Any UMDfags on?
I know there's a fuckton of you on here, so get the fuck in here we're having a meetup
There's also a Terps for Trump meme group you fucks should be in
Any UMDfags on?
I know there's a fuckton of you on here, so get the fuck in here we're having a meetup
There's also a Terps for Trump meme group you fucks should be in
UMDfag here.
OP let's meet up?
> mfw browsing Sup Forums after classes is my ritual
Btw terps4trump is gay as fuck.
Meet up at Cornerstone at 8? I'll bring my klan hood.
Salisbury University here
Lowkey it'd be cool as fuck to know Sup Forumsacks in real life. My friends are too blue-pilled (and normie) to know this place.
Graduated like, three years ago famalam.
It was a shit school. Luckily their STEM departments remained pure. Even the women hated the feminazi "diversity credit" nonsense.
Engineering, comp sci, math and the sciences are pretty good here
> all that matters
I might be wrong but the whole SJW safe-zone bullshit isn't really that big here.
I'm taking my "Understanding Plural Societies" credit right now.. holy fuck Sup Forums it's cultural marxism at its finest. The professors do not teach anything meaningful other than preach their complex of political correctness. In my "American Studies" class(American studies should be about beer, trucks, and topless women), the professor just has us watch Black TV shows from the 90's and tells us that America is built on "capitalist white supremacy" which stems from the "patriarchy". This is seriously what passes for education. I am ashamed that this school receives state funding, and quite frankly, all Maryland taxpayers should be upset, as this is what your taxes are paying for.
How tough are they on fakes?
I took "ethnomusicology" for my diversikike credit.
It was basically just about some dude's summer vacation to some shithole country, but at least it wasn't full blown hamfisted Marxism, which is what everything else sounded like.
Who's the most cucked professor?
Trump WILL win
Check my 8s.
GTFO if you're not 21 faggot.
Your logo reminds of a fucking twix bar. Fuckoff collegefag
Not a terpfag but I've taken a similar class at my university, I was expecting a bunch of SJW bullshit but it was surprisingly just about the music.
Found the highschool dropout
> tfw I used to be a cop at UMPD
> tfw got tired of the pussy liberals
> suddenly realized I was just a fucking baby sitter for grown adults.
Never again.
Also fyi we know all your smoking/druggie spots.
How do we make Maryland great again?
> implying we don't know all your donut/coffee spots
You know how.
Stop forcing STEM majors to take BS "culture" courses
Images like thsi are counter productive.
Hillary will win because of people like you.
Graduated in the spring, but I need to get something off my chest
>last semester
>someone chalked "Trump2016" on the ArtSoc building
>walking with some shitlib friends past it
>they start bitching, I try to steer the conversation away by saying "whoever did it just wants attention" and trying to walk faster
>a girl standing near us on the sidewalk turns and says "that's not why we did it" was my friends and I walk away
Trump girl, if you're here, I wish I had the courage to go back and apologize to you. I valued my power level over my principles. You're awesome, as are all the Sup Forums fucks at UMD. Keep fighting the good fight.
thats irrelevant. Nobody that goes to UMD has the nuts to do anything. Thats why whenever someone gets robbed its usually done by some Langley Park spic or Hyattsville nig nog.
Taking bike theft calls for the 100th time just gets old even after you tell the stupid shits to STOP buying cable locks.
enjoy pg county and all those dirty new york/new jersey students
so many students
just one big shitfest
>going to a school with more than 8-10k students
Why would anyone like UMD? I mean the psp isn't even in production anymore and people still use UMD?
What does one buy instead of cable locks?
Do Langley park spics and Hyattsville nig nogs cross into campus territory very often?
I usually walk home around 3 AM every day.
You guys have a Sup Forums club at college!?!?
Can I transfer?
Why is it that NEETs always have to take it out on others because of the stupid decisions they made?
I don't think we do, but I seriously want to join one.
All terpfags ITT let's meet the fuck up so we can be racist together.
You're good on campus. Anything further than route 1 is kinda sketchy, I always carry a knife after dark off campus
buy a U-LOCK. They are much harder to break because all you need to break a cable lock is really strong bolt cutters.
Yes. They do. I would advise you to take the bus or nightride so you dont have to find yourself in a position.
