Has facial hair officially been demasculated?
It seems like having a beard now these days is more of a sign of immaturity and liberalism
Has facial hair officially been demasculated?
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Couldn't give a fuck. I like my beard.
It's only acceptable if you are really manly and not a poser hipster.
If you are any degree of hipster you should just avoid it lest you be clumped in with liberal trendy faggot. Also if you live in a city you should probably forget about it.
well chances are it looks gay. whats the truth, you love your beard or you hate your jaw?
Unless you can grow a beard like this, don't bother trying.
Hipster numales ruined beard and the Hitler youth haircut and a bunch of other things.
Still, some are better off keeping it to disguise their weak jawline and missing chin.
If you are truly masculine, it doesn't matter, and you won't care.
It's easy to differentiate poser beards and masculine beards.
If anything, it has made, masculine beards more valuable and rare.
depends. do you live in portland or mcminnville?
first, get fucked, second, which varnish should i buy?
>having a beard now these days is more of a sign of immaturity and liberalism
it's the 60's all over again
It was never about masculinity, even Romans saw it as disgusting. The only reason i ever grow out my beard it's because i'm a lazy uncivilized piece of shit.
if you dont wear it like a mask or someone who has been forced into grooming standards by the mil then dont grow one.. mincy fagits
I clean shave now because of nu male cucks
I think it's the way you keep it trimmed and how you act. My dad has a beard, he's an arborist (tree-cutter). Basically a lumberjack without the plaid.
that actually seems so thick as to be a nuisance
clean-shaven for three years, enormous one before that
weak-chinned fags kind of need them
Facial hair has always been degenerate
Having a clean-shaven face every day shows discipline.
Go shave your fucking face.
Or it shows you have shit genetics and can't grow a proper beard.
I'm just a lazy faggot who shaves with the clippers on an electric shaver. I usually shave 1 a week so it's stubble for the most part. Just laziness, beards seem like too much work and shaving daily is a pain.
no, a beard shows you have shit genetics because you're hiding your weak jaw
this. Now that liberalism has pushed into the mainstream, beards are more socially acceptable, for better or worse so every emasculated nu-male and their brother thinks they can grow one and look like Grizzly fucking Adams. That being said if you can grow one like 's pic related, by all means do it, the only sign of immaturity from growing a beard is college-age hipster faggots growing some scraggly patchy pube beard and kidding themselves into thinking it looks good.
I honestly only have a beard because I can't be bothered to shave.
ITT: Butthurt faggots who can't grow facial hair.
You do know that Augustus was in real life a short, hairy gimp don't you?
Pick one, and tell me if it allows you to have a disgusting beard on your face.
His beard is good, it's his hobbies that melt confidence in him
Good beards, though it is entirely for show
Great beard, though it's not trimmed well. How would biting into a burger go?
Really depends on the person, obviously. You can tell on-sight who's faggy
In the Muslim world facial hair is about de-feminising your apperance so you don't get anally raped
Nope. I can grow a full healthy beard in 7 days. Even when i shave I have a extremely light smoothish stubble appearance around my chin. But i shave once every three days roughly allowing some freedom to my beard.
>Awesome beard
that guy looks just like me.
I know now we all have to be clean shaven
Thanks to nu-males.
A beard also kind of seems like the person having one really does not want pussy.
nigga don't let liberals claim beards you faggot
>choosing what you look like based on what faggots look like
This basicly.
Even if you have good facial hair and a good jaw stubble looks twice as masculine as a full beard desu
I grew my beard to about an inch and a half in length, not for fashion or any other reason.
I just stopped caring after she left.
Immaturity and liberalism are the ultimate indicators of immaturity and liberalism. Having a beard close to your face is fine if you aren't immature and liberal. Having a longer, obviously groomed beard like that fag will probably make you look like a retard though, yes
My beard is just like that except I trim around my lips because otherwise it gets in the way of chewing and shit.
>mfw my hairline is the same, too.
I gotta say I'm glad I can grow a beard like that given im balding as i'd look weird as fuck bald and without the beard, I think.
>Decent jawline so I don't have to grow a beard
>Can't grow one anyway because blonde and only 21
>Still means I only have to shave twice a week to have a clean-cut appearance
Feels good man.
I have a ridiculously weak chin so looking a bit like an immature numales is still better than look like an ugly weak chin no jaw line creep without one. Have to play the cards you've been dealt
faggots in charge who cant grow a beard forbid you to have one because theyre complexed by their shitty genes, and so are you.
grooming is fine but over grooming and looking artifical is just vile.
Like this fucker, has a beard but the best part of beards is the slightly rugged look, not the pristine perfect fag look.
