I'll be here for the next half hour. Life lacks direction? I'll help you get some.
White wellness and success thread
Pic vaguely related, very
what are you on
How can I get a gf?
Nothing. Completely sober. In all honesty I meant to post this on the board.of our Virginia loser neighbors, tho
Book is redpilled af. Technocore=Jews?
Focus on being husband material. When you know in your deepest heart of hearts that your intentions are genuine, and your life shows that you can afford space and time for a woman, you will have nothing to fear, and there will be women who will recognize and respect your confidence.
Be a good person, and so be fearless. The goal is always family, health, wealth, and happiness.
Something like that yea
Im graduating in December and can already feel my grades slipping. After 5.5 years in college I just dont give a fuck anymore. Help me user
How do I cope with existential depression? Religion?
Drop out and feel the bite of poverty. Spend the next 10 years miserable with regret, get over it eventually, and then go back and try again.
Your other option is to calm down, focus, and just do it. Consider talking with your parents or a shrink before it becomes a bigger problem than it is. That's not a road you want to explore. Consider the 10 billion Indians who would give a foot to have the opportunities you do. You don't want those Indians to have a chance, do you? No? Then work. And take it for yourself.
Existential depression is just depression. Mix your life up. Make the effort to find hobbies and activities you enjoy. Make the effort to enjoy them. Spend time with family and friends. If nothing else works, see a shribk. Stay sober.
That book was confusing. Can you explain it? Was it red pilled?
No that's not a real life problem. Not the focus of the thread
Doing all that, and I still find it difficult to want to be around people. Choosing to be alone feels easier than being around people.
I know I should be around people for my mental well-being, but deep down I really just want to kill myself, and resent the fact that the only reason I won't kill myself is that I allow myself to feel guilty about what killing myself would do to friends and family.
I'm seeing a shrink at my school, and I live straight-edge; no drugs, alcohol, caffeine, and reduce refined sugar as much as possible. I'm attempting to teach myself piano, and practice public speaking as a hobby.
So long as I distract myself, I seem to be okay, but when I start reflecting about life, and existence, I just want everyone to leave me alone so I can kill myself in peace.
I'm crushing hard on this (aspie) qt who seems to like me but I can't convince myself to ask her out because I'm afraid rejection would fuck up my academic performance. How can I stop being a pussy?
Why have you been in college for more than 5 years? I did CS in 5 years because I took a semester off and fucked one up.
I bought a Dan Simmons book the other day. Don't remember the name. Is he any good?
I'm about to switch careers but have no idea what I want to do. I don't want to be an IT Director anymore. How do I go about finding a career I love and pays decent?
None of this if you love what you do that's payment enough bullshit.
Start working out. It releases pleasure enduring hormones that will give you a new perspective on life. Trust me.
Study history, science, mathematics, logic.
If you love what you do you will master it. And masters make $$$$$$$$$. There are people making pottery that make 6 figures, because they are the best at it.
Keep doing what you're doing. You're doing good, and you will pull through if you keep at it. If your family is stable, keep communicating about it with them. Stop letting yourself continue to complain. Stop regretting that guilt; sometime guilt is extremely helpful, and this is one of those times. You are in a very good position in a first world country, any Chinese or Indian would be happy until death in your shoes. Appreciate what you have, and make it a rewarding goal to seek and attain more. Be happy for yourself, and for the race. We need happy, successful people. If the mood gets really bad, just take a nap and sleep it off. But only if it gets really bad. Otherwise, turn the tables on your depression, and do something engaging. Go for a walk, go for a swim. Lift. You will forget you're depressed when your heart rate gets going.
I love that book.
How can I "force" myself to be more diligent? it doesn't come natural to me at all, I tend to be quite indifferent toward everything and only provide the bare minimum to be considered functional.
so many ideas in those books. I want to see it on the big screen. Like Peter Jackson did with LOTTR
Become a instrumentation electrician
Best story in the book was the one about the immortal retard people.
There is no magic, no trick for that problem. You just calm yourself down, sit down, and do it. Ignore the inner whiner, that's an inner jew. Don't fight him, you can't beat your inner Jews with force. Ignore, and work. Be happy and appreciate when you discipline yourself to achieve your goals.
The problem is, I have no idea what I want to do? Obviously professional athlete or rockstar is realistically out of the question. How do I sit down with myself and figure it out?
How do I rebuild a social life? I went full NEET for about a year and a half, now I don't really have any contacts. Once in a while I see people, but it's usually in the context of some event. I miss just having a dynamic social life and don't really know how to get that again. Is there trick to meeting people in the bar scene without coming across like a weirdo?
>23 years old in a mid sized city
What do they do?
Pretty much, but what are the ousters then?
funny i just bought this book is it good what can I expect from it?
The steel tree is a simulation and not real.
that book fucked me up
i've read it twice but never read the last 20 pages yet.
Don't be afraid or ashamed of openly telling people you're looking for friends, if it comes to that. People who looks down on you for that are probably not good friends anyway. Best bet at your age: find a hobby you're interested in, which has a local community you can join. Making friends in such an environment will be easy for you. Sport is always a good bet
the first book was more of an intro to the individuals selected to partake in journey to Hyperion. the 2nd book, The Fall of Hyperion, is where shit actually goes down. basically, hegemony of man are the liberals and jews and technocore is illuminati or some shit; those tall space people who are called the swarm are basically us who are labeled by the HoM as bad, but in reality they are the bad goys who work in their interest and we are the conservatives who wish to bring back old tradition since technology had literally taken over control of the human species.
shitty explanation, but the book is very redpilled
I already do. I haven't been great about my schedule this week, but I try to workout every morning for about 45 mins. 3 days a week lifting, though I'm apathetic about the possibility of me putting on weight. Running makes me feel good, but I don't get gains.
