Yes, no
Maybe? I dunno
Can you repeat the question?
Try again
Is that butch?
You're not the boss of me now.
that's fucked up man
Cody Banks is bette than kingsman
leonardo diccaprio has let himself go
Isn't Reese really fucked up now? Honestly they're all doing pretty well for child stars. Plus Tobey Maguire is a multi-millionaire for some reason
Reminder that Craig raped Dewey
rip dewey
*Wrinkles brow*
> acting.
It's pretty weird how he and the actors who played Francis, Reese and Dewey never appeared on film or TV again after MITM ended
In fact they've all been recluses for years
does no one remember this?! I'm going to look through my screenhots for this, but a few years ago there was a person doing an AMA here saying there were a child actor, but aren't anymore. They said they were molested by TV execs along with their co star child actors, they said the dad on the tv show was doing very good and quite famous now (this was right after breaking bad ended and everyone was still hyped about the show)
anyways TLDR
>child actor does AMA says he and child co-stars were raped and touched, everyone started to come to the conclusion it was one of the kids from malcom in the middle. It all was very clear and obvious.
Does anyone remember this? I'll try looking in my archives
What's frankie's deal with these self-diagnosed "mini strokes"? Is he suffering from dementia?
He was never that attractive to begin with desu
He's had multiple concussions, I wouldn't be surprised if he has CTE by now
The guy playing Reese tried to make his own TV show, but it got cancelled like 2 episodes in, I think it was on Fox, Francis got into deep with Scientology (or was it his brother on that 70's show?), so that fucks you up, and Dewey did other things after, but never big things.
dewey isn't trans, you fucking idiot. he died years ago.
There's not much headroom being a child actor in a Fox sitcom. Even Malcom here was abandoned after failing his first leading role.