Every time they run

>Every time they run, you take shot.

How do did Syndrome recruit forces for something like this?


He is incredibly rich. He pays really well.

Money. *Lots* of money.

But where did he look to find the kind of men who would go along with "kill a bunch of Supers for big pay?"

They are canonically south african mercenaries

Just hire ex-military like PMCs do.

All the henchmen from all the retired villains had to go somewhere...

Funny how they barely acknowledged what the super-villains did after the heroes were banned. Wouldn't that've been the perfect time to take over?

I think most of them were gone or defeated by the time the golden era of supers ended. And in the intro to the movie they are just fighting regular street crime or non super criminals and terrorists. Like bomb voyage.

Then how did Mole Man come back right on cue after the Incredibles returned? Was that a Black Manta situation?

I'm sure the few villains that were smart enough went into hiding and seclusion

With money and maybe promise of fucking the secretary

but shouldn't that have been their time to take over?

Really? Source?

I imagine half of the fun in being a villain was making it a show to try and drag out the supers to stop them. Take the supers away and you take half of the fun so some probably just got bored and went into hiding, too. I assume there was still crazy shit like the underminer going on in the background but the government had to come in with the army to take care of it.

>Funny how they barely acknowledged what the super-villains did after the heroes were banned. Wouldn't that've been the perfect time to take over?

Oh but they did in the extra content. Short answer: the NSA fucking straight up iced them all and the ones they couldnt touch got bored alla DKR Joker and stopped being a menace.

how much did she charge?

or was she legit in love with him or something

>according to the government, neither of us exist

did she have superpowers too or what

her power is a literal pussy pocket dimension

she can take a dick thats even wider than her own torso by having her vagina linked to another dimension


I think that's what's implied, yes. It's not a stable relationship, but not a particularly unhealthy one either.

>NSA just fucking iced all the villains
That's some cold, but effective shit.

Thanks, Satin

Plenty of heroes worked undercover.