Reminder is was a leaf that started this Kek shit on Sup Forums.
Reminder, thusly, Kek is a ruse.
Reminder is was a leaf that started this Kek shit on Sup Forums.
Reminder, thusly, Kek is a ruse.
It was being spread by multiple people
I remember there was a thread every other day
You just happened to find a screenshot of a leaf posting it
This is from the archives and this is the very first thread related to it. It's the thread that started the cancer.
It's started long before, somewhere when Bane-crash happened and Sup Forums discovered meme magic.
I'm talking about the frog-god, not meme magic in general.
This is the thread that actually distorted the definition of meme magic altogether, and it was made by a fucking leaf.
After meme magic was discovered, people started to find signs of old gods, like Baal with mount Lel (and create new, like Ebola-chan). From there it was a short hop to discovering Kek.
Thank you, Canada.
This is a lie. Kek started kek
>While his Semitic predecessor was depicted as a man or a bull,[1] the demon Baal was in grimoire tradition said to appear in the forms of a man, cat, toad, or combinations thereof.
>bull (cuckposting)
>cat (caturday)
>toad (frog)
Holy shit.
I was actually afraid i started it
i made a post about a frog deity named kuk
"haha kuk get it like cuck? and its a frog like pepe! isn't that kind of a cute coincidence?"
how wrong i was
>Jan 2016
It started like March-May 2015
People were already saying it when the crane drop on Mecca
>t. newfag revisionist
That is literally the first thread to bring about Kek, which was a far cry from Baal (September 2015) characteristcally.
Yes. Even more, this illustration shows a man, a frog, and a cat on spider body - literally description of internet.
People had started identifying pepe as a deity a few months prior to the revelation of kek.
Pic related was the first stirrings of it. People were talking about meme magic, the NWO cards predicting the future, and the effect our shitposting was having on the election when this card was posted and connected to pepe. A few months later someone told us of kek.
>guys, I invented this meme, lol
Incorrect yet again.
Both shitty meme gods, Baal and Kek, are different. Kek's "existence" lays claim on all posts with minimal repeating digits- 10% of all naturally occurring posts. It's shitposting
Not to mention it started as nothing but a meme, but the shitters who couldn't get over Winterchan failing decided to attach themselves to something else.
>old frogposting image
>Unix timestamp of 147-
Found the newfag.
>He didn't read I'm warning that it was a LEAF that concocted the cancerous Kek meme
>Incorrect yet again.
>Both shitty meme gods, Baal and Kek, are different
You have no fucking reading comprehension whatsoever. You should probably just commit suicide.
kek is moloch
dubs will confirm
pls go and stay go
Been on Sup Forums since 2013, newfag.
How cute.
if kek is a ruse how can you explain this ↗
I've been on Sup Forums for 10 years.
The first stirrings of kek were when people connected the frog god card to Pepe, months before the Egyptian mythology was posted. I have been here to watch the entire unfolding of this.
You also never mentioned when we started worshiping Poseidon to drown refugees.
well fuck you kek
Prove it, lad
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TRUMP 2016
Shills don't want us to vote. This makes us a dangerous demographic.
Repost this in every thread (((((especially shill threads))))) to maximize out potential voting power.
Register to vote online, if your state allows it:
Make sure you confirm your current address and personal information. Don't get turned away at the polls due to a "clerical error"!
Make sure you know how mail-in ballots are counted in your state and county. Sometimes they're counted just like normal ballots. Some states ONLY COUNT THEM IF THE ELECTION IS CLOSE ENOUGH FOR THEM TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Don't throw your vote away, make sure your mail-in ballot will be counted regularly, or make plans to go out and vote in person on November 8th!
Research your local elections. Know your house and senate candidates! If you live in a state with direct democracy, study the propositions and measures carefully. Fixing government needs to start from the top and the bottom, your voice is loudest locally!
Either way you're being a nitpicking faggot
there is no kek we are living in the matrix
>since 2013
some severe post throttling going on.
Either way, Kek is a shitty off-topic Sup Forums-tier meme, newfag.
>says the newfag
like this one took 10 seconds to post
Call me what you want but if you think kek is the biggest issue with this board then you're newer than I am
88888888 GET is in an hour, lad.
Oh no, I'm well aware of the other problems- the twitterposts, bait thread, miscellaneous threads and such.
Kek is the main gateway for redditors and newfags to enter Sup Forums and cause these problems.
I see it's better to attack at the source.