>electing a steak salesman
Are Americans really this retarded?
Electing a steak salesman
Other urls found in this thread:
>electing a woman
We already elected a nigger, so the answer is probably yes.
Theresa May
>Choose between a stake salesman or a corrupted globalist war mongrel
Which do you pick?
Isn't your mayor a mudshit?
The steak salesman
you wish you had american steaks instead of your shriveled sausages with hp
Why is he shooting the steaks?
Let the guy who made himself a billionaire (with admittedly a bit of an edge) in the largest economy on the face of this Earth, and ever seen by history run that country... vs. Hillary Clinton, I'm sure you know Hillary. Convince me to vote for her.
Those are some good ass looking steaks Muhammad.
He's letting them know what happens if they get outta line again
>select images with salad
I know what you mean Tyrone
the mayor of Londonistan you uneducated pleb, the whole of the UK isn't just London. God, I have how fucking out of touch American fucks are with geography. so self involved. Aleppo.
>electing a man who fucked a pig twice
dont you have a muslims as pm
In America we have elected grocers,pot heads,movie stars,ranchers.
Shit, even the last cheerleader we elected cucked your old PM pretty hard.
Whats that?
Did your dumbass royal family put you up to posting this insight Brit-tard?
>His supreme leader is a muslim retard.
stay mad anglo faggot
>Be ruled by the Windsor-I-wouldn't-tell-my-real-name-cause-it's-german
>Not even elected
>La Reyne le veult
>Not knowing that Thatcher was incredibly based
>Are Americans really this retarded?
>electing a steak salesman
Why wouldn't you ? It pisses off libtards, illegals, nogs and kikes and the President is essentially a glorified PR Executive anyway.
What you need to worry about is their affiliations and loyalties, not the candidate.
They don't elect their leaders, just MPs
You see now this is the fun bit.
The bit where we harass you Burgers for two months until either you win and prove us wrong or fail like bitches.
We had it during Brexit and we're going to give it twice as hard.
So take 'are Nige's advice
Or you'll stop the pendulum in its tracks and Sup Forums will never forgive you.
Democracy is the true opiate of the masses
faget shills on Sup Forums who think they're going to change this place. pitiful
Who made the shitty edit in OP's post?
lmao hey your mudshit mayor called he said you can't post after 23:00 lmao
at least they dont have a black presi- oh wait
>implying any Brits know who the mayor of Washington DC is without looking it up.
That old hag may have had some decent ideas, but Merkel and Shilldawg have ruined her reputation. Women make other women look bad.
Wtf I hate steak now.
>Are Americans really this retarded?
Rhetorical question
>mfw Sup Forums is actually supporting this reality tv star corporate dick licker for president.
I love having Mr. Trump's meat in my mouth. Sooooo gooooood
One could say he raised the steaks by running for president
>reality tv star corporate dick licker
>corrupt war mongering globalist pawn
Y'all remember that time we dumped all that shitty tea in the harbour?
>Implying Brits don't realise that the mayor of DC isn't like the president
You do understand that most of those "failed Trump business" weren't actually run by Trump right?
Like Trump Vodka, Steaks, University etc. Trump is a Casino and Real Estate magnate. He doesn't run distilleries or slaughter houses you fucking retard. His name was associated with good business in the American psyche so he licensed his name and likeness to random companies for free money, like an athlete or actor. It was free money to do a photoshoot at most. He'd have to have been retarded not to do it.
It's a hell of a lot more honest a way to make ends meat than the fucking Clinton foundation I'll tell you that.
>Calling americans retards
>Got beat by america
>Got a second chance after Napoleon was in St. Helena and you still fucking failed, kek
>Mad because fish and chips can't compete with Trump's superior all American meat
shes more based than david cameron desu