what the fuck is wrong with these people?
I mean, what purpose do these videos serve?
Who watches that and thinks to themselves "ye, those look like a cool group of guys to hang out with, where do i sign up?"
Other urls found in this thread:
>what the fuck is wrong with these people?
Semites being semites to other semites.
1) If Allah did not wish this to happen, it would not be possible. Thus, because it is happening, Allah permits this.
2) By seeing non-ISIS people slaughtered like cattle, it reinforces the belief that non-ISIS are not human.
>that studio intro
which one is daesh again
they are ISIS fighters
but they are accused of being "cia spies"
i doubt any of them are actually spies.
How do these creatures even get recruits? Jesus Christ. I've seen most of the videos, but this one came off particularly brutal.
Thanks America for funding ISIS!
just why
why would you make a video like that
i just dont get it
Even upping the production values in this sequel couldn't knock Hillary's comedy from the top slot.
All they have left is assassinating Trump now. You recon they will risk open civil war?
You should not watch theses.
You may thinks you're cool and stuffs but the true is that the point of theses video is to make you feel compltely helpless for the poor prisonners about to be killed.
where do they keep getting all these prisoners from, i thought they were BTFO'd already
kek that anger and rage on that one guys face
>The real spy is the guy cutting throats kek
>Who watches that and thinks to themselves "ye, those look like a cool group of guys to hang out with, where do i sign up?"
Other Muslims.
You see user, violence is at the heart of Islam all the way back to Mohammed. Many people retreat to their culture's fundamentals when under stress. For muzzies that means emulating Mohammed. Therefore, a muslim facing trouble in the world will often fall back into the pious certainties of idolising religious violence.
The idea that someone out there is doing the "right thing" even if you would be normally horrified by it under normal circumstances is a powerful one.
Wake up m8. These are CIA psy-ops.
The only threat to American foreign policy is the CNN Effect, people feeling sorry for the designated enemy.
All of this bullshit is designed to chip away at the idea that war is avoidable.
The sick part being that the muslims don't need any help in behaving like they need a pepperbombing.
Pretty good.
>normally horrified by it under normal circumstances
Fuck I need sleep.
Another name for ISIS
They are their own people
>t. nu-male cuck from starjew
>another one
>another cuckpost
Unless you're non-White? Then you should know...
their language is so ugly and terrible
No the true point is to foster hatred for these pieces of shit and understand muslims are nothing but animals. Everyone should watch these videos
>what the fuck is wrong with these people?
that's how muslims work
ISIS has been so afraid of spies that they've been basically just accusing their own random dudes of being spies and then executing them. Most likely they have no clue where the leaks are coming from and are doing this in the hopes of scaring the REAL spies into stopping.
(It's reasonably likely that there are literally no spies and that all of the data leaks are coming from various forms of remote monitoring and interception of communication.)
This isn't for us. This is for their own. Notice all the horror movie tropes they use; the jerky camera movements, the terrified victim brutally yanked by something more powerful to his fate, the conspicuous visuals of the exposed spinal columns and the bubbling blood. The picture of the reasonably big guy carrying two tiny dudes, one in each arm, is meant to convey strength. This is despicable to watch in the west, but for their ever increasing number of deserters and malcontents, this will make their blood run cold and bring them back in line. I wonder how many young idiots are just now realising the mistake they made signing up?
Muslims, the videos are for Muslims.
Muslims everywhere.
And we are bringing these people by the truck load into the west. Islam is fucking horrible, walk around Melbourne mudslime chicks everywhere; waiting for terrorism. fun times.
From what I understand these videos are meant to scare the enemy.
How do they recruit with them? I guess some people are fascinated by violence and the extreme violence displayed is appealing. They want to join the super forbidden ultra violent 'badass' club?
>Semites being semites to other semites.
> and even dubs
maybe we should just let them kill each other off
i wonder what the final two executioners would think
"so it was you all along!"
It's propaganda meant to create fear of the continuous danger by the IS in and to demoralise the civil population of the western states, I'd say.
