Name a movie with more forgettable characters than NUwars

I mean seriously what the hell were they thinking?

Rey looks like some inbred white trash jew hybrid shrew they pulled out of the trash bonfire of a trailer park in the Deep South of Alabama

The old Star Wars had some of the most iconic actors and characters designs of all time. How is it possible you go from the best of the best to the worst of the worst

Not really forgettable characters just forgettable movies

Diversity instead of attractive people

if you didn't know who she was and I told you she's the star of one of the biggest movie franchises of all time would you believe me?

It's not even necessarily attractiveness. It's just a quality that an actor needs to really be good. I don't know exactly what it is, maybe something in the eyes but there are plenty of great looking people who don't have that quality.

RLM needs to do those interviews of people like they did with the plinkett prequels, but with nuWars. They'll get the same exact fucking answers.


I really enjoyed the character of Kylo Ren and will be watching the new one solely because of him. Don't care about literally no one else.


Anyone else almost feel sorry for Boyega and Ridley? I mean deep down they have to know they're ugly and uncharismatic shits cast simply to make a political point.

>She has a name
>Is part of the story to a point
>Remember someone saying they loved phasma
She's in the movie for like a total of 5 minutes and yet somehow she's a character in star wars that faggots know the name of

They had real culture to pull from back in the 70's, not this sterile, recycled, politically correct, lifeless trash we have today.
We are literally living in a cultural vacuum, a cultural depression/period of oppression due to SJW cancer and market forces.
Develop good taste for the sake of future generations.

Everything the Disney jew does today is calculated to the extreme, so I have to think that she was picked because of her androgynous qualities for a definite social engineering purpose.

Rogue one

Yeah dude the emo sith president of the Darth Vader fan club? The literal manifestation of angry white male nerd culture and muh sexist patriarchy?

I liked his performance, but the character and movie were pure garbage.

I can easily picture Kathleen kennedy saying "we need a Keira Kinghtley type girl". so they basically looked for a clone without even considering acting skills.

Boyega uncharismatic? Wut? Dude damn near carried the film! Ridley was a letdown and Isaac barely had any screentime, but Boyega was great. Plus, he also carried Attack of the Block.

Reminds me of Fett, but at least he was unique and did some badass shit/had a badass reputation before becoming Sarlaac food.

Phasma is literally a giant ugly dyke with chrome-plated nigger-tier trooper armor that got thrown in the trash after doing fucking nothing. At least in Game of Thrones, Brienne's character represented those few women that are naturally badasses and can keep up with the men and have to prove themselves every day to continue on. She had some charisma with Jamie, an interesting arc, and fit the role perfectly. This Phasma shit is so goddamned painfully stupid.
I would expect this behavior from 10 year old girls, but instead we get it from 35 year old feminists.

Mark Hamill was pretty obscure in 1977. That's not why TFA sucks.
It's not that the characters are forgettable. I remember them all even though I've only seen TFA once. The problem is that some are annoying and/or badly acted and most don't feel like they belong in the Star Wars universe.
I think it was a mistake to cast a British actress as the heroic lead. English accents in Star Wars mean either elitist villains or wise old protagonists. The young heroes should be burgers. It seems like a small thing, but it affects the Star Wars feel.
Also, Rey and Finn just act too "modern" for a space fairy tale. They seem like people you might run into in the line outside a London nightclub. There's a certain absence of mythic elevation. Meanwhile the OT actors (Ford, Fisher) are too old/too badly written/don't get enough screen time... they look like Ford and Fisher when they're on screen, not like Han Solo and Leia Organa.
Kylo Ren is alright. I think Driver gave the best performance out of anyone who got a decent amount of screentime.

I felt like he tried, but he came off as a spastic teenage virgin, not a defecting death squad Imperial Stormtrooper trained from birth to be a soldier. His character made zero sense to me on any level.

Can you imagine Finn's character if it were done properly? A stone-cold badass that suddenly develops a conscious when he's told to massacre countless civilians, so he Rambo's his way out of his own Star Destroyer and defects to the other side? His character should've been a turbo nog commando struggling with his place in the galaxy. I imagine someone like pic related playing him if he were younger, but naw we need a spastic young British blactor cracking stupid jokes instead.

Boyega was a fucking Marvel character throughout the film. So fucking out of place.

>Mark Hamill was pretty obscure in 1977.

>completely missing the point

One can argue that it was intended. They literally built a movie over a sentence from the original movies.
>a lot of good men died to ....
was probably a figure of speech to make an emphasis.

Never thought of it this way.
My almonds are really activated

Was there a single drop of blood in that movie? It was the hobbit all over again, massive trolls getting cleaved in two producing a cup of blood

>Finn and Phasma fight
>Finn is actually on the offensive
>When TR-8R fucking manhandled him in the last movie, with Finnusing a fucking lightsaber

Holy shit every second onscreen Phasma gets more and more disappointing. Just give up Disney, she's an unfixable character.

I find Kylo Ren memorable.

Prometheus and Covenant

But that Phasma figurine sells more than Rey, Finn and Poe combined



JJ should've cast Elle

Mostly because it's a silver storm trooper. Once the helmet comes off, it will stop selling immediately.

But I know all of them:
Black Trooper
Silvery Trooper
Jacket Dude

>takes off the mask
>jew rat face

literally laughed at the screen

Boyega was one of the worst parts of the film. Why does he act like a hip hop nig nog with quips when he was a fucking stormtrooper.

I think both of you are confusing the actor with the character. Sure, the character is no neo-realist defector. He's a Disney STar Wars character. At times obnoxious, other times grating. Boyego played the character to a T. Blame JJ Abrams and company for the character, not Boyega. The fact that he made a whiny Disney character even slightly likable speaks volumes of his talent.

because that's the CHARACTER. not the ACTOR. capisce?