MS-13 is literally less than a mile away and they have tagged shit. the police admin and university doesnt want you to know this but it is there.
Honestly I'm down. I know like 20 4channers here irl already, we're just too retarded to organize
Can I come?
I come from your autistic brother campus, UMBC.
Yes we're full of SJWs and there's horsefuckery plastered in the commons, but we're too autistic to know what we're doing to be a threat anyway.
Please it gets lonely here.
Do a recent alum a favor: do some triggering at CSPAC (or "The Clarice" as the fuckers want to call it now). They have it coming.
you are not safe on campus and i dont know who told you that.
SOC has cameras but they arent everywhere.
My advice to you is do not walk along the farm or near the edge of campus. They are hot spots for robberies because they have quick access off of campus.
I worked at my county prosecutors' office for a bit..these guys above all others are absolutely fucking brutal. They will not hesitate to kill you just to prove that they're tough to their fellow spics.
I know zero. Sup Forumsacks in real life seem like they'd be pretty chill.
I've heard. UMBC doesn't have a social scene at all.
The clarice library is /comfy/ to study in, but they're all fucking art fags. Will do, alumbro.
Also guys just a heads up(don't tell any SJWs so this shit doesn't get shut down), we're having Milo Yiannopoulos coming to UMD on October 26th in the Stamp Ballroom. It's on the major downlow right now because we're scared that SJWs will try to shut it down, but a week before the event we'll be going fucking ham with advertising, so keep a lookout
the funniest part is the fact that CSPAC is right next to Byrd Stadium which was named after a president who was all in favor of Jim Crow or some shit.
It's pretty funny.
Exactly. That section of our patrol always comes up with something. 193 and Adelphi is not the safest spot to call out a traffic stop that is for sure.
Ive seen them play this game where they try to get as close to you as possible without being caught. Shit aint funny.
From the few UMBC people I know, seems like they all commute.
I wouldn't go back to the dorms if you paid me, but the social life helped make it tolerable.
>swedecucks in the UMD thread
even WE'RE not that cucked, Sven
It's because everyone is either a tryhard premed studying 24/7 or literally autistic.
I mean MLP fedora autism. Just walk around in the commons and have a good laugh at all the fat dykes and lesbo circles. If you're a chad or a stacey here, you will feel left out. I don't mean that in a good way.
By the way, if you were wondering what type of subhuman trash would actually vote clinton, just walk into the arts and humanities building. Nothing but I'm with her cuckery.
At least it has good science departments.
Whoa, seriously? I want that fag's autograph.
It's because everyone is either a tryhard premed studying 24/7 or literally autistic.
I mean MLP fedora autism. Just walk around in the commons and have a good laugh at all the fat dykes and lesbo circles. If you're a chad or a stacey here, you will feel left out. I don't mean that in a good way.
By the way, if you were wondering what type of subhuman trash would actually vote clinton, just walk into the arts and humanities building. Nothing but I'm with her cuckery.
At least it has good science departments.
Alright. McKeldin floor 4 meet-up at 8:30. Who's down?
Yeah, thank Terps for Trump
I was walking through Toll the other day and saw "black lives matter" stickers on the doors of (what I presume where) professor's offices.
The rest of my walk through there was a walk of shame. Last place I'd expect to see that. In a fucking science building.
its a shame this state had the balls to vote for Hogan but wont do the same for Trump
funny note though is the second you go across the Bay Bridge its just non stop Trump signs all the way to Ocean City kek.
Depends how many other people show up to the thread, it seems like it's just you and me right now
I was a theatre major. It's a great place (especially the library). There are some great people... on the music side of the building. Dancers I'm fairly neutral on, some are cunts, but they all have fantastic asses.
Fuck the theatre people though, narcissistic doesn't even begin to describe them.
I was so disappointed he got booked after I'm gone. I'm tempted to drive back down to see him and support the Sup Forums folk on campus.
> theatre major
No offense but what are you going to do with that?
eliminate welfare and then again eliminate STEM majors too.
Funnily enough, I'm actually working at a theater now. Not going to say which one (the higher-ups are hardcore BLM-types, barely restrained by the fact that theatre in real life has to appeal to actual theater-goers i.e. whites), but I am certainly a statistical anomaly.
Which only makes me smug, because most of the UMD theatre cucks end up working for minimum wage AT the UMD theatre productions.