I don't think it's cool to watch these videos, everyone should be watching them. The majority of the the western world has not seen the brutal carnage that takes place every hour in the Middle East. They have no idea what we are up against.
You give them audience
we don't need to see to know they are worse than animals
Where is the webm version
This particular one is made to scare their own guys, it seems. Like said.
You think that they wouldn't be doing this if they didn't have an audience? This shit's going down wether you watch it or not.
>i doubt any of them are actually spies.
I bet they are just guys who had problems with some jeque or complained about something they shouldn't.
simon pegg is in an isis video.
These videos should be illegal. By watching them you're creating a market for it, and just perpetuating torture.
I'm surprised by the level of production. This is on par with Hollywood. How the fuck do they do it?
i remember reading somewhere that MI6 and CIA were covertly feeding ISIS false intelligence about spies amongst their ranks
american financed propaganda of their moderate friends to push for their own military moves, just like they did with the 9/11 false flag but now they kill foreign civilians instead of their own
>pathetic pedo thinks he made a smart argument
It's impossible to make these videos illegal, they'll always get out. I watch them so the men in them don't die in vain and so that someone is witness to their deaths. I commend them for being brave up to and including the point of their demise. Honor these men by seeing what has been done to them and vow to stop those committing the atrocities.
maybe this is what's wrong with them
"Scientists just got closer to understanding the genetic roots of crime — and it’s making them nervous"
All that effort. All that energy. All that time.
And they only killed maybe 10 guys?
That's embarrassing.
Nah, you watch them because of morbid curiosity like everyone else does. Don't try to pretend like it's high and moral or some bullshit, you just want to watch someone die because most people don't ever really see it happen, especially in such a horrific way.
TOP KEK if they're just slaughtering their own loyal soldiers like lambs
that's true 5D chess from our secret services
I hear you bro. It started in the 70s when they brought in the lebs. Pretty bad in Sydney now - I don't go into the city anymore; muslims everywhere. I'm thinking of giving up my corporate job and moving the family to the country where there are only white people.
anyone else click HQ? lol
I wish they'd do more execution videos of women
I've been watching such videos for a decade now, there is no new creative way a person can be killed that ISIS can conjure that I haven't seen. It's not morbid curiosity when the details of the video are in written form. Again, what are you doing to stop them from being produced? Not watching them does nothing.
oh look its 2000 years ago.
They're just edgy roleplayers.
I'm feeling very sick. I wish I didn't watch that fucking video, but curiosity got a hold on me.
I've seen a lot of these.
Something really bothers me about what I see.
I've never seen ANY captives resisting whatsoever.
I think they're being drugged for two reasons: one, to make an easier execution, and two, so that they can appear to have submitted.
yeah i was wondering why no one resisted. There prisoners seemed to have numbers on their side.
Honestly, after almost two decades in Internet I am desensitized to this stuff. Also I cannot feel sorry for them, of course I understand this is fucked up, and when they do shit to kids it makes me mad, but that's it. I don't think this is cool, because I have seen bad shit that disturbed me for days, but now I can see this shit and understand. I think this desensitization is good and it helped me to see more than most of the people do. When I see a kid drowned in the beach I don't fall for basic and retarded emotions. Instead when I read a new where a woman has been raped by shitskins I don't feel hate, I feel anger but over all love to her. And when I say loce I mean Love, not that protituted emotion produced by hollywood and SJWs scums. Again I don't think this is cool, nor I think everyone should watch that stuff, but in my experience it is a good thing and I hace tested it many times in my daily life. It's like it made my mind mire clear and my heart more strong.
Of course there are sone people that get addicted to this stuff, that's a completely different case.
That's an interesting point. If these faggots really wanted to shock people they'd make these videos with women. I wonder why they haven't?
Can someone greentext summary what happens in the video? I'm eating.
Because you can sell women
Or they have been tortured for months or more to the point they removed their will...
This is such a Reddit-tier post.
