CNN corrects their own poll's record
CNN corrects their own poll's record
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Wolf Blitzed is a tool.
american media is embarassing. Our media has bias to but yours is on another level.
>Still unlikely to win
>polls come out showing hillary 6 gojirrion points ahead of trump
>ctr shitposting all over internet as if hillary just won
>1 week later polls show race is neck to neck
>hillary rallies packed with dozens of people
>trump rallies packed with thousands
>some polls get caught stacking in favor of hillary
>reuters/ipsos gets called out for giving hillary trump's lead because MUH DEMOCRATS
>absolute madman doing campaigns stops everywhere, everyday, everyweek
>hillary taking long weekends, no longer doing rallies, hiding from everyone and STILL spills her spaghetti in manhattan
>now even biased polls showing trump leads nationwide and in battleground states
The fact that he's now leading in their most biased polls shows that the reality is going to be a landslide. The man consistently has to turn away thousands of people who show up to his rallies where thousands are already cheering. The cunt can barely draw a crowd of 50 and has non-existent support out of the kike media.
I hope she's doing well, because I want to see her have a seizure, fall over, and shit herself on stage in front of the world at the first debate.
Exactly CBC is a mess but they hae way to much pride to oul of this sort of shit.
It's true though. No American will vote for drumpf the racist bigot. This election will be a landslide for Hildog.
Trump +2 in Colorado!
> Donald Trump sensing momentum as Colorado polls appear to narrow
> A Reuters/Ipsos survey released this week gave Trump a narrow edge in a two-way race, 43 percent to 41 percent — his first lead in Colorado in the 2016 election.
Two comments:
1) >Reuters
2) a sign of good things to come
Somebody's doing the raping. (It's CNN)
I registered and voting trump, as with my 25 member family on my dads side and my 15 member family on my moms side.
seriously this is becoming pathetic.
even msnbc is starting to sound unbiased compared to cnn
Reverse trips say you're wrong.
Children, the lot of them.
Are you an Albanian? The size of your family makes me think you are one.
amazing times
If Hillary collapses at the debate its over
they are going to have to have her snort 5 pounds of cocaine beforehand just to get her to standup for more than an hour as i dont see Trump letting her take a break halfway through like the democratic debates let her
all Trump has to do is not fuckup in the debates and he won. Though saying that i can see the mainstream media FRANTICALLY trying to recruit illegals and minorities and BLM to be in the crowd and to ask him questions
they put all their chips down on hilldog winning and if Trump gets in they are in for a HELL of a 4 year term as he can basically kick them out of any white house press conference he holds
this is photoshopped because i don't believe it
>still unlikely to win
Do these people have a shred of self awareness or decency? Do they know how transparent they are?
Ew yuck
Smile and nod, maybe on the morning of November 8th we'll see prominent media figures hand themselves in front of big screens plastered with Trump's victory speech.
This...they're rigging the polls as much as possible, and still Trump is starting to leave her in the dust. You know they are absolutely freaking out, rigging the game completely in their favor and still getting a mudhole stomped in them.
unfortunately it's not
it is photoshopped without proof
they know
they have to
but the higher ups in the company have told them if they dont suck Hillarys short dick they will be fired
I can't wait until next week when his lead continues to grow. How will they spin it?
He got stumped too hard, now bitter
Wasted doubles...a shame, I'd love to see all of them hang themselves. Master-bating on camera would be awkwardly entertaining though.
Did they really stuffed all that text on that bar. It's pathetic.
Idk if they do...I wonder if the rise of the alternative media isn't throwing them for a loop. They're so used to pushing whatever narrative, and running whatever story they want...and now people getting sources from elsewhere and they just don't know how to deal with it, or if they even realize it.
Was waiting for someone to post that. The best part is his smug look right before he drops that bomb
>(he's not)
what about the electoral college though, i doubt they would actually put trump in even if he won by 10,000+
And as we know from the latest DNC leak, Kellyfile can be flipped to run a hit piece any day of the week by elite democrats who order it done.
>,still unlikely to win (he won't)
>P.S. seriously come on
The sickness thing fucked cnn and the rest of the liberals up bad.
They kept dismissing it as a right wing conspiracy. She lied about her recent medical stuff also. Then she passes out and they are fucked because it is no longer a conspiracy.
They will change the polling strategy and sample even more democrats and undersample independents.
They will screw with men vs women ratio.