I trimmed my mustache bit because it was getting in my wine and ale.
Handlebar mustache is where it's at.
rate my beard
I have a nice strong jawline, I just maintain stubble.
whats the truth, you love your hair or you hate your skull?
>Look like a babyface ugly faggot without a beard.
>Look like a retarded hipster faggot with one.
I can't win.
numales ruined it
>like that fag
thats paul mccartney you dumb fuck
cool if you're going for the homeless look
Yea I do it to stay out of food but also I have really nice lips. Gotta show em off, knowmsayin?
>flauntitifyougotit.jpg :^)
Looks like that faglord Halo streamer Ninja.
Not bad but the scragly part going around your neck's gotta go.
8/10 exceptional for a beanerfag, mustache could be a bit thicker though. Are you of pure Spanish descent by chance?
jesus fuck, i've seen this picture many times but every single goddamn time it makes me mad. Gay as shit glasses, stupid hair, baby face except for a neck/chin beard and scrawny little arms.
you know what, i've also been told i have nice lips. i'm going to take that and run with it.
Was nice when i was swimming in a mountain river, the water retention kept my face cool, however when working out it killed me
>Jimmy Neutron hair.
>t. can'tgrowabeardfag
U look good.
Sorry about gravity, though.
Do you ever like to guzzle water like a complete animal after the gym or doing something physical and having a little bit of it trickle down the corners of your mouth and down your beard to your chin? I work construction (so guzzle loads of water all day) and I fucking love doing it for some reason. It's kind of animalistic and I don't know why I like it, but I do.
it used to represent a rough lifestyle that didnt care for appearances, now it represents laziness/feminine level grooming
>speaking of posers...
yeah i do, it's strangely enjoyable.
No you giving a shit is. Mind your own faget.
>tv show is fake
wow really makes me think
Beards are for numales with weak jaws.
hair are for faggots and weak skulls
The gayest shit I've ever seen in my life
Not really. I can grow a pretty good beard, but i just hate what they have come to represent
Leg hair is for numales with weak legs.
No, but shaving for the desired business man look shows dedication to the job and your'e more likely to get promoted. Having a beard in a business place is like a girl refusing to wear makeup in a business place
Depends on the style of the beard and how you dress and conduct yourself.
>mfw weak-chinned, no jaw line and bear still won't grow at 22
Wearing fursuits is for people who aren't fat fucks and won't look thick by equipping a layer thick inch of fur.
It also proves that you aren't disgustingly sweaty and smelly if you don't pass out from the heat.
>long hair is a disadvantage in battle
>Vikings would wear long hair anyway
>it signals that the handicap is nothing to them
>long hair becomes seen as a fearsome trait
>dark clothing makes the wearer look thinner
>light clothing makes the wearer look fatter
>fat women wear dark clothes in an attempt to look thinner
>dark clothes become the thing fat women wear to try to not look fat
>thin women wear light clothing so they aren't seen as fat
>light clothing becomes the thing only a thin woman would wear
>far women wear light because there's no way someone actually fat would do that
>light clothing objectively makes the wearer look fatter
>thin women switch back to dark
>light is fattening again
>repeat every season, add in colours and stripes for variety
>beard is a sign of masculinity
>non-masculine men grow beards
>signals that they're trying to compensate
>clean shaven becomes the new masculine signal
>Not shaving your head and growing a handlebar mustache
>f... fucking nu-males and their beards
>lol u stupid weak jawed beard f... faggots...
>n... numales
>.... why can't I grow a beard ; ;
You are such a weak little faggot that you dictate your appearance based on "what they come to represent." What the fuck deluded little world do you live in where you take Sup Forums shit seriously? Grow the fuck up and do whatever you want to do with your life and stop believing in Sup Forums's retarded bullshit.
Nothing but a bunch of little whiny bitches on this board crying "MUH NU MALE." as an argument. I could care less whatever epic memes you guys spout off, I'll wear a damn beard if I want to you stupid fucks.
>shows dedication
Wow it's so fucking hard to shave properly, it takes a whole 2 minutes of hard time to apply shaving creme and run a razor. It takes far more effort to properly maintain and trim a beard.
it was always a signature of Muslims and other manlets
Fine jesus fuck I'll go shave now
checked and appraised
Praise KEK
3333 more!!!
Well I'm shaving. Shadilay, brother! Praise the Bringer-In of Light, the Darkness Before the Don!
Not quite there, Ahnold
nice digits
Nice one, Latvia
Beards btfo
Praise Kek!!!
Not sure if waste.
shaved my beard off yesterday for this exact reason
feels bad man