>I was there, Gandalf, 3000 years ago
How has technology not advanced at all in 3000 years? Defend this Tolkienfagss
I was there, Gandalf, 3000 years ago
Other urls found in this thread:
The economy wasn't doing all that well
It's fitction
>yfw sauron and saruman were the industrialists
Meanwhile Orcs and Goblins are portrayed as monsters for inventing machines and gunpowder. Really makes you think.
What were the Vaiar's immigration policies?
no coal and no oil on middle earth since the planet is not fucking 4.6 billion years old.
can't have industrial revolution without those.
Tax policy
>Steampunk Middle-Earth
It could still be realistic fantasy, like game of thrones
Because fucking elves are immortal and aren't in any rush to advance in any way they also hold men back in this regard by always preaching about nature and shit. Sauron was the one pushing for technological advancement
If sauron had won the war men would literally be walking on before aragorn died
"Ah, ha ha, *munch, munch* ol' J.R.R., didn't, ah, see you come in! -burp- No please, please, [smack] sit down, sit down, there' something we, (pant) need to talk about. *farts* Heavens excuse me, oh ho! Well getting down to 'brass tacks' - or brass tax, I might say SNORT! - yes, well I was sitting, counting the money coming in from, slurp, my show - terribly taxing ah yes? - when the thought occurred me, watching that money from my award-winning show... [belch] from my, (siiippp) award, award, awar... sorry, I lost my breath, award-winning books, that I [chews] that I can't seem to recall you mentioning [more chewing] anything about Gondor's *blows nose* taxation policy. Surely I must have -releases one long wet smelly fart - missed it while glancing through the pages (cough). You did [scratches ballsack] say something about it, right? Sales tax? (sweats) Value-added tax? *licks lips* Don't just sta - oh my my heart - stand there my man, out with it! Surely the, the thought has crossed your mind?! -chuckles until accidental urination-"
It depend on your point of view, tolkienfag, maybe things weren't as evolved 30000 years before Frodo Beggins time.
Who's this ugly gnome? :D
>I was there, Gandalf, 3000 years ago
>And I didn't just overpower Isildur, throw the ring into the fire and fly home on some eagles while drinking Pepsi
They were tackling more important issues
remember this
>>yfw sauron and saruman were the industrialists
Wow, what an incredibly original idea. Maybe, the force of Sauron represent industrialization. I'm surprised this has never occurred to anyone yet.
>uruks and orcs were just cheap work force
that hivemind
Reminder Tolkien was super liberal
And even though that's the case, Sup Forumstards worship him
Elves live in harmony with the earth arda since they're eternally bound to it, and they've perfected their crafts to such a point that normalfags call it "magic."
The dwarves, sans mithril, have been steadily advancing in technology.
Numenor was a advanced as well.
Most importantly the third age is an age of great diminishment. It's an interregnum period as all the great powers in middle earth (sauron included) were weakening.
You can consider it a "dark age."
Also Tolkien, seeing the horrors of technology in the fucking somme, and then living through the battle of britain was understandably a bit of a luddite.
Technology's flaw, as he saw it, was that it gives man incredible power that requires no true wisdom to wield.
Isildur was his Great Nephew, he had too much love for him to kick him into the Volcano (asuming he even could, as Numenorian men were 7ft tall war machines on average and he had The Ring.)
>sauron and saruman
How did they not notice the resemblance.
because he was prophetic about modern Europe but not even he could have guessed in a thousand years that anyone would invite the invaders in and let them breed with their women
Sauron and his forces represent the Capitalists and the general masses. The eye being the All Seeing eye on the dollar, and the invisible hand of the free market.
Sauroman represents the bankers and elite who side with that market and betray the common people for which they should do good for.
Elves, men etc are the common folk, the working class desperately trying to hold back the tide of their eternal oppression.
All fits if you have a historical perspective.
Tolkien hated allegory and specifically hated that people tried to apply an anti-industrialist message to LotR
>that hivemind
Its called one guy dumping his shitty meme folder you rectal cyst.
>specifically hated that people tried to apply an anti-industrialist message to LotR
No they don't and no it doesn't.
