What does Sup Forums think of my family tree and why is it superior to yours?
Superior Family Tree
Oops, sorry. I copied this off some one else. Heres the real one
What's it like being a black Brit?
Your father is a great man, bestowing the gift of whiteness upon you.
A white girl and have even whiter children. 3 more generations and your descendants will be fully white.
>tfw never got to experience old Africa
sooo, just another shitskin in america.
t. Schlomo
Live in London so pretty standard.
does your mom know your views?
A little bit, she's not a fan to say the least
what went wrong?
I mean, you should be a cuck working to destroy the white race in their plans.
I don't really know, I kind of went from full commie, to pro-EU statist, to NatSoc, to Nationalist conservative.
The world is at that point where I'm not sure if this is satire or not
the original poster was answering questions in such a way he wanted us to believe "it was real" but you are free to draw your own conclusions.
I am 1/8th white
Black italian he he.
Ordinary Slav here
Do I bring shame to my father?
fuck wrong one
Military or restaurant worker, hard choice
I missed out on the opportunity of being a black ginger feelsbadman
Vlaams of Waals?
Go home cunt. Any white women that fucks you should be gassed.
Family is a mix of the two, but je suis Francophone
Your inferior genes will be wiped out soon enough until all that is left are cucks
>literally half negro
lad... no need to project...
learn how to fucking spell, christ