Disney are going in the for kill
Disney are going in the for kill
damn, DC really is full of alt right shitlords!
a nuclear strike on LA is the only thing that will save us at this point
yeees yeeessss let it all fucking burn
Presumably he meant the character right, not that he went around raping women at random?
I can't wait for the footage of Gal Gadot using Palestinian children as a human shield
Justice League is fucked.
Fuck you, Disney.
it was literally a good joke
he was literally mocking the writers and audiences. "I rape beautiful women and she falls in love with me"
They literally liked the show because of that, it's like a romance novel where a pirate or savage rough man "ravishes" the innocent heroine
Reminder that this type of locker room talk took Trump to the White House
Context is irrelevant. Remarks like these are NOT okay.
Normies are seething
And the black guy playing cyborg robbing people, and the kid playing te flash raped some stacy in college
>Presumably he meant the character right, not that he went around raping women at random?
>he thinks logic applies to sjw feefees
I love how all the marvel nu-males take a man telling a joke as some sort of victory of theirs. Sad nu-males will forever be just that.
that use of a baby pic fucking lmao
holy shit she has three chins
I though you guys used to joke about Disney, but fuck they are powerful.
The Disney propaganda machine is remarkable. I've never seen something quite as potent before that can spew lies over and over again with nobody calling it out.
Better remind MSM and drones who follow buzzfeed and tyt, they're the ones who get offended at "talk"
It's not even really a joke
Khal Drogo in character gives zero fucks about rape and does it too the woman who loved him later and makes a poor by of promising to do it to everyone who stands in his way
It's more lightheartedly restating what is canon
Come on guys can you really blame Based Disney for this? I mean they have bad news too you know
>Jew mogul hoes down hard
>Disney jews shift the attention to the rival franchise
Clever fucks
t. kike
I love how they add the Plus to make it seem like it's going to be wild any number is possible.
Even though for that marketing effort, anything below 100m is a bitter failure on Marvel's end.
it's a joke in the sense that he's making explicit what the story is
i mean, it's literally funny. People were trying to hold their laughter and failed
Disney won't escape scot free from this
Weinstein has a criminal investigation underway and he worked for Disney for 13 years.....
>DChad memes are real
Holy shit
this is not even funny, thousands of threads about how (((Weinstein))) is "/ourguy/". The shills are real and mouskeeters are huge part of them if not all of them.
>Batman is a rapist
>Wonder Woman supports apartheid and genocide
>People are worrying about a joke
This guy isn't an "older unattractive guy"
This is a Chad.
Girls will love this.
>>Batman is a rapist
>>Wonder Woman supports apartheid
Can the DC possibly become more Chad? Even Joss Whedon was retroactively turned into an alpha stud when he joined.
If you think THAT'S a failure wait a couple weeks for JL's tracking
obviously refrencing his scene
>posts this
>goes out getting bladdered and fucks men
>MCUcks will never understand this scene
this. lol. people are so stupid
T. Pajeet.
>women at the time would have wanted mamoa to do this to them
>screaming fans saying fuck me
>years later they jump on the bandwagon of hating scenes
I hope Gal stayed safe!
noones going to touch that disgusting kike
if anything the desprate cow probably tries to throw herself at people
How the fuck did she get that double chin living off of fruit and vegetables and grain bread and salted meats?
He says while defending Spider-Man: Pajeetpandering featuring Pajeet weddings
>generally nice guy jokes about forcey fun time
Who gives a shit? He hasn't actually abused anyone.
Believe it or not this is actually good this way ben affleck and jason mamoa can unite in the face of all these ridiculous accusations
Just wait until they get to Cavill and Irons
We've already got the evidence of Ezra's assault
Yeah Disney over did it. If they stuck to Ben Affleck, it might've fooled some suckers. But now when Momoa is hit aswell it just becomes so apparent there is corporate push behind this.
He's a 40 year old hapa. Creepy as fuck desu
Don't forget Heard. A self-described bisexual who has no problem taking the pussy if she wants.
DC is a fraternity of rape.
Are they behind Kimmell, too?
>becomes so apparent there is corporate push behind this.
You think normies believe things like this happen? Try a light red pill and you'll get the "Naw I mean why would they?" or "Oh i very much doubt that."
Normies are done for when it comes to things like this. I don't like to use the word sheeple but there are plenty of examples of sheeple and they are the majority.
We lost
she is the most dangerous of the bunch
>fat face
>hoop slutrings
>mad looking grimace of a hambeast that's been denied multiple times
it all checks out!
Sorry to break it to you but there is literally no way JL makes less than Thor 3
Doesn't matter what a Millennial normie poll says
>Believe it or not this is actually good this way ben affleck and jason mamoa can unite in the face of all these ridiculous accusations
NEED her to do that when i whip out my tiny cock
>Context is irrelevant.
this seriously fucking triggers me. fuck you brain dead cucks.
hes literally just describing his role though
why did the rapist rape across the road?
because he raped the chicken!
rape rape
When did MensHealthUK become such Beta males?
GQ, Esquire, MensHealth, their market is entirely men. No women buys their product
Why are they so cucked and parroting moronic feminist rhetoric? Help me understand...
All of these fine establishments hire mostly women to avoid being labelled as sexist. Imagine the headlines and ensuing shitstorm if askmen decided to hire exclusively men.
>actually is ask a woman
Isn't this false advertising?
This was a mini SJW scandal when it happened, it's not like it's new information.
Hate speech is against the law, sweetie.
>2011 jokes about rape
Jesus that’s a good repertory
How will they take her down? A good way would be to accuse someone high up in WB of antisemitism and then shame her into quitting. If she doesn't, label her as an antisemitic enabler.
>Gal Gadot accused of antisemitism
are you brain-damaged?
>wow I’m tired
Outraged culture is really exhausting
>tfw you remember that rape jokes were still okay in 2011
What the hell happened
>Make joke about what the fictional character you played did
dont mess with tha mouse
>JUSTice League
>he doesn't know about her IDF support
The mouse must be stopped
Are you really not aware of the self-hating Jew trope? Jews can label each other too if that helps their cause
This nigger is so fucking bad at PUBG.
Is this the collapse of Hollywood Lucas and Spielberg promised lads?
When will the stuff about Spielberg start surfacing or is he an untouchable??
This is just a collapse of few males. Happens every day.
I cant even imagine what the world is going to be like in 10 years at this rate
You'll be getting arrested for looking at people, because they'll claim eye rape
>JUSTice league
it's called stare rape and it's a real thing that happens every day
>You'll be getting arrested for looking at women, because they'll claim eye rape
But if it comforts you know that it will only last a few years after that.
If Spielberg went down so would Hanks.
America isn't ready to hate Hanks yet.
b-but he's a POC
I remember 'controversy' about this a few years ago.
Why is it being dredged up again?
Disney wants to take the movie down
I would love to see this stupid piece of shit go down forever, I don't even care what he's ever done. I'm fucking tired of seeing him anywhere.
mouse shills are on full force.
I sometime see normalfags do it here too. I don't know why they think gross babies are so funnehXD.
Sorry, sweetie. Corporations are people.
Disney is singular so the correct word would be 'is'.
um no sweaty....x
Lynch him.
>got to rape beautiful women
Wait, did he rape anyone besides Emilia Clark?
He said women. That should tell you he wasn't talking about Daenerys. He was talking about the GoT groupie girls they were sending him.