So.... this....... is the intelligence of the Marvel watchers

So.... this....... is the intelligence of the Marvel watchers ....


>Dude poop hahalmao
That's some grade a comedy gold, my man.

MoS trailer bait dialogue isnt any better.

Dunno about you but i though the reenaction of 911 to be very funny.

DC takes itself too seriously for its substance, marvel has neither style nor substance.

They are both movie universes for children, and both as retarded as each other. DC is like the dumb kid who thinks he is smart, and marvel is like the kid who thinks shitting in public makes him cool because he gets laughs. Both retarded.

at least it doesn't take itself seriously and think it's any better than the capeshit that it is

>"heh, I am self aware that I am shit, so I must be intelligent, ha ha ha! "

DC strives to have another Dark Knight (which is most likely ever will)

Marvel sells digital-effects opiates for the dumb masses. The last time I saw a Marvel capeshit movie (Avengers 2) the whole audience sounded like Beavis and Butthead laughing.

>tfw too intelligent

those lines were taken almost straight from a comic book dude

yeah lets completely ignore the character interactions/ bonding because I'm a humorless cuck

>The irony

Sup Forums marvel autists getting triggered ITT lmao

How DC references culture


How Marvel references culture


DC Comedy:
>Kent? Kent?! Where does he go, where does he go, Jenny?
>I... I don't know.
>Clicks his heels three times, goes back to Kansas I suppose.

Marvel Comedy:
>Hey guys! You ever see that REALLY OLD movie?! The Empire Strikes Back!
>Jesus, Tony, how old is this guy?!
>I don't know I didn't carbon date him!

"She with you?"
"I thought she was with you."

"Humans are add. They think order and chaos are somehow opposites, and try to control what won't be. But there is grace in their failings. I think you missed that.
>"They're doomed."
"Yes. But a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts. It's a privilege to be among them."


brainlet here. whats lex referencing to

I'm sorry, did I say marvelshit was intelligent? I just think it is hysterical how you fags think your "deep and gritty" capeshit is SOO superior

Pictured here, we see the death of gripping legends at the hand of infantilization of the genre. Almost poetic.


but it's also a clever way of him revealing he's been eavesdropping on her and Clark since only Clark refers to her as "Lo".

>Comedy movie
>Character uses a "dance off" as a diversionary tactic so his team-mates can defeat the enemy

It's like you intentionally take things out of context.


GoTG is less a movie and more a random compilation of quips that take front seat to a story that has barely any impact on the film but is just a vacuum to fill with quips.

>revealing he's been eavesdropping on her and Clark since only Clark refers to her as "Lo".
fuck i didnt even realise this

>Marvel is shit
>DC is shit
Is that so hard?

>Lel, I only watch movies made before 1970s, I am Kinosseaur.

>He only sees the world in the form of corporations and brand loyalty
>Thinks any of his opinions are somehow valid
You think you're a centrist and that you're above it all but really you're just another braindead thrall to mindless consumerism. :^)

are DCucks genuinely triggered by comedy?


>marveldrones actually think this cliche tripe lifted from literally every 'inspirational' movie ever is "profound and clever"

No, it's just that that DC and Marvel movies are shit, which doesn't imply that I only watch movies before a certain point.

>>He only sees the world in the form of corporations and brand loyalty
How does that follow? I'm just saying the films under those brands are shit.

Comedy is supposed to be funny. Focus-tested quips for 9 year olds is not.

Why did the chicken cross the road? HAHA

Both corporations. Both brands.
You are generalizing against both, in a case where they are clearly very different in technique and approach, simply to put forth the pretense that you are better than either side without actually making any valid criticisms or backing up said criticisms.
>I'm just saying the films under those brands are shit.
Case in point.
I bet you can't even name all the movies made under those brands since they started without resorting to google.

at least no one at based marvel is a RAPIST

>Both corporations.
No, they aren't. That's like saying "Windows" or "Macintosh" are corporations. While they have very different approaches, they have at least the similarity of both being shit.
>,simply to put forth the pretense that you are better than either side without actually making any valid criticisms or backing up said criticisms.
No, that's not my intention, I'm just saying they're shit. Also, strictly speaking, attacking what you think my intentions are or attacking the character of my statement doesn't disprove it.
>I bet you can't even name all the movies made under those brands since they started without resorting to google.
I could name all the movies made, but it doesn't matter if I would have to resort to Google or not because that's merely speculation on your part that can't be proven true or false.