Allegedly, they kill women all the time
aa opposed to shiwing the public how savage these cunts are? kill your self achmed
>loce, mire, hace...
Yes Im on mobile. Sorry
Now that you've mentioned it this is the first Daesh execution video I've watched so I haven't been desensitized, neither will I start watching to desensitize myself because I don't think I can take it... but in relation to other topics I feel the same. That love part that you said for women. I feel the same. Nohomo
No fucking way im going to ruin my day by watching that vid.
These are all hand-picked small, fearful dudes. Security professionals use zip-ties as restraints because you can't really break them without immense strength and severe damage to your wrists. They're in a room with trained and practised killers, and the best they could hope to do would be run around trying to head-butt them and kicking them in the shins. Every one of those poor idiots was praying that they'd be the one they let live. That was really the only option they had.
yeah, its just odd to think that so many of them would give in. You hope that if you were in that situation you would rise up and others would follow, but I haven't been put through it so I can't talk.
This one is quite horrible.
Still not as bad as the dagestan conscripts video though.
It's interesting though that they can cut off a dudes head and hang him on a meathook and that's OK, but show a 10 year old taking a bath and its off to jail.
What's Reddit?
Unfair to the 10 year old.
Its a slaughter house and they slice the necks of tied up hostages over a drain. then they water hoes the necks to let them bleed out better.
after that they hang the bodies like cows
I found the pedo.
That's not really how human psychology works.
>I don't think I can take it...
You will. Humans are pretty adaptable.
Someone post the execution webms for this Irish lad please.
It's the horrify you. That's kind of their thing.
The most horrible aspect of this is a lack of webm.
Think we will ever see Daesh use Zyklon B to gas their victims?
>Who watches that and thinks to themselves "ye, those look like a cool group of guys to hang out with, where do i sign up?"
Thanks, user.
The Jews have been conditioning people for years to see such horrific and disgusting sights.
Barack, the magic negro, was supposed to pull the U.S. out of the middle east. Instead, Barack Hussein expanded the U.S. war in the middle east from Iraq into Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria. Barry Hussein changed the parameters of the war from am open war conducted with soldiers to a clandestine war using drones and the CIA. Barry Soetoro weakened the visible U.S. presence in the middle east and entered the U.S. into an unwinnable battle fought in the shadows. Barry's cowardice gave rise to ISIS and so-called Arab Spring which set the middle east on fire. ISIS is muslims killing muslims. There is nothing lost and nothing to gain for the American people in fighting ISIS. We apologize for the bubbling buffoonish community organizer known as Barry Hussein, but the arabs of the Middle East need to fight their own battles.
I understand what you're saying. I just refuse to want to vomit my dinner for tonight. Thanks anyway
Yeah you're right, women are probably effected the most by isis
I think of their case like being in a mob, sure some people would get screwed over but most would end up better- not dead in this case- in an attempt at revolt.
It's jihadi pornography. Before ISIS, in Afghanistan there were DVDs being sold of compilations of children executing people. Like reverse kiddy snuff. Jihadis were selling them to raise funds and muslims were buying them up.
>who watches these videos and wants to sign up
>We still haven't destroyed Islamic culture and punk-ass ISIS fuckers in the ME
Feels bad man, the entire area needs to be rehabilitated by force or expunged.
Did they at least turn to Mecca and durka durka first?
Is facing reality as it is. In other times men fought face to face and felt and watched the death of their enemies, now we can see that natural process through internet. Is not the same, of course, but it puts a shield around you that reflect any retarded delusion about a pink world where everyone is equal, and that kind of stupid shit. Fuck that crap, nature is beautiful as it is, death is always with us, there are sacred things, and not everyone is equal, there is human trash that should be exterminated.
"Women have always been the greatest victims of war."
They make them for their jewish masters, who enjoy the hell out of them.
Am I the only one seeing this? These movies have worked their way into the Western psyche and due to Western hegemony, more and more people are exposed to simulated snuff.
Watching execution videos is almost as horrifying as seeing a big beautiful ass for an Irishman