ITT we describe our country in one picture or video
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ITT we describe our country in one picture or video
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fucking explain
is this a one way? private property? someone banned from area? pls dont tell me he got triggered because another car simply was driving in when he had plenty of room to drive around him
ok i just finished it and im even more confused
was the kid returning a stolen car or something? did he just beat the shit out of his own car? was this kid scared so shitless he literally got out and ran instead of backing out? goddamn
what a shithole
is that your whole country?
Why wasn't there an exchange of insurance information?
Why are there so many Portuguese people in Luxemburg? Is there any particular reason?
>muh polski
I thought your country was just a gas station with lowest VAT and biggest corporate tax breaks (not pictured) in european cucknion
If I wanted to visit the Netherlands do I have to smoke pot?
Because I wouldn't want to
i don't smoke it. why would you need to do anything in the country that enjoys absolute freedom?
I'm under the assumption that if any Americans were to go the The Netherlands they are going there for weed
I would like to see Heidevolk in their homeland at one of their big ass shows
Maybe fly an American flag like all the Europeans flying their flags in the audience
the other guy pushed him which triggered him
Ewa zemmel
An all white country is going to be GREAT
So he was shouting things like "Don't put your fucking hands on me" and the like?
>an exchange of insurance bullshit
>being this ignorant of how things work in bulgaria
>No John Paul II
Not polish enough t b h.
aren't you a part denmark?
he was shouting something like
"what are you doing driving like a big player with that old piece of shit car, huh? do you know how much my car costs, huh? for what it's worth i can buy you 10 times over..."
Yes but I don't live in denmark. If someone asked me, I wouldn't say that I live in denmark. I live in greenland.
off topic
Last week I saw two Bulgarian movies - that horror "Vila Rosa" and one drama - "The Lesson". What should I watch next?
Time of violence is a great one
german architecture
I remember passing through Luxembourg on a school trip. It took longer to cross the border than it did to drive through the country.
>Time of violence
Thanks, looks great
German people, too.
>Kem e du?
>E? E e e ,e.
check out the homeless guys hoodie.
This is Poland in single photo
Looks pretty comfy desu.
top kek:
>Wrong picture of the history
>Author: feradz
>Well done movie but it does not reach its objectives to represent the historical facts in Bulgarian lands during Ottomans' influence. I am a Turk from Bulgaria and lightly investigated the details about Ottomans government in Bulgarian lands. Definitely facts are not as they appear in this movie, at all. I do not recommend to relay on this movie as a source of historical information.
guy seems smart and well spoken.
kinda sad. wonder what led him to be homeless
Cheers, lads!
looks fantastic
a lot of homeless people in texas are pretty based and unless theyre black or far beyond mental illness they normally get a job and get back on their feet again. whites in texas are REAL nice to other white christians in texas and any church will pretty much give them whatever they need if theyre christian as well and are sane enough to hold a job again. theyre the typical "god bless you man, god bless you" homeless types.
you should probably come by at koningsdag. then we wave some flags. also our women are the most beautiful creatures on earth.
This may be what paradise looks like, to be quite honest