You can argue the same for bvs

>dude if god is good he cant be all powerful

sounds like something a stoner would bring up awkwardly

Also, even if I'm guilty of whatever you're accusing me of in calling all the movies of DC and Marvel shit, I am at least no worse than OP is, raising the question of why you didn't call OP as well.
You also didn't justify your claim that I ONLY see "he world in the form of corporations and brand loyalty." Maybe I just see movies, or capeshit like this. I could also have seen every single Marvel and DC movie and consider them to be shit on their merits.

Comedy is fine. But DChads prefer wit and satire to SO RANDOM XD

Bro liek turn off your brain broooo.

Pottery is liek for fagits brooooooo.

>both sides look stupid

I don't think you thought this through, user


Except no one is bringing that up as some masterful piece of writing and an example of the best those movies have to offer.

>comic book movies

>watch a DC movie
>joker literally gives his girlfriend away to a black man

what did they mean by this?

That Stewart piece is a pretty nice way for the filmmaker to say "hey I'm making a fucking Superman film here. Of course I'm going to be blunt about it, it's his character being blunt".

In a Man of Steel interview, Snyder said that he made a unironic Superman film, which is ironic in itself.

The worst thing maybe about genuine DC defenders is that they have no problem it seems with pretty much all the praise for the movies being obvious b8 like this post.
I mean, the worst thing certainly not having shit taste, because the DC movies are that good ;)

Imagine being so buttblasted you actually made this post.

>they think order and chaos are opposites
They literally are
>written by a """feminist""" rapist
>MCUcks think this is a deep monologue

Hm? I was just calling DCucks for being complacent about the praise for their movies here being almost 100% b8. None of that indicates I was angry.

You are extremely buttravaged though. Which is why you are so quick to handwave any counter argument as "b8". Because that's the only way you can justify a losing debate. With irony. The next prudent step in your life would be a noose and a chair.

>DC and marvel aren't corporations
>attacking what you think my intentions are or attacking the character of my statement doesn't disprove it.
Yeah, that was just for flare. :^)
>I could name all the movies made, but it doesn't matter if I would have to resort to Google or not because that's merely speculation on your part that can't be proven true or false.
Great non-argument.
>Immediate damage control before I can even respond
You've really made my point for me here.
> I am at least no worse than OP is, raising the question of why you didn't call OP as well.
Why would I? He's just a run of the mill shitposter and everyone is taking the bait full force.
I almost agree with the stance you're taking but if you actually want to contribute something worthwhile you should point out the real problem underlying it instead of trying to take a jab at the subject of their retarded obsession.
Namely, the company loyalty faggots who just can't help themselves stirring up shit, and responding to it.

Its the only thing DCkuks do with the BvS crapfest
>Dude christian references lmao.
Fuck off

>dude this story about men in thighs beating each other is totally deep

>Which is why you are so quick to handwave any counter argument as "b8"
I talking about obvious b8 like that. Again, there's no indication that I would do that for any argument, as it's not that hard to find out who are the real fans of DC movies.
>losing debate.
And what debate is that one?

Learn to read before responding, my man.


It's ok user you are special and everyone is actually just b8 so you never have to think up an actual argument. It's ok the Pajeet contract didn't specify anything but rampant shitposting anyways.

>Feigning ignorance to disguise your legitimate ignorance
Clever girl. Except no.

Are you retarded?
No, he just pretended.
He killed the black for lusting after Harley Quinn.

>quoting Greek philosopher from 300 BC
>Christian references
So this is the intelligence of your average Marvel fanboy

first time on this board, he's totally right.


>Arguing about Capeshit

They would neither know the Greek or the Christian references if DCBros hadn't pointed it out. They are reactionary monkeys making up arguments for an agenda that will never change.