>still unlikely to win
How bad do you think theyre shitting themselves? The getting people to bandwagon tactic just aint rolling this time.
>dat sneaky pic of the Kremlin on the right side of the screen
fucking (((CNN)))
In the event of faithless electors deciding the election, there will be a civil war, and the government will shut down.
What would happen would be far worse than anything Trump could pull off even in their nightmares.
As a second amendment person, we will help with that if that is their decision.
Tell me it's shopped.
Is this real?
(it's not)
I was worried for a moment. (I wasn't)
holy fuck Why haven't I seen this? This is gangster
(it's not)
Fact Check: (((They))) are that scared
Cuck News Network doesn't even try to hide their agenda anymore.
Kek confirms. Praise him!!!
Spread this.
We always knew they would rig the poll regardless of a landslide.
We will call their play before they can make it.
>trump winning (he won't)
its real.
trust me, she's already dead or at the very least brain dead. you will never see her appear in public or on tv ever again. sepsis got her today. she will die in october.
(((CNN))) has no shame. How do they ever regain the trust they are losing in this election? Do they realize they are throwing away any legitimacy they had with even the small number of people who believed or trusted they reporting?
(he is)
>American media is so bad
>his conservative media proceeds to be nonexistant
Digits confirm
(((he's not)))
This, they even made the whole pickle jar thing to show how healthy she is and then she does a WTC impression on 9/11 proofing the media wrong and then "tinfoilers" right and here is the thing, if that crazy theory had some truth to it, what other "crazy theories" might be true or at least contain questions that should be asked, also the most recent DNC leak sure isn't helping either, pic related a comedy gold e-mail.
>wolf blitzer
>literally a fucking isreal agent
Kek, it's true. I think it's mainly because they were propping Bernie up and now they hate Hillary.
Trump is gonna win
>No American will vote for drumpf the racist bigot.
Thank you for:
Candidate CLINTON
and the
C.T.R. Initiative
have deposited 2 Shekels into your account.
You've earned a chance at a BONUS*
D U B S: Lord KEK breeds the autism out of your line.
T R I P S: You never existed.
Q U A D S or Higher: Hillary strokes out after 1st debate.
Nonsense! She's powering through!
Kek wills it
>trump is leading
Anyone who votes for Hillary Clinton is a criminal, period. You vote for a criminal, you are a criminal.
>B-but if you vote for a racist, you are a racist!
Correct. But being racist isn't a crime. So go slit your own throat into a storm drain, and let your blood flow into the shit where it belongs.
Fug off shill
Could design a check in type app where you check in after voting and you have to be at a voting site to tally, could even have it allow you to upload voter registration forms and a photo outside the polling area for more authenticity
People don't waste time capitalizing on stupid shit to put on shirts.
Eastern Europe dumped this basket of wretched refuse on us
>there is no real america
how could anyone say that
Use your 2A to correct the record
Hey guys, I think she really is POWERING through it, I mean, MSM told me so a billion times, holy shit, that's some communist tier garbage TV and I thought our TV is bad and corrupt, also I am so sick of these robotic canned phrases and speeches, that's why Trump is so refreshing, the guy just stands there and tells you a story, like one of your lads down at the pub
It's implanted in jewish psychology to deny order and try to spite it.
Wolf Blitzer is an Ass Schnauzer
cnn is just fucking propaganda - nothing more
is that emokiddeh?
Haha okay
>>hillary rallies packed with dozens of people
I kekd
Doesn't really work like that. If you don't vote for the candidate required you get replaced. It hasn't mattered before but they can't just up and change the results.
Poll: Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low
Most of the tracking polls look something like this. Clinton is fucked, she can't campaign and if she makes it to the debates it will be a massive embarrassment since she'll look like a rotting corpse and won't be coherent enough to give a passable performance.
Rush or Savage a few days ago said Anderson Cooper is Vanderbilt, one of the world's richest families. Just does propaganda for fun.
Ummm ok
>Said increasingly nervous media for the 7th time this year
No wonder nobody watches CNN anymore.
>still unlikely to win
I used to be a Bernie Bro, now I am a total Hilldo!
lmao CNN, still waiting for
>Donald Trump wins election (slightly, he cheated)
>Trump wins election (this is probably a dream or false reality)
>Trump wins election (still not inaugurated)
We all know that he's gonna win.
Trump will win in LANDSLIDE
Kek confirms
>Trumps wins election (We're moving to Canada)