Space cop did not break ground
I don't understand how this board hates space cop it's a fun movie that doesn't take itself seriously
I'm just listening to the commentary track
so comfy
Mike does long "yyyyyyeaaaaahhh"s on all their commentaries
What movie are you guys hoping theyll commentate over for Halloween?
The Thing
but mike never watched it so
I thought it was Rich who said he never saw it on the Halloween track?
But yeah The Thing would be great.
Mike never watched the Carpenter one just the original
you actually listen to the guys who never watched the thing? lmao... it makes them such plebs and makes you even worse. kys but kill rlm first
>they haven't watched every movie in existence how dare they
fuck you
>there are people ITT that pay redlettermedia money on patreon for a friend simulator
>anime poster doesn't know their commentary tracks are free
wow, shocking an anime weeb being dumb
You answered your own question.
Sup Forums hates fun
Sup Forums takes itself very, very seriously
Honestly, even as a parody it wasn't that funny.
it had its moments but overall, meh.
movies made to be intentionally crappy are never as enjoyable as genuinely crappy movies
Mike, please don't shill your pathetic movie. Not even brainless diehard RLM fanboys liked that garbage.
but they sure as hell made sure to watch every comic book movie ever, probably five times each at least.
jay said on twitter that it would be re-animator probably
probably because he hates carpenter
that was rick and morty joke btw