My brother woke up from a decade-long coma

My brother woke up from a decade-long coma.

He's going through cultural shock of the change in social climate from the year 2005 to the current year.

How do I help him adjust without driving him insane? Doctors have him on pills. I kind of shocked him with how much things have changed, and he was really confused, he went into a panic attack and so I've been told by the doctors to be more careful especially when he leaves the hospital and comes back home to try and pick his life back up where he left off.

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what did you tell him ?

Sad! Many such cases!

what are his political stances

Why is Trump the third hokage? He died in like the 80th episode of Naruto Pepsi Max Adventures.

When he was in a coma did you ever touch his wiener just as a joke?

get him into nature, spend a lot of time with him, tell him what you know, answer his questions and let him know everythings gonna be all good if this is a seriouspost

Guy wake up from coma.
Scared of the political atmosphere.
More likely than you think!

Are these shit posting Canadians Canadians? Or Australians and Dutch using proxy?

Yes it is sad. CHECKED

Nothing has changed since 2005

Answer this OP

play this song for him

then give him some digoxin and help him escape the hospital

He asked me about his girlfriend and it was kind of a difficult question. She used to visit him in the hospital after the accident for a bit, but eventually stopped coming, as is normal when someone is in a coma for years even if you love them.

But she left him and has 2 kids now with another guy.

That's what really tipped him over the edge. Doctors had to come in and calm him down, I was asked to leave etc. Came back the next day and talked to him and avoided the subject of the current year as much as possible but it got him agitated by the end when we got into more middle east conflicts, the left calling for segregation, our country being led by a liberal and our dollar falling so low.

He was an independent, thought Bush was a hack but didn't favor the democrats either. He liked Harper.

direct him here. We will show him the light and help him through the pain. For we feel the same, but we have gotten somewhat used to it.

I probably will at some point. But he's going to have a hard time adjusting. I think I might bring some videogames and introduce him to some videogames he missed out on.

It's Australians using a Canadian proxy. Why do you think the Aussies flip out so much about Canadian posters?

They're just trolling Americans

Probably a good idea. Focus on some things that will make him happy for the time being and once he is more acclimated to the current year you should start red pilling him.

>Doctors have him on pills.
The only pill is a red pill

Show him the meme about how he's going to live just in time for the race war and of course...

It's the JEWS!

Oh my Kek


>How do I help him adjust without driving him insane?
Just send him here!

Yeah. I'll probably have to avoid the fact that consoles now have pay to play services for online, DLC, etc. But he'll be happy to see how far graphics have come, even if gameplay has stayed more or less the same. Maybe he'll like Bloodborne or something.

Showed him smartphones the other day, he seemed pretty happy and that he kind of expected something like this would come out eventually.

I dropped some hints. I told him about BLM and how they've been allowed to roam free in the USA smashing shit because the police don't want to be called racist. He was absolutely flabbergasted.

Remind him Satan controls this world and it's about to be the end, the Jews, who are the Synagogue of Satan, are a tribe of Arabid sand nigger Canaanite serpents who usurped White Nordic Israel's identity through the House of Judah, and control the world until the Final Day, The Appointed Time when the tares are cast alive into the Lake of Fire to be tormented forever and ever with no rest day or night. After that the White Race shall dominate the universe again and enslave any non-Whites/tare devil mongrels that remain.

No joke this fucking board has changed my life. Not sure if it's for the "better", but at least I'm (more) able to see things rationally.

Actually being a """racist""" sort of sucks, but I'm in the process of taking the Iron Pill and living up to the true European ideal of the Ubermensch, so there's that.

>non-europid religions where actually White Nordic
>while enslaving or killing off White Nordics lest they converted

kekmao read a book

Show him the Truth

Kek is inevitable

It has been foretold

Praise Kek

it could be people from Toronto or just Trudeau shit posting

>fall into coma under Harper
>wake up in a current year Trudeau Canada
Damn, son, that's gonna be like in Blast From the Past

>Actually being a """racist""" sort of sucks,

ancestors of present-day humans didn't think so

pro tip: the world isn't a Latte Brown mishmash thanks to them (this one, miscegenation--->Brown Coffe Human, is even backed up by mainstream pop. science press articles, so not even racist to mention IRL)

>Wake up and the girl you love has 2 kids with another dude.


Am I the only one who likes the Nirvana version better?

tell him that fucking his dog like always is now legal :3 then you suck his dick like the little bitch fag you are

>Did you just assume my gender?, said the nurse after he woke up

>Yes goyim it's the Australians, we don't make shitty posts, I swear. Remember 1812!


First, tell him the guy from The Apprentice is running for president, and then explain what The Apprentice is.

Hook him up with a dramatized KJV audio bible on an audio player, tube amp, and really nice set of headphones. Let him disconnect from this reality. There is nothing worth learning here for the soul.

Also set him up with some music and books.

Or you could be cruel and send him to /pol.

Get him GTA IV and V

you should have told him blacks have taken over the world to fuck with him.

It was a bit more intense than that.

He had investments in other countries so he'll reap the benefits of the canadian dollar for a little bit, but our economy is still fucked.

The Bible. Only book worth studying outside career stuff.

how old is he now?

Whatever you do, do not tell him about The Egg™

throw half life 2 at him, he wont have as long to wait

Things haven't really changed much since 2005 tho.

Trump will win

Did you tell him about badselfeater yet?

Show him spurdo & film the reaction

>But she left him and has 2 kids now with another guy.
can't really say she's unjustified but it still hurts

he missed out on obama. lucky guy.

No. Kurt unplugged was magical.


I'm watching it now and I'm pissed off.

Redpill him on the Berenstein and Berenstain timelines. Redpill him about the earth being flat. Let him no that Trump is a time traveler just trying to make things right.
Tell him user. TELL HIM THE TRUTH!!


If you woke up from a decade long coma, you would be disabled as fuck! Your mind and body would be so attrophied, you wouldnt even be able to eat, piss or shit properly the rest of your life.

thanks for the tip evil one

Well, first off congratulations. What's it like to have your brother come out a coma after 10 years? Was he an older or younger brother?

My dad was in a coma for 10 years.
He woke up one day back in the 80's.
Asked what was going on today.
I said "Congressman Sonny Bono"
Went back into a coma.

Woke up again a few years ago.
I told him about Senator Al Franken.
Back into the coma.

Woke up this morning.
Wants to know who's running for president...

Which is why he's in the hospital

Older. We're ecstatic to have him back. I would think about it every now and then but I had kind of given up hope. My mom has been in tears for days.

Shit, man. I know how you feel. Good friend of mine didn't wake from a coma, and the whole time I had made plans for when they did.

I'm glad it turned out for you. Tell him about smartphones being more powerful than any computer he's seen.

Tell him about SpaceX and Elon Musk. Tell him the Private Space Race is on, and things are looking beautiful.

Tell him that Kek wills that Trump will win and Hillary will live just long enough to see him sworn in.

Also tell him to get over his gf. That sounds rough but women are garbage.


show him oculus rift hentai

Put a funnel in his butt and slowly introduce increasing amounts of beer. Then gas in his face while he's inebriated and unable to move in his bed and laugh while you wave money in his face. That will sum up the last 10 years.