Then again, why should I care? I don't know if I want to be a big guy. Hmm. This could be an opportunity to live more authentically. Thanks user.
Currently in school for chemistry major and philosophy/business as minors.
Thanks user. I'm going to be volunteering with a mental health organization in my city, talking to high school kids about my experience, so hopefully I can encourage/empathise with some of them.
Eternal suffering.
the Hyperian series is pretty awesome.
i'll leave my recomendation as well
>pic related
>its about The Culture, an advanced communist utopia civilization
the author explores their reasons and hypocrisies, in a way he predicted the rise of SJW when he wrote this in 1987
theres also the Idirans, a religious advanced civilization that defends liberty and free will
its fucking awesome
8/10 book bretty gud. you should read the sequel The Fall of Hyperion afterwards. i wouldn't bother with the other 2 books afterwards, endymion and rise of endymion, but that's just me
Not everyone can be a rockstar or an artist. Society is here to control you, not help you enjoy your life. Your parents and your parents parents had to make ends meet grinding in the rat race, we have to do the same if not born into money. Consider your options, but slogging your way into a reliable career field is the most surefire bet. Pick something even remotely interesting, and learn to enjoy it as much as possible. Learning is fun.
Focus on your money. Focus on your family. That is always the goal. Do yhat, and you can die without regrets. That is good enough. That is a goal worth jumping out of your chair for
ousters = us
we are they
alright do you have similar good books, I've finished the story of kvothe recently was pretty good
Body dismorphia is a real problem with lifting. Running is great. If you enjoy it, do that. Hard on your knees though over time. Swimming and biking are better
I hear ya but it just sounds boring. I want excitement but realize not everyone can have that. No wife and kids yet so that's a plus on my pocketbook.
Thanks doc
They are genetically modified degenerates.
I have depersonalization-derealization disorder
Please fucking help me my life is somewhere between memes and literal hell
how do we defeat the banksters, lefties and jews?
If you liked those Kvothe books
maybe try Dune
I mean its a classic but on the off chance you have not read it.
Also, there is a sci-fi novel called 'Altered Carbon' which is pretty fun, it spawned a little universe of its own. Its about the far future of humanity.
Exercise frequently and intensely. Grt a sweet girlfriend and have sex with her often It is good for male mental health especially, and will be a good detox for your itch. Remember to always consider injury risk with exercise
OK, tell me how to start and grow a business targeting right leaning voters.
I've been totally on the rocks for about 5 years and I turn 30 next month. Is it too late?
By having enough of us use our racial identity and community to help ourselves and one another climb high enough into to pyramid that they can't exterminate us except by opposing the military and police forces of the coming NWO.
You can fuck the Jews by making a lot of money, and by being happy.
It is definitely not too late. 60 is too late, in some respects.
Eat well, stay sober, let go of your past, and keep your eyes fixed on the brighter future that you want. Become obsessed with making a better life for yourslef, and enjoy it. You still have several decades left to do whatever you want with your life. Youll have a different path, but the only possibilities that are important are the possible ones. One day at a time, and you'll get to a better place.
The Null-A trilogy by A. E. van Vogt had me immersed for a while. Old science fiction though, mixed with lots of philosophy and discussion on semantics. read it in my early teens, so I don't remember too much.
Pick a field of study, and learn it inside and out like your death is around the corner. Study the legalities and technicalities of the industry, of the investments and loans you'll need initially, and make a plan. Get to know people ib the industry, and always be looking to help them out or get advice in anyway you can. If you can find people you can trust with Co owning such a massive responsibility, that will be a good help.
That book contained much truth
they has the Shrike
We have the Shrikek
It is inevitable.
Praise Kek
Alright boys, nice thread. I'm out of here. Die albeit macht frei
What should I do? I'm tired of being NEET
I want to join the army kinda but don't want to fight for ZOG.
heh, I read that quite a long time ago, null-a, null-n and null something else
I enjoyed it, but lookng back it was a bit silly
not a fan of banks, read a few, but you can see his gommie tendencies sticking out
I'm white and I fucking hate myself.
No, not for being white or any white guilt horseshit. I just fucking hate myself.
What do?
thanks if you're still reading, it's weirdly encouraging to hear it from someone else even anonymously
I'm most of my way to welding certification for structural SMAW, and I have some friends up North who could get me a job in the middle of nowhere that pays six figures, but it'd involve living in the remote cold doing dangerous work.
Or I could go to University
Which should I do? I'm worried about automation obsoleting human welders, but it will definitely start in cities and factories, and it probably won't hit remote regions and oil rigs, pipelines etc for another thirty years.
is it for specific things?
maybe try the power of positive thinking and replace all refrences of god to kek
how can i get hos? whites only\twerkier the better
How do I become a more motivated individual? I'm lacking a drive to better myself these days.
Read some Kant, Voltaire, and Seneca -- Musashi too.