>Kin slaying
>What's the worst that could happen
Are you dumb?
Fuck off with your polshit narrative. It's not funny and it was never funny, stop politicizing everything you get your grubby little hands on.
>mfw Middle Earth is Africa
to draw some preliminary conclusions, first we need to know Aragorn's tax policy
>no oil on middle earth
How do they cook? I'm pretty sure some of the food they mention would require it.
Read the introduction to the silmarillion. He talks about why he doesn't like allegory, then he outlines what lord of the rings would look like if he was trying to be allegorical.
Please, this thread doesn't deserve so much actual wisdom. What the fuck are you doing here?
>It could still be realistic fantasy
>like game of thrones
Tolkien was highly suspicious of the level of technological advancement that happened in his lifetime. You can find some of his opinions on technology in some of his letters.
That's why the bad guys in his fiction are the ones who try to push industrialization.
All the other in-world explanations in this thread are just head-canon.
He never made that parralel though
Even when asked about it, he simply said it was not the case
You and your mentally ill mind are just reaching
Everything was either roasted, salted, or baked.
How do the Dwarves build underground cities to rival New York and smelt gold in massive thirty-story high waterfalls while descending hundreds of feet into bottomless pits on swings to mine precious gems?
his response to all the people claiming he wrote LotR as anti industrialist allegory
>I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations, and always have done so since I grew old and wary enough to detect its presence. I much prefer history – true or feigned– with its varied applicability to the thought and experience of readers. I think that many confuse applicability with allegory, but the one resides in the freedom of the reader, and the other in the purposed domination of the author.
>He never made that parralel though
because he wasn't alive to see Europe get invaded by ugly swarthy people from the East and South
Does it have one? I can only find a foreword online.
They're master engineers and craftsmen,and they're also short and like to live underground.
You can use animal fat to cock.
That too, so no oil was needed to cook.
That doesn't make the post I replied to technically correct. If Tolkien had specifically addressed the anti-industrialist aspect, then it would make sense.
In any case, the sarcasm if my original post was valid, as this is an extremely unoriginal idea.
stop talking smart
his worldview, and thus the fiction he wrote, was still informed by his experiences with technological advancement.
He wouldn't have any problem with them though
Reminder that he despised hitler and germany during the second great war, the nationalism that he vomited
Reminder that he was this kind of liberal, and Sup Forumstards still can't help but to suck his dick, like the hypocrites they are
he hated Hitler because he greatly admired the Jews as a group, not because of nationalism which was the norm for everyone in that time.
>He wouldn't have any problem with useless monkeys not working, collecting tax money, and turning his beloved Britain into a mongrelized third world shithole
sure thing bud
Neither are their real names.
It's fucking HILARIOUS you numale cucked faggot, my god. This is literally the funniest shit I've seen from LOTR/pol in years. I have a folder saved with all of it and it's going to continue, so you can go ahead and cry into your husband's bloody manufactured fake cunt.
He was in love with idyllic English Pastoralism, which is a very culture-centric view to have.
Imagine being this upset someone made fun of your meme.
>Master engineers
>No gunpowder in any form
>Gandalf has fireworks that turn into dragons
Really makes you think
>he hated Hitler because he greatly admired the Jews as a group, not because of nationalism which was the norm for everyone in that time.
But that's wrong you fucking idiot
he hated hitler because of what he did to people in Europe, and to the jews, and for his shitty ideology
You can stop sucking his english cock anytime now, faggot
>le battle of britain
Stop eating up stale 80 year old war propaganda.
>elves live for 100000 years yet not one of them has been smart enough to invent the bicycle
Why didn't Frodo just bike to Mordor?
Gandalf is a magic man who was around another magic man that created combustible powder for war.
he wouldn't have hated them because of their race though. If he would've hated them at all, then because of their behavior.
I consider myself pretty far on the right/conservative spectrum, but I get fucking furious when I see people instrumentalizing Tolkiens legacy for their political views.
Has technology advanced at all in the 5000 years the natives were left alone in the Americas? They were still pretty much in bronze age when civilization arrived. It's not as improbably as you think, especially when you have magic and you don't need tech
You don't need it when you can tame horses at will
>If he would've hated them at all, then because of their behavior.
which is due to their genetic predisposition to low IQ and lack of lack of impulse control
African languages never developed a sense of past or future, only present.