Not really. You made an incredibly silly statement, and I showed how this was so by comparing it to Windows and Macintosh.
>Great non-argument.
Well, pointing out that you bet I couldn't name the movies either wasn't an argument either, so in that way, we are even.
>>Immediate damage control before I can even respond
How is that damage control? I just remember there was something else I wanted to say and that I forgot to include it in my post. Is this an argument, or are you being hypocritical, or do you actually think it's okay to use non-arguments?
>but if you actually want to contribute something worthwhile
I thought I was doing that because it would force DCucks to recognize that there are people who dislike DC and Marvel movies. A massive problem with attacking DC, (and Marvel movies for that matter), is that when anybody does it, they're use accused of being a fan of the opposing franchise, which doesn't logically follow, but there are entire threads made by people who actually dislike both franchises, but want to show how they're justified in disliking one more than the other, or assuming that if, for instance, someone accuses you of being a Marvel cuck, they must be a DCuck, so you have to shit on DC even more, and then the other person thinks he's justified in thinking you like Marvel, so they'll defend DC and attack Marvel just to contradict you.

>Hahaha that post was such bait
>still responded to the "bait"
>ass still leaking from the "bait"

Look how Snyder treats death and how Marvel does it.

People argue that Snyder is the monster when he's the one who actually understands the grave consequences of death. Iron Man is quipping above the corpses of thousands!

>Pajeet contract
So, what's the joke here, and what I supposedly being paid to do?


So, I'm feigning ignorance about what and am legitimately ignorant about what? I'm assuming it's not a debate about Marvel, (which also sucks), vs DC, because my post didn't mention Marvel at all.

>there are entire threads made by people who actually dislike both franchises
>but want to show how they're justified in disliking one more than the other

When will you DCucks understand that all your 'serious' dialogue and obscure references and parallel and metaphors and ALL that shit DOES NOT make a good superhero movie?

So, you disagree? I'm saying that because in pretty much every thread that isn't about DC, people are shitting on Marvel, and I would find it interesting if the people who actually liked Marvel only posted when there was a thread about DC.

Good writing does not make a good film, but QUIPS AND FUN does! You tell them Marvel friend! Together we can fight the DC fascists!

I will let you in on a secret...

people know that Iron Man is not real and that destruction of New York is not real and they don't give a shit about Iron Man quipping over imaginary corpses of thousands.

So, if you respond to b8, that automatically means you fell for it?

>Everyone starting to backpeddle on the MoS shitstorm after the m3 moves on to it's next target
You mean it doesn't make a good cartoon or kids adventure movie.

>serious pretentious dialogue is good writing
I prefer DC over Marvel but that's a crap argument.

>dude nothing matters nihilism lmao
This is sad.

Wah! where are the trite quips in muh superhero movies, wah! wah!

That's the point, retardo

Come on now. Let's not pretend, shall we?

I miss Superman saving people and smiling.

Yes, dont respond to bait


I'm not pretending.

I feel embarrassed for you

>but QUIPS AND FUN does!

Yup, they make good superhero movie, as evident by box office and reviews. The best DC movie, Wonder Woman, tries to stray away as far from BvS as possible and therefore is actually decent.

Why won't you fags go watch any dramas which touch upon the same problems BvS did, but actually do it correctly, thus being good movies? Why do you insist on watching and praising such shitty fusion of various themes that don't work with one another at all like BvS?


>Resorting to anything other than ceaseless, trite quips that you might hear from a kid playing with his action figures is now pretentious
Explains your president. He truly represents the """people""" of america.

I was hoping somebody could give an intelligent response to what I said, disagreeing or agreeing, or adding to it, and I didn't care if I gave him satisfaction of thinking I responded to what he said, or whatever.

>dude, death of IMAGINARY PEOPLE in SUPERHERO MOVIE is such serious business

literally autism and I'm not one to just throw that word around easily

>Merely pretending

Perhaps that's the point? Highlighting the edgy (what some might call pseudo-philosophical although that might not be fair) nature of modern DC flicks vs the pop-culture and whimsical (some might say low-brow) nature of modern Marvel flicks. An example of what i'm referring to pertaining to DC is how new Wonder Women movie involved themes of Prussian Militarism.

>therefore is actually decent.
with all the faults of bvs (and mos to a lesser extent) it was a far, far better movie than WW