>Polish immigrants are literally being beaten to death in Britain
>Sup Forums doesn't give a shit
Polish immigrants are literally being beaten to death in Britain
Slavs are subhumans anyway and nothing of value is lost
Its media propaganda
I don't know what to say to your post, Pajeet; The irony is too strong to even think about how to reply.
>no source
Then they get what they deserve.
Replace "Polish" with "Irish" and you're right.
this master race aryan gets it
Polish people are subhuman animals. Lived around them for a few years. They had some shitty "gang" and did nothing but drink all day.
They're also incredibly jewish.
Yeah but why aren't they killing the shitskins and sandniggers too
I hate slavs too, but this is ridiculous.
Bongs are frustrated.
They're taking their rage out on someone they can since even disagreeing with a Muslim gets them kicked out of their own cities.
Pols are decent people, its the mooslims you gotta worry about now.
They have to go back
>street shitter calling anyone subhuman
Britbongs are cucks
Nothing new
t. Lukas Brzenczysz and have to go back
There's a big broad line between the 3 different slavic groups.
The west slavs are the civilized ones.
The south slavs are the redneck-y white trash
It's the easterners that god really did make the wrong skin colour by accident.
Blaming a pole for russians' niggery is sorta like asking a Moroccan why Africa is so shit.
>POO's calling anyone else subhuman
Germany you lost your right to chat shit last year
It's just English cunts being English cunts, a Scot got beaten up as well, cunts.
>last year
"West slavs" are Germanic.
"South slavs" are Mediterranean.
"East slavs" are Slavs.
Tierlist has always been Germanic>Mediterranean>Slav
The british are stupid as shit, I mean their history IS being tricked by the jews into fighting white people WWII ect but long before that to
hurrdurr ima briton look at these muslim invaders are fucking jews
i guess ill beat up a pole
> this is a bad thing
we have always been anti immigration, fuck off
We know the secrets of their sausages, we have no more use for them
We also don't give a fuck. It is just a stupid bydło that we are happy to get rid of.
t. 60% white
Ekhm, I do not think you are the one to talk about this matter, Hans
I would rather a shit tonne of poles than shitskin muslims.
Besides poles just want to work and eat shitty food.
yet it's Poles who have the highest crime rate of all foreigners in the UK including actual niggers
Nice lad. Look at all these (You)s
South Slavs + Ukraine are part Turk
you think so?
Why should we? Britain belongs to the British not slavic rats.
Piss off then you crossdressing junkie ginger bastard.
They're not sending their best and their brightest.
And by Polish standards, that's something.
damn Vietnamese slaying the streets
fuck off, 2nd graph is obviously fake af
Now, don't be an uppity heathen or we will have to bring the kike on a stick to you again!
Any slav country is more relevant than you
Anyway, who does even care about brits?
Because slavs are untermenschen.
Thats why. You realy thought nazis acept you?
They use what they can.
As a slav, I do not wish to be associated with you and your subhuman kind.
>Britain still hasn't even begun to leave the EU and no one is complaining.
>Brits are now attacking Poles instead of muslims.
What the fuck happened? I really thought you guys were uncucking yourselves.
>average Anglo cunt
Yeah fuck off. There's a reason no one likes you, inbred bastards.
this has been disproven a few times now. please include statistics that prove your point
>the cat has a cigarette
top kek
>It's just banter m8
As well as being massively overblown by the media. I wonder how much of these aggressions are made by quintessentially britons
>britain is the only european country to declare war on other european countries
>you're only aloud to hate one group of people
You burgershits never cease to amaze me with your pan-europa autism
Jocks deserve it more than Poles tbqh
You are not slav, shprota - bootlickers have no etnicity. Jeez, sometimes I regret that tzars didn't genocide you like caucasian goatfuckers.
>t. Poland lite
All the good Polish people stay in Poland. We get the fucking shitty ones and they act like fucking niggers. Difference is they're white skinned so we can fight them
Polish people, that's why you come here to get our Freepunds.
>He doesn't now that Scotts are anglos
Fuck off then you faggot and DO NOT ask to come back when Merkel floods your country with rapefugees.
Pajeet.....stop it...
Your streets are designated for poo.
Who has the highest crime rate then? I think I know who it could be
Learn to use a fucking toilet, then you can talk.
>Calling anyone inbred.
>tfw bydło fled to UK and it's safer here now
And they send those pounds back to Poland. It is some kind of strategy, isn't it?
>tfw there will never be consistent cooperation between all of Europe and Russia
but that's wrong, ameritard. Stop pretending you know anything else but your local neighbourhood.
Yeah, the Polish leech strategy.
There's stupid people everywhere, and their stupid deeds are obviously going to be more vocal. Besides, it's not as bad as the Big Black Cock are making it out to be. They're just making it look like there's a national epidemic of racist attacks and hate crime to make us feel bad about Brexit.
>Pakistanis rape vulnerable young girls in care on an industrial scale
>Go out and attack the poles
Achtung Anglo!
when they wanted everyone out, they meant everyone. sometimes collateral damage has to be sustained for the greater good
I wouldn't even talk to those honorary niggers, if I were you.
Take all the pent up rage about Muslims and put it on Poles.
These aren't based Poles though, they are Eastern Slav dindus who are one step above Romanian Gypos
Attacking Poles is a soft red pill that'll lead to attacking Pakis
But jokes aside, dumbest idiots that I've known moved to uk. Once a while they come back to Poland and they brag how much money they earn (even though they work as a kitchen porters and live in some shitty small flats)
Maybe they should go the fuck back to Poland.
>beat up hardworking european poles
>let in millions of shitskin parasites and give them welfare
Well done britbongs, well done.
Clinton DEAD!
What does the asterisk mean? Is it just for meme countries?
They still earn double as a kitchen assistant than what you earn as a programmer though.
Yes, and?
>get beaten up by Turks
>let in millions of rapefugees
Well done Hans, well done.
I care. It's fucking ridiculous. Poles are good people, I live around a bunch of Polish immigrants for years. Maybe it's just in America, but Poles quickly realize that the choice is between hanging out with white people and hanging out with niggers. They don't become criminals.
> t. toilet fixer
Slavs are the Mexicans of the EU.
>opened the floodgates to Europe in the first place
Thanks Schweinhund
Not really, they earn just as much as I do (and I am a programmer 1 year after graduation).
t. Abdul
lol, they earn that money living like slaves in cramped apartments.
It's like a dog being proud of it's collar.
the whole western world f a m, jelly?
we dont want foreigners at all never mind entry grade white
They chose to live like that. Your analogy is false on every level.
well ok, but it's still hilarious
if touching poo with your hands would be a crime, indians would top the list
Doesn't answer my question.
>all these fucking (You)'s
Well done my curry flavoured brother.
maybe they should go back
Poles should live in poland.
What about ethnonationalism do you not understand?
They chose to live like squallid rats instead of moderate in their own countries for minor change?
Fine, all power to them. Doesn't stop them being rats.
neither does the shit on your hands
shhhhhhhh, there there Kasper. I have some pipes for you to fix if that makes you feel better?