
Although I do tell my younger siblings that they're just mentally ill and it's not normal so they don't end up supporting them.
they are faggots who like to play dress up and make up, but are not crazy like trans, and most of them dislike the lgbt movement and just want to be left alone. i have more respect for a drag queen than a crazy trans.
At least they are completely self-aware and won't try to pass their lifestyle as normal or completely acceptable.
WTF is the difference between CD and a tranny?
Is it that CD's are not trying to pass, where a trans is?
No homo, but top tier CD's are usually more attractive than fucked up looking TS's.
>if not b8, i feel bad for you son
Stfu faggot hahahahahahaha
Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!
With his passing let the unravelling of worlds commence!
Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!
May we fill many fertile Deer with our tadpoles.
Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts.
Let Kek be known, let Kek be shown.
Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!
With his passing let the unravelling of worlds commence!
Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!
May we fill many fertile Deer with our tadpoles.
Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts.
Let Kek be known, let Kek be shown.
Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!
With his passing let the unravelling of worlds commence!
Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!
May we fill many fertile Deer with our tadpoles.
Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts.
Let Kek be known, let Kek be shown.
Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!
Just faggots being faggots.
If they stayed out of public sight like in the old days I'd go back to pitying them, instead of hating them.
generally drag queens are more about extremely over the top looks and views of femininity. Tons of make up, ridiculous hair, etc
CD is really just a less extreme version of drag queens who enjoy the occasional dress-up. Most of the time this is, generally, a sexual fetish rather than a "im a woman" thing.
Trannies are just that...transexual. They have the complete desire to be another sex in both body and mind. Commonly believe they "are" women and just want their body to match their expectations of themselves. While most CDs tend to be gay (or closet gays), trannies can be straight or gay. Its basically outside the bedroom and completely life-consuming rather than just a fetish.
So it's just a spectrum of degenerate behavior?
>mentally ill person believing they were born in the wrong gender and trying force the whole world into their fantasy
>dude enjoying some woman clothes during his free time
Trannies/transsexual actually want to change their bodies to become the other sex
Crossdressers and drag queens usually just have a fetish. Some take it to a full-time level, some others just keep it private or only take it with them to the local gay bar/club.
drag queens at least don't pretend they arn't degenerate so theres at least that.
all of them belong in the oven but at least drag queens will call others of their kind on their shit.
better then trannies with hurf derf i'mma gurl when they arn't and won't ever be.
Couldn't care less
Let they do what they want, why should we intervene?
I personally find them pretty dedicated people. Interesting, really
oh crap the cult is spilling everywhere, it can't be contained anymore.
That's basically just life, but yes.
Drag Queens, generally, are less about it being a fetish than CDs. Personally, none of it really bothers me. Because its straight forward and pretty simple. If you want to tuck your dick into your panties and say your names Jane...It doesnt really impact my life.
But trying tell me I'm racist/sexist/etc because I just assume that you are a woman, and not a gender-fluid fairyqueen is what pisses me off.
the fuk is the difference?
>doesn't know how to use meme arrows
>expects me to take him seriously
Offensive to women. Femininists should oppose.
Drag queens never encroach on public life and freedom, unlike their tranny counterparts who insist on being treated "like normal" while also insisting on not being normal. Sure, they're the progenitors of that form of mental illness, but they stick to their own communities and deal with the problems they've made for themselves without demanding solutions from real people.
They're still faggots.
I think they are real unlike those traps that actually look like women. With drag queens you know exactly what they are.
They are good preformers, mind all the degeneracy.
It takes work to do the kind of shit they do.
> t.faggot
>Drag queens never encroach on public life
you have clearly never lived in a major metropolitan area
It varies, a lot.
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