Why did she want the D from a person, for all she knew, was a peasant?
Why did she want the D from a person, for all she knew, was a peasant?
Every woman constantly wants sex from all men. The only exception is if she thinks it gets in the way of her getting a higher status male.
Because he was the only man for miles who looked like he'd bathed that year.
>for all she knew, was a peasant
Aragorn was not only a top tier numenorean-looking chad, he wore the ring of Barahir and carried Andúril (aka the reforged Narsil) which might aswell have been a badge of office telling everyone he was the rightful king of Gondor and Arnor.
Don't know, but I'd gladly have sexual relations with Miranda Otto, if you know what I am saying.
I always wondered why she went for Faramir instead of Merry
Aragorn certainly doesn't look like someone who has bathed in a year
when will they learn
>Faramir instead of Merry
Make an educated guess
Why do they want the D from a person, for all they know, is a peasant?
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Without either Sup Forums jealousy nor cuck baiting: why DO white women love poor brownies so much?
Even if you ignore everything else about Aragorn that's a dead giveaway like his priceless elven necklace, just being in the company of an elf and a dwarf means you probably aren't a peasant.
Because being nice to poor brown people makes others think you're a good person, increasing your social standing. The people who'd actually vote in favour of more immigration pretty much never live in the suburbs that have to deal with it. They live in perfectly white areas and only have middle-class friends.
I think they like being on camera and being told they are virtuous.
For the likes and upvotes.
Did you ignore the part where she says Theoden told her how Aragorn was already a known war hero to the people of Rohan since decades ago?
Aragorn is a fucking celeb for many reasons. The fact that he's the heir of Elendil is well known (in courts, anyway), and he carries several heirlooms of that dynasty.
besides white trash dregs they really don't
>top tier numenorean-looking chad
Just thinking about people on that setting calling each other Chads blows my sides.
consensual or otherwein?
Swecuck here. Bingo. They don't want to live near them, or socialize with them or go to the same places they go. They're only ostensibly "tolerant" and anti-racist. If we lived under Nazi rule and they could get FB likes for ratting out jews in hiding they would do that, they're useful idiots. Social standing is the most important thing to them, they have no individual thoughts or ideals on the matter.
Doesn't matter.
Yo Pewds. Loved the cooking video
>why did this girl fall for the badass who strode in with his pimp squad and helped rescue her dad from the clutches of an evil wizard
women are a mystery
he didnt get anduril til later from L. Ron
I think the sword he had was elven magic quality nontheless
Film cucks out
what board do you think we're on faggot
In the books he recieves Andúril right before they leave Rivendell.
I admittedly quite liked Aragorn's very humble approach to his bloodline in the film, but in the books he's very clear about it. I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn, wielder of Andúril the Flame in the West, heir of Isildur and rightful king of Arnor and Gondor. He doesn't go on about it all the time, but compared to the film he's practically screaming it at people.
The best scene in the book is when gamling just asks them to turn in their weapons and Aragorn spergs our about giving up anduril
people like limiting this to just sex, but it's all people, all the time, about anything
Would I like to have sexual access to every woman? Uh yeah. There is a scenario where I would be okay indiscriminately fucking anything with a vagina. Is that because I am immoral? Or is it because I have an instinctual urge to procreate?
You can say women have to be choosy as a part of their instinct, and THEY ARE, but first comes the desire to fuck, then comes the desire to be choosy.
Women aren't as big of sluts as you think they are. I grew up poor and probably have the girls I knew were sluts. As in, you'd never see them with the same guy or if you did, it would last about 1-2 months and you'd never see him again.
One of my good friends used to be like this (I wouldn't touch her vagina with a 100 foot pole), but she said from 15 - 30, she probably fucked about 50-100 different guys. Which HOLY SHIT that's a lot, but that's like 7 "new" guys a year.
And if you consider she could fuck anyone she wanted to (and she did want to) and guys are always down to fuck, it's actually still pretty controlled.
Think of how many new restaurants I've eaten at in 15 years? LOL maybe 300-400? I'm not trying to excuse it because I found her sexual exploits to be disgusting, but if the tables were turned, I would actually be pretty stoked if I had fucked 100 different girls during that period.