How would a film adaptation of an album even work?
How would a film adaptation of an album even work?
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Musical, you fucking idiot.
>faggots dancing and cheering like queers
ruh roh
See: Interstella 5555
I would not want to see I talk to the wind turned into a movie scene. Hollywood would gay it up. I think the BBC radio performance of I talk to the wind was actually better than the album version
>The Wall
>adapting the second best album
>he doesn't think the directors cut of moonchild is better than the original
I never see the "second face" whenever I see this thing
Second face?
The Wall
Interstella 55555
There is a character who likes to listen to King Crimson
>what is, across the universe
Take into account that The Wall was directed by the band leader, so that would be stretching it
What if it was up to others? How would it work?
Quadrophenia is a pretty good example.
The whole album was written to tell a story but unlike Tommy it wasn't adapted into a musical.
That would be the best road trip film ever made
The Wall was directed by Alan Parker. Roger Waters had very little input.
Kanyes runaway film was pretty kino
Probably similar to Starless and Bible Black and Discipline
The KLF's Chill Out would be a good one too.
Pink Floyd The Wall
Daft Punk Interstella 5555
Have you never heard of a rock opera before?
A rock opera isn't an actual opera you moron.
Lean to read, faggot.
I always wanted to write and direct a movie adaptation of my interpretation of pic related
Also Runaway
the joke is that those jap pornos are all named after King Crimson albums
It would just work
If Vento Auero comes out and doesn't use Court of the Crimson King as an outro I'll fucking drop the third bomb
Have you ever seen pink floyd's the wall?
How often does King Crimson license their music? I never heard of them until 2008 (despite being a big classic and prog rock fan) because their music is very difficult to find. Can you even buy their music online?
Listening to it again, yeah you're right. It would be another Roundabout. I miss the Roundabout outros.
>The [To Be Continued] synced to around 45 seconds in
I'd shit my pants to be honest
this album in itself sounds like a musical adaptation of the tarot deck
>tfw they use epitaph as the intro
>part 3 didn't use a dio song
>part 4 didn't use a queen song
It's probably not going to happen
she's just small and fat