They literally lack forethought
are you suggesting it didn't happen or what?
Technology regressed actually. The Numenorians at their evil imperialist height were full-on steampunk with metal ships, zeppelins, skyscrapers, and cannons. Morgoth also had living demonic siege engines and robot dragons and whatever. Also Saruman didn't teach Orcs how to make gunpowder - Orcs invented it. There is a direct correlation between tech level and evil in Tolkien's stories.
>being this passive aggressive just because no one likes his unfunny memes
Samefag we know you don't have a good sense of humor. The memes are funny, you should adjust your humorsense if you don't understand this. Maybe you'd get laid.
>Sup Forums thinks Tolkien was racist
>"The treatment of colour nearly always horrifies anyone going out from Britain, & not only in South Africa. Unfort[unately], not many retain that generous sentiment for long." ― Letter 61 — Written to Christopher Tolkien who was stationed in South Africa during World War II
>"I have the hatred of apartheid in my bones; and most of all I detest the segregation or separation of Language and Literature. I do not care which of them you think White." ― From a Valedictory Address to the University of Oxford in 1959
>"I must say that the enclosed letter from Rutten & Loening is a bit stiff. Do I suffer this impertinence because of the possession of a German name, or do their lunatic laws require a certificate of arisch origin from all persons of all countries? ... Personally I should be inclined to refuse to give any Bestätigung (although it happens that I can), and let a German translation go hang. In any case I should object strongly to any such declaration appearing in print. I do not regard the (probable) absence of all Jewish blood as necessarily honourable; and I have many Jewish friends, and should regret giving any colour to the notion that I subscribed to the wholly pernicious and unscientific race-doctrine." ― Letter 29 — Tolkien's German publishers had asked whether he was of Aryan origin
>"It was Sam's first view of a battle of Men against Men, and he did not like it much. He was glad that he could not see the dead face. He wondered what the man's name was and where he came from; and if he was really evil at heart, or what lies or threats had led him on the long march from his home; and if he would not really rather have stayed there in peace." ― The Two Towers, "Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit"
their supposed genetic disposition is not something they chose, so you can't really hate them just for that
I hate muslims and sub-saharan rape-savages with a passion, but if all of them were suddenly starting to behave like civilized people, I legit wouldn't have any problem with how they look.
I'm suggesting it was irrelevant, even for those living in London. More people died of flu than bombs that year in Britain.
>going nuts at anons for not liking your memes
chill out friend. I think they're alright but it's not everyone's cup of tea
I don't hate cockroaches but I'm not going to invite them into my house to breed endlessly just to show how not racist I am
t. someone who never studied african languages
>have no houses
>have to sit in cramped bomb shelters with people with flu
>retard thinks Sup Forums is one person/ideology
I wholeheartedly agree.
>retard thinks that Sup Forums isn't stormfront - the chan board
>How has technology not advanced at all in 3000 years? Defend this Tolkienfagss
The univere was literally created by god, the sons of god told the elves so. There's no laws of nature to scientifically exploit. Stars are not giant balls of fusing hydrogen plasma, they were placed there by hand by devine beings, there's no planet Venus, it's an elf in a flying ship with a Silmaril etc etc.
>game of thrones
>8000~10000 years without technological advancements
>muh 6,000,000
Suck a dick Mohammad
it's not about the bodycount.
Can you imagine sitting in your house, knowing that at any moment the sirens could start, telling you that you either get to a shelter ASAP or risk being bombed to death? And even if you make it to the shelter, by the time you get out again everything you own or worked for might be destroyed.
That sounds pretty horrible to me.
>it's an elf in a flying ship with a Silmaril
WTF, I'd like to read about that but I know that there's nothing.
maybe its hard to advance when you get periodically destroyed by dragons and necromancers and shit
Sup Forumstards are fucking hypocrites
They will do and use anything to push their delusinal narrative
>elf in a flying ship with a Silmaril
Earendil and his flying ship Vingilot.
It's called "light of Earendils star" for a reason.