Trump is LITERALLY worse than Hitler now!

Trump is LITERALLY worse than Hitler now!

t. The Washington Post

wew lads really rattled my neurons....

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eh, they have a point




Author's name is literally (((SHALOM))).

>guy says some "mean" things that need to be said

Trump wants to keep the Terrorists and Gangs out of our Country.

Not Arabs and Mexicans.

If you think its the latter, then you are the Racist.

They have a point.

Hitler had the balls to name the jew, trump doesn't.

Still like trump though.

Ugh I just can't even right now. I'm literally shaking.

wtf I love Hitler now

>By Shalom Auslander

its not even surprising anymore

So the Washington Post loves Hitler now?

Are they going to admit that the holocaust was a lie and that 150,000 soldiers of Hitlers army were in fact jews?

the hitler meme doesn't work anymore on trump, normies won't even post it on facebook anymore. someone has run out of ammo or has writer's block.

>implying this is real

Nice trips, Satan.

Trump has "the balls" but he had to dial down his intensity in order to reach the moderates and undecided voters.

it is fampai, and its written by a jew to boot

>WP supports shitler
Well, there goes their credibility, that that the media ever had any.

Read the article, it says how it belittles Hitler in a sense that Hitler was way worse and it's insulting to muh 6 gorillion to compare Trump to Hitler

Do you think he will ever name the jew?
I don't but crazier thing have happened in this election cycle

Fuck, it is real.

Am I getting gaslit? The title literally says don't compare them because Hitler was way worse. I don't see anything wrong with this.

Read up on Jared Kushner fampai

>Well we called him Hitler and it didn't work...
>That'll work great!
>It couldn't possibly have any negative repercussions!

Yeah, it seems like some people in the thread have misunderstood.

To be fair I thought it meant he's worse than Hitler at first. Because I half expect the liberal media to start pushing it.

How can someone that hasnt killed 6 million jews worse than Hitler?

It's two months away from the election. This is the best that they have. This is actually pathetic.

You guys can calm down.

The whole article is about how He's not even close to Hitler.

belittle is a hard word senpai. also checked.

>still their only ammunition against trump is just squealing about "MUH RAYSISM!"
>meanwhile Hillary has done more to harm blacks and Arabs than nearly anyone else in America

What is this shit. It is totally disrespectful of the 6 gorillion.


b/c they haven't killed 6 million jews

>no jews killed

>6 million jews killed

why is this author denying the holocaust?


I am guessing that's a no also

>He is most well known for purchasing the office building at 666 Fifth Avenue in 2007, for a then-record price of $1.8 billion,

Jews are satan

>Trump is LITERALLY worse than Hitler now!
i'd be alt-right with it if it were true

it's real

If you fags read the article the kike meant that comparing Trump to Hitler downplays Hitler's acts, meaning he thinks Trump is not as bad. He still shits on Trump the whole time though, but his kike blood is boiling from the objective fact that Hitler comparisons are stupid and triggering to jews.


>wahhh wahhh my clickbait title comes across exactly as i planned it to

>hitler kills millions (including six million jews supposedly)
>is now BETTER than Trump

Thank you Trump I can now gladly call myself a National Socialist.

thanks finnbro.

it's just a schlomo stressing the importance of the 6 trillion

They're quite right, you know. Hitler didn't want to turn his nation back into a butthurt monoculture. And at least Hitler could give humorous speeches. Trump is just massively raging and poorly educated retardation.

Well no shit it's clickbait, and I'm saying you're all being retarded commenting on a fucking clickbait title.

i never doubted the left's boners for any dictator, be it some commie leader or Hitler


>hill shills would defend hitler if that means they could bash trump.

Jesus, I am a NatSoc and even that was a poor defense of hitler.

>the washington kike

> let's pretend we never wrote a statement calling Trump worse than Hitler wahh wahh

kill yourself you retarded dumbfuck
we shall protocol your descend into full retard article by retarded article

This just popped up on my facefuck

They are panicking

Can't. Stump. The. Trump.

it is belittling to hitler

Hitler was actually funny, though. Just take this archival footage as a prime example. I chuckled heartily:

He's already a triple Voldemort.

>everyone I hate is opposing Trump
>this is supposed to make me vote for Clinton
How out of touch can you be?

If that's the case then find an article where they called Trump worse than Hitler and put them side-by-side in paint. If you have nothing better to do than be defensive over sperging out at a literal clickbait article title then stop posting, you fucking fraction of Australia.

Comparing Trump to Hitler is an insult to Trump. Hitler was a loser who threw away every advantage he had.

here's the article

Post the whole thing, goy

What comes after worse than hitler? Can you guess how low can we go?

