Fuck fuck fuck. This isn't supposed to be happening! We're fucked, so fucked. Good bye MAGA it was a good ride...
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Bumping because no one is talking about this
Hmmmm... So was it the evil Russians or just salty ass Democrats who did it?
lol this is fucking perfect, if the rnc is corrupt enough to blame it on the russians
>putin is helping trump
>putin just hacked rnc
wow CNN trying to start sg about the GOP to show them in a negative light..
did I answer your question?
Who wants to bet there is nothing worth mentioning in those files. If the RNC was really corrupt, Trump would not have won. They certainly have problems, I'd imagine, but nothing on the scale of what the DNC has been up to this year.
>Reveals the Republitards tried to pull a Bernie on Trump and failed
Kek doesn't give a shit about your party and neither do we.
Russians probably did it just to see if they can get dirt on any anti-trump cuckservatives
Burn in hell with the democrats
drumpftards will defend this
No it's not. The DNC is still around, and Trump isn't an RNC puppet, so nothing will happen
This, all I can see coming from a RNC leak is "damn, Trump really is anti-establishment"
Ya DNC literally is killing their own.
I've never heard of GOP killing their own.
The only thing corrupt I think is that Marco Rubio has CIA drug deal connections.
So what? It'll be full of rinos slagging on Trump and trying to push Yeb
Trump overcoming his party's opposition when Bernie couldn't is already part of the narrative
That flag is missing a crescent moon.
Is this proof rich baby boomers are shit at cyber security?
>>Reveals the Republitards tried to pull a Bernie on Trump and failed
This. Or you could spin it as
>DNC leaks
>shows DNC rigged San Diego or something
>GOP leaks
>shows GOP wanting to rig Trump away but ultimately doing the right thing and accepting the people's nominee
Trump is transcendent over Left vs right, just like Hitler was.
He can simply stand above is and say "THIS IS WHAT POLITICIANS DO!"
The only thing we support in murkan elections is chaos
>No documents released
>RNC officials deny it
>One cuck claims he was hacked
Everybody retweet me
I always wondered how retarded you have to be to believe these conspiracy theories. Fantasy is strong with the trumptards
The Russians did this
they retaliated
they were hacked so now they hack us
now all we have to do is prove it was them that hacked us and we win
so we get to see how the party conspired against trump, and lost in the end anyways? Cool.
>inb4 Trump has been controlled opposition the whole time
I am ok with this
I want to see how far the Neocons are going to fuck with Trump
Shouldn't that have come out in the DNC hacks, not the RNC hack?
Doesn't look like it
I don't think this can hurt the Don, other more established republicans yeah.
As if anybody actually expected the Republicans to not be as shady as the Democrats.
So how did Seth Rich die then?
Also some ex-DNC victim supposedly "stuffed themselves into a duffel bag".
How you believe people "stuff themselves into a duffel bag" as scientific evidence for cause of death never ceases to amaze me.
>data shows the everyone workint against trump
>everyone sees what he overcomes and wins in a landslide
>Implying Sup Forums cares about the RNC being hacked
Both parties are filled with fags, RNC with neocons and the DNC with their marxist bs
Expose them all
oh so it isn't the russians trying to screw clinton over trump?
This is done by the NSA then
it just be shit where the rnc try to rig it against trump. Won't find any incriminating stuff personally from trump.
I bet CTR was behind it.
Could be either way. The RNC would obviously deny until it happened.
so basically this dipshit (from my home state) is trying to distract the media to give Shillary cover
First we give the US LBJ and Bush, then we vote Cruz and then this shit
Why does every politician have to bring Texas increasingly more shame?
>inb4 nothing but RNC officials complaining about Trump
>see the pre-convention
lolz HACKED = KUCKSERAVTIVES handed it over to the Jews
This is why I'm voting for Trump.
I don't care who they hack or which one is actually the shittier person. Although I do believe the shittier person is Hillary.
No I don't give a shit about them trying their best to not nominate Trump. My point is if there is anything, ANYTHING in there that is remotely bad, the media is going to turn it into a 24/7 shit on Trumpfest since he's a republican. Look at how they made no big deal over the DNC leaks. They're going to make this huge even if there's hardly anything there.
Republicans typically don't slime for their base the people who give them all their money. Now, if the head of Planned Parenthood and Green Peace were giving oodles of cash to the RNC, they'd have a problem.
Scary thing is that the media will find the tiniest thing and make a hug deal out of it ignoring anything worthwhile and noteworthy with the DNC hack.
Too much house of cards and alex jones. everything is conspiracy. hill has syphilis, parkinson's, strokes, autism. The bitch ain't in perfect health but come on nobody can do all the rigors of cross country campaigning with all that. Apparently she's killed 120+ people too, yea that's house of cards fantasy man. I'm not gonna try to change your mind, I just think its a little crazy
I'm sure some things will come out, but nothing about trump. MAGA continues
it will reveal that they only pretended not to like Trump from the beginning to give him more mainstream appeal. in reality they rigged it for him.
