Mfw my children will grow up in a Brexit Britain
I was away from Sup Forums during the Brexit thing. Why exactly is Sup Forums for it considering the Brexit itself has zero bearing on how much England hires foreign workers or allows foreigners into the country?
I think your snaggle-teeth will scare off any women before you have the chance to breed.
>tfw 26 year old virgin
By the time we have children, your country will be as white as our teeth.
Mfw we'll postpone Article 50 until we rejoin.
>by the time we have children
You still haven't addressed the tooth problem, bong.
>mfw OP is a faggot and there's no cure for it
>'Murica fag
I suggest you return to your trailer park and KYS
You bremainers are desperate are't ya
>Croatia will get less GIBSMEDATS
>mfw OP's imaginary children grow up in shariah britain
Weak banter. Not even creative, just DUDE AMERICANS ARE POOR AND GROSS LMAO
>she died for NOTHING
But as soon as they go to school they become sharia'ed
I don't know either
It's useful in the sense that it might speed up the EU's downfall, but the problems we have now won't just magically disappear, and the UK is still getting overrun by pakis
The worst though are the delusional faggots that honestly think the British Empire is coming back
>mfw UK fagg is insulting me
Yeah, thell soon take service in the Jihad under proud british sharia law.
>tfw your country is full of pakis and youre beating up poles.
why are we apposed to dictatorship? i have no idea
rly activates my thought proccess
>mfw Britain will still be 10% more nonwhite by then
>Thinking I wanted remain when I wanted leave.
I even used a KMS gif for fucks sake.
Weak banter. Not even creative, just DUDE BRITS CAN'T LEAVE EU AND HAVE WOOD FOR TEETH LMAO
>Dyslexia: the post
How does it feel that your faggot "za dom spremni" nationalist cuck got BTFO?
>mfw America is 40% nonwhite
>Nigger President
>Hub of degenerates
>So stupid they will vote in criminals to office
Shit banter here, just repeating a joke
>Weak banter. Not even creative, just DUDE AMERICANS ARE POOR AND GROSS LMAO
American humour is terrible, you don't get to say that. Also you can't even spell humour.
I take it any Brexit thread on Sup Forums devolves into bickering cancer
j e a l o u s y
>mfw we're a nation of immigrants what's your excuse
why am i even replying to a convict
>I have no rebuttal so uhh UHHH HURR AUSTRALIA HAHA
Well we conquered half the world so there was bound to be a little bit of population movement. Luckily we sent most of the niggers out your way.
i did actually type a reply but your flag doesnt deserve one desu m8
Spics and nogs confirmed for the future of America
Yes white ones, unfortunately 40% are non-white Tyrone
>non Europeans weren't able to immigrate into America until the sixties
>we're a nation of nonwhite immigrants
>mfw at least 10% of that 40% are "white" Spics
Feels like when Americans and Franchies won civil war kek
Za dom spremni poglavniče!
Your demographics will still be similar to ours in two generations unless drastic changes are made. We've just had a head start.
errr, wtf?
glorious isnt it
And yet you are stuck on island and your capitol is ran by sandniger aka muslim
>Y-you will be that way too trust me goy!
Za shithole spremni!
Your country is shaped like an armpit because it is the armpit of Europe. Croatia will never have nuclear weapons.
2 generations? Nothing to back that up mate sorry. Yeah we do have a serious issue in certain areas. Unfortunately the state has been pretty good at pushing their brand of right on kids and we have a very fucked up youth here who instead of rebelling against the authority actively want to try and impress it to get anywhere in life.
That is to our eternal shame to be honest. But London fell. As we've said before there surrounding counties would like nothing more than to wall it off and starve it out.
That explains a lot, huh?
>Your demographics will still be similar to ours in two generations
Yeah nah we're 89% white and your country is 60% white
>s-simple math is a Jewish scheme
I don't want it to happen but that's the demographic trend. Brexit is a good start, but once you have control of your borders you'll have to nominate people who implement pro white immigration policies, otherwise it's inevitable. The EU was actually giving you a lot of poles to counter your pakis.
how long untill they outbreed you?
honest question
>that pic
>less white immigration when receiving tons of brown and black immigration is somehow good
Pussies need nuclear weapons kek back in the day when republic of dubrovnik existed they lived in confort and fortune while beits lived in rat holes filled with piss and shit smell (sorry its just history)
And today you are being attacked by sandniggers and shit while we chill and grow
Oh btw i dont care about ustaše and partizani you cant insult me that way kek
its more like 30ish with 12% being tyrone
Polish are the largest minority group in Britain so it definitely does have a bearing
>republic of dubrovnik>
1358 to 1808
St Pauls was constructed before the republic was even formed mate...
Why do Americans perpetuate the white immigration meme? Sure it's better than shitskins but all immigration is cancer unless you're a globalist cuck
Nice birthrate cuck, croats are just as much a dying breed as bongs.
>to counteract one source of immigration you must introduce another
flawless logic
>when receiving tons of brown and black immigration
But we won't be.
Because they no sense of identity
Lucky there was Brxit or it would been civil war.
The BBC would had shooting spree and bomb go off.
The Guardian presd pack would been hunted down had there throats slit.
There would been tanks at westminster.
Sat here drinking english gin supporting the brits.
Well done hope eu collapses next
We don't mind immigrants who want a chance to work for success like the Europeans we got 150 years ago. We're not an island.
What we shouldn't accept is a bunch of fucks of any race who choose their new country based on the gibs.
We should have never allowed gibs. Period.
I guess you aren't already inbred enough dipshit ?
Great meme!
She died in service of Kek
I suggest you return to sheep fucking.