>hitler didnt drink
>trump doesnt drink

Just what else is drumpf hiding? Does he have some sort of "final" solution too?

> I called Mitt Romney a nutjob so I will respect and support his political will now, t. lefty


First the fake body double shit now this. Is this some psy-ops shit to make true Sup Forumstards leave? Or was Sup Forums always this retarded?

Libs liking Hitler? Doesn't surprise me.

You people are retarded. Did you even read the article? (((Shalom))) says that trump is no where NEAR as bad as Hitler, which is why comparing trump to him reduces the impact that Hitler had on Europe.

you guys are dumb, the article says hitler is much worse than trump

>Shalom Auslander

Ausposting yet again.

fuck off, shalom

leftists love their dictatorship, see their obsession with Islam and commie dystopias

He is worse than Hitler. He has no plans to march the degenerates out of town.


>acknowledge title is clickbait
>keep buying into it anyway

>Hey, alt-WRONG! Take this!

They're using a Trump tactic called "overselling the deal". If you say "Trump isn't as bad as Hitler!" then you've conceded or subtly implied that Trump is indeed bad.

THat's how I feel when they call him Fascist. I bet they haven;t even read the Fascist manifesto let alone actually studied the philosophy

>it's a broadway show about hitler from some old movie.
I mean it isn't really hitler but I love broadway and nazism so I'll give you a you so you can have an extra dollar to spend.

You people are retarded. Did you even read the article? (((Shalom))) says that trump is no where NEAR as bad as Hitler, which is why comparing trump to him reduces the impact that Hitler had on Europe

they're gonna end up killing someone

Give it time. This anti white bullshit while celebrating their own shit skin cultures is their undoing.

Sounds like The Washington Post is a neo nazi news site

Worse. "Ausländer" is German for "foreigner". His name is pretty literally "Welcome, Immigrant".

> i d-didn't m-mean to sound like a retard in an international broadsheet. l-let's f-forget it ever happened

stay mad, Shalom

>Trump killed sixty bazillion

It's click bait, bitch. You know the intended effect even if they have to cover their ass. The message is what's important ; hardly any libs will actually read it. It's double speak.

Who knows.

I just know the anti-white shit is reachibg it's end because even normies are picking up on it.

Fuck, dude. I thought that was historical footage of the time they celebrated Hitler in the spring, like some kind of crazy Frühlingsfest. I don't understand these fucking Nazis at all now.

If you aren't CTR then actually read the article

>"And give the man credit, by the way — he’s good at it. He is, as he says, the best. The white nationalists are eating it up, and they are a tough, tough room. The guy is a fantastic con man.

But he’s no Hitler. Not even close."

At worst this articles calling him a con man. Are you getting that triggered by that?

It sounds like the washington post needs to learn about the 6,000,000,000

>unironically believes in clickbait titles
>calls others retarded

Why is the left so synchronized in melting down right now?

Did calling everyone who questioned Hillary's health a conspiracy theorist, then seeing footage of her having a seizure make them blow a gasket?

What the average reader takes from this is that if they like Donald Trump, they'd probably like this Hitler guy.

Well, let's go check out Hitler and see what he d

>10 years later

gas the kykes

Click bait is signaling. They know that's where most modern communication is happening.

lol thats what you took from the article? oh, well i guess its okay then

no sale, jewlord

Missing a few zeroes there, you stupid goy

I still can't believe Americans are actually voting for Uberhitler aka Donald Trump. It's like they can't even read, you only have to read the news to know that you have to vote for Hillary.(or Bernie, but he isn't running unfortunately) Like, I can't believe this is happening in 2016. I'm liberally shaken right now thinking about all the progress that he is going to undo.

Right, it's made to fool dumb normies while at the same time being safe from legal repercussions because it's just a bait title, which is why it's disappointing so many fucking retards here falling for it as well. Y'all niggers need Kek.

the tell tale sign it wasn't real was
>colored footage (would be rare to find any colored footage from that era)
>charlie from the chocolate factory.

Still, nazis weren't all doom and gloom, there is a rare hitler picture where he is dancing at a party.

You should watch his speeches though, even if you don't agree with him, he is a prime example of a great speaker


At what point in time?

I think maybe you don't get it. It is the left saying Trump is worse than Hitler. If anybody complained, they'd say "read the article" though they ml know out people won't, and will actually encourage the left to get more bold. Content is worthless as it's produced for the minority. The title is the true story.

>from starvation

Germans didn't kill them, the allies did by bombing supply lines.

Or "goodbye, immigrant".