CNN corrects their own poll's record

CNN corrects their own poll's record


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Wolf Blitzed is a tool.

american media is embarassing. Our media has bias to but yours is on another level.

>Still unlikely to win

>polls come out showing hillary 6 gojirrion points ahead of trump
>ctr shitposting all over internet as if hillary just won
>1 week later polls show race is neck to neck
>hillary rallies packed with dozens of people
>trump rallies packed with thousands
>some polls get caught stacking in favor of hillary
>reuters/ipsos gets called out for giving hillary trump's lead because MUH DEMOCRATS
>absolute madman doing campaigns stops everywhere, everyday, everyweek
>hillary taking long weekends, no longer doing rallies, hiding from everyone and STILL spills her spaghetti in manhattan
>now even biased polls showing trump leads nationwide and in battleground states

The fact that he's now leading in their most biased polls shows that the reality is going to be a landslide. The man consistently has to turn away thousands of people who show up to his rallies where thousands are already cheering. The cunt can barely draw a crowd of 50 and has non-existent support out of the kike media.

I hope she's doing well, because I want to see her have a seizure, fall over, and shit herself on stage in front of the world at the first debate.


Exactly CBC is a mess but they hae way to much pride to oul of this sort of shit.

It's true though. No American will vote for drumpf the racist bigot. This election will be a landslide for Hildog.

Trump +2 in Colorado!

> Donald Trump sensing momentum as Colorado polls appear to narrow

> A Reuters/Ipsos survey released this week gave Trump a narrow edge in a two-way race, 43 percent to 41 percent — his first lead in Colorado in the 2016 election.

Two comments:

1) >Reuters
2) a sign of good things to come

Somebody's doing the raping. (It's CNN)

I registered and voting trump, as with my 25 member family on my dads side and my 15 member family on my moms side.