Trump has repeatedly called the RNC more corrupt than the Democrats.
I bet they actually type correctly, the way the people in them DNC email each other is truly disgusting. It's like 15 year olds texting each other.
Now that would be a shocking twist.
At least you had Ron Paul.
And its literally fucking nothing.
He just took back his statement and said that he meant to say that republicans have been hacked over the years too, not just the DNC
I think the Neocon RNC are
I think Trump is a straight shooter, though
It would be. Trump capitalized on the fact that Republican voters hate their leadership and by mainstreaming that idea in the heads of voters he can credibly point to the DNC and say they're even worse.
I work for a popular website and deal with dumbshits who think they've been hacked every day.
Daily reminder current senior citizens are brain dead and this stupid fuck probably had someone charge his credit card or got a computer virus from his cp and now he thinks the entire planet is hacked
>Bohemian Grove
Fuck all these devil worshipping ritual cock suckers I hope they burn in hell at the hands of Trump
Yup. Which is why the guardian said they werent going to release them. My guess is they were trying every trick in the book to sabotage trumps campaign. And it just shows that trump is a real outsider that has the establishment shitting in their undies.
Meh, even if it's real, whatever's in there could only help Trump.
oh no, jeb's secret guac recipe is under threat!!
seriously who the fuck cares, trump is barely even affiliated with these retards and their neocon political bullshit
>the hackers found the neocon right-wing conspirators who are all trying to destroy Trump
>even more neocons flee like rats and jump ship to endorse Hillary because REAL CONSERVATIVES support the military-industrial complex zombie nominee
Trump won in the face of the republican establishment. He's not rep or dem. It doesn't matter what is in there, it's not going to change a thing with Trump supporters. It could actually benefit him by showing how against the establishment he really is.
shieet the EU actually did it
Did you forget that Trump ran against the RNC establishment? He literally called them corrupt and said they were trying to rig the primaries against him. Literally nothing the RNC does can hurt him.
Let me guess, he said something like:
"In this business everyone gets hacked all the time these days. Hell, I expect the RNC's been hacked as well"
and some intern passed it up without checking
Who cares. All it would show is how they were trying to stop Trump. If any corruption, it's positive for Trump since he scares them.
Why would the Russians hack the RNC, I thought they owned the GOP?
I can just imagine how autistic Harper was at something as carefree as the Bohemian Grove is meant to be.
'Hey Steve, want a drink?'
'Oh, no, I'm fine thanks.'
'Want a hooker?'
'No, my wife would kill me.'
Doesn't matter. So long as there are interesting emails that paint a picture of the party in disarray, the MSM will plaster them everywhere 24 hours a day for the next month.
Media balance, lol.
No big deal. There will be nothing on there we didn't know or didn't expect.
Understand this... there is a difference between the republicans and the democrats:
Both want power, both want to rule you. But the republicans make no secret of it while the democrats do.
Where the republicans are happy just to own your body, the democrats also insist on owning your soul.
So, while both would put you in chains if it meant keeping power, the democrats require that you WANT to be in chains, that you put the chains on yourself.
So... when we find out that the dems conspired to screw Bernie or gerrymandered and planned on using race as a weapon years in advance, it bothers us because the dems are supposed to be the "kinder/gentler" party.
When the republicans do it, we're kind of like... ya, expected that.
the gop is against trump
the only ones who are gonna look bad is them
So true!
Trump started operating outside the RNC and most likely continues maintain a high degree of independence from them especially in his planning and decision making. It would be like the DNC leaks revealing something about Sanders.
>Controlled opposition getting this far with this many resources being pooled against him
Controlled opposition is having someone like Gary Johnson assassinate his own party
grats on being a piece of shit to begin with XDDDD
The RNC have nothing to hide that we don't already know.
"Oh noes, the RNC was trying to stop Trump!"
Well, fucking duh.
The DNC doing the same thing is the news story because the media has made Democrats to be such fucking pariahs.
Worst case scenario, a party official drops an N-bomb in private and the media doesn't shut up about it.
Controlled by Kek
I'm surprised the GOP even knows how to email.
And this is how television brainwashes people.
It normalizes this sort of thing so morons like this simply dismiss the possibility.
>it's a "liberal who consumes too much media and now he can't think without using Movie titles or tv shows" episode
Wew lad
>Russia hacks DNC
Any chances DNC hacked the RNC?
Lol you will see in the RNC them being assblasted about Donald Trump the same way the DNC with Bernie. The prolific republicans have tried to distance themselves from trump this wont hurt him that bad.
Nothing matters. Trump will win in a landslide victory on November 8th.
>implying trumps dumber than Hillary :^)
trump and his team would be smart to delete ALL their sensitive shit obviously
>not implying he does honestly
I hope that's the case, just them bitching about Trump
Dems, but they will blame the russians again of course.