We are all one people who share the same ancestors, genetics, language, and culture. Religion shouldn't define our borders. We only have each other. For instance, if you are Pakistani/Bengali in the UAE they will treat you and I the same and just call us "Hindunia", not seeing you as a Muslim/equal.
We need to unite for Greater India
Other urls found in this thread:
>Greater India
>includes South-East Asia and Persia
uh what
Nice color scheme in pic
Diarrhoea brown
The memes they write themselves
You get the point
Doesnt China see a lot of that territory as their sphere of influence?
Fuck you bloody bastard son of bitch
Why is that person's skin tone white? Those nations are brown, no need to be ashamed.
India is now a filthy nation of Vaishyas, essentially Dasyus, when it comes down to it. The whole world needs to be scrapped and recolonized with the Aryan Adamic seed. Great nations and empires will rise once again in this new Great Age, and no filthy swarthy Satan spawn to corrupt, pollute, destroy, usurp, and ruin.
Yfw Indians are literal Aryans
This could have happened as The Raj. Now they will have to fight it out with China.
Indian people are Indo-Aryan. Fact. Thanks for raising us on Sup Forums all the time :)
I put my circumcised dick in Quebec mammy pussy make her feel good
No, Freddy Mercury was more Aryan than 99% of most Indians. Although he could've been Fairyan
No they're not. Aryans is a term the Indo Europeans who partially settled in Central and South Asia. That branch intermarried with the local populations, more so in the north. Hence, Persians, Afghans, and the Brahmin class in India are much lighter skinned, taller, and have a higher frequency of light colored hair and eyes than those in the southern portion.
Half of those places aren't even remotely near Indians ethnically or culturally. How do you justify annexing Vietnam and Cambodia?
One thing is certain and that's Pakistan and Bangladesh should not exist and should be under Indian rule.
They are Buddhist we invented Buddhism Buddha is Indian, INDIAN!
But Buddhism is not practiced as widely in India as it is in east asian countries. Indians predominantly practice Hinduism, Sikhism, and.. some of them practice Islam.
Hinduism is Indo-Aryan religion. We are white people with brown skin hence caucusoid skull.
Refer to the second map I posted, the dark orange is definitely Indian. The lighter areas are somewhat Indian.
Vietnamese people are ~20% Indian genetically speaking.
The term is now invalid with the exception of referring to those of chiefly Aryan stock. This was the entire idea behind the pan German movement under Hitler. Hitler and many at the time believed that the German people were the of nearly pure Aryan stock and not intermingled like in the case of Central and Southern Asians or in the case of the Slavs in Europe. Whether or not he was right is debatable but one thing is certain. Poo-in-loos are a mix of Aryan and Dravidian, differing in ratio depending on locale. They aren't "literally Aryans" but they are part.
>uniting pakistan and india
kek good fucking luck
Good, go back to your fucking magnificent shithole, fucking foreign shitskin trash.
Bhudda was aryan. He had blue eyes.
Are Sup Forumstards really this dumb? This is blatant bait and still you idiots take it.
look here
It's the whole Pakistani identity issue. They think they're Arab/Middle-Eastern because they are Muslim. In reality Muslim's from the Middle East don't see them as equal and still refer to them as Hindu. The only real difference between us is religion. They claim to be lighter skin closer to Arab's who are almost white but the same can be said about Northern Indians. They basically are self-hating Indian's who wish to be Middle-Eastern.
The highest admixture of Aryan DNA I've seen is in Norwegians, and it's a little over half. So no, the Germans aren't 100% pure. They surely have a higher % than your average Indian though. Only the highest castes in India have any significant Aryan admixture, and they've been severely out bred with Indians population boom.
Paki please go. The best thing to ever happen to India was being separated form that Muslim shithole. If it were up to me we'd deport the rest of you fucking kabooms.
Son of mother whore India is original aryan America is less white
Indian's look the same except brown skin.
I am Sikh do you Hindus treat Sikhs equally?
You guys are living memes
That leads me into another point, why force them into a union with India? The Vietnamese seem to be perfectly happy on their own, and after all the shit they've been through, I think we should all agree to let them do what they want with their own country. Without foreign intervention.
IDK I'm Christian.
USA a shit and India industry is number one soon we will be top power india already has a bigger army we can take over USA right now if we want
Notice how I said they were of similar stock but not entirely the same? You don't "look the same" but you do look similar depending on how much Caucasian DNA you possess. The farther south you go the less there is and the more designated shitting streets there are. Those things are related.
Yunnan and Tibet Rest, the rest no. China has never really concerned itself with Indochina aside from North Vietnam, which is culturally Chinese.
>we can take over USA right now if we want
The only thing you guys could take over is fucking up the environment more. In fact, you already beat us at that. There are WAY too many of you fuckers to ever be stable enough to "overtake" the USA. You could fire a couple of your nukes if you wanted but out weaponry and military systems are far more advanced and powerful than yours. And because you dot-heads are so numerous and congregated in a small area our military strength would have a much greater effect on you.
It's dangerously close to Australia. Just saying.
LOL you faggots fell for the MEME. I'm middle eastern Christian. I stole this idea from the greater Syria thread. In reality, Indian's are bro-tier along with Bangli's. However Fuck Paki shit scum; I hate it when they try distancing themselves from Indian's. In the middle east, we hate the living shit out of them because most terrorists come from their shit hole. Even Osama was Paki, not Arab. Fuck Pakistan, love the rest.
>Even Osama was Paki, not Arab
No. His family were of Yemeni origin, so they were essentially the buildup in the toilet of the Arab world.
Most Arab's I know call him a paki shit. Still, doesn't hide the fact the Paki's sheltered him and produce most of the terrorists abroad. He was too all to be Arab JS.
They might call him Paki as an insult, seeing as Pakis are not very well looked upon and they did indeed shelter him. But I assure you his family was from Yemen originally. You can easily locate this info from numerous sources. And as for the tall aspect, I have met some tall as fuck Arabs before. Granted, most of them are on par with your average Spic but there are definitely some big sand niggers out there.