Press S to spit on it's grave.
Justice League Is Fucked
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>rape joke
it was a joke about how awful the script was
Really reaching for those clicks this week aren't they?
Are rape jokes literally rape now too?
no one will seriously give a shit now that the SJWs have abused the "rape" word so much it already lost most of its impact
this news wont even last 3 days
>rape joke
guess we cant joke about anything anymore except for drumpf
Shit like this is what got Trump into the White House.
Fuck Mouseshills
Aquaman confirmed /ourguy/
DChads keep winning while Marvelcuck SJWs shit in their diaps
what was the joke?
Are you retarded? If anything, if people cared more about this shit, Trump's campaign would have been over after the grab them by the pussy tape.
i dont care about capeshit bro
but this is literally SJW "1st world problems" news
not only just a rape joke, a rape joke about fictional characters
>women can handle the banter just as well as men ca-
I think the point is that oversaturation of rape claims and rape hysteria is the reason nobody gave a shit when the Trump tapes came out.
He said he loved filming GOT because he got to rape hot women (on screen).
Women: Ew gross he make sex joke
Also women: Yes Trayquan call me a dirty fat whore cumslut as you give me a miscarriage by kicking me in the stomach
Nah he's hot so he'll get a pass. Why do you think tumblr came up with the whole problematic fave tag?
No, that's still a moronic point. It's not like they've become less prolific in these days, which is why Weinstein got hammered while Trump was elected. It's that there was no serious rape allegations against Trump, (certainly, none for anybody prominent), while Weinstein got hit with a damning New York Times piece about his alleged history of improper sexual advances, and the dumbass practically admitted them and tried to redeem himself by going after the NRA. Also, detailing such a history is far, far worse than Trump bragging about groping women, which isn't the same as multiple women complaining about it.
you missed the point. It’s that the left has been so hysterical and ridiculous and liberal with their buzzwords (rape, misogyny, racist, sexist, etc.) that people have become desensitized to them, and accusing someone of something like that no longer carries the weight it once did.
No, it’s not. When the left wants to screech about racism or sexism over fucking ANYTHING, those words stop having an affect.
If iDubbbz can get away with his rape jokes, why can't Jason Momoa?
But Weinstein literally had to leave his own company because of these accusations, so how are there no consequences? I am failing to see the connection to Trump, who just claimed to grope women, (and he didn't even do that, technically), versus Harvey who's apparently traded sex for roles for years.
because iddubz is a comedian you nigger faggot
a low tier youtube "comedian", so literally no one except 12 year olds care
Vid related now more than ever
Why did he had to go before the sjw storm really kicked in?
>chad gets it handed to him
YES fuck you chad
to anyone living in California, New York, Oregon, and other similar mentally retarded states: YES
Not even that offensive he was refuring to a scene in a fictional show which featured two consent adults engaging in fake intercourse.
How does this guy even get away with it. what the fuck, Pewdiepie blurts the N word out once and he gets lynched.
What this user said.
Jesus, yet another rapist? For shame.
>calling New York retarded.
Its like you are asking to get publicy crucified
>Game of Thrones star
>Hasn't been on the show in three decades
DC is full of them.
>t. New Yorker
second only to cali
Ronan don't give a fuck.
>posting Emoji fag
nice quads tho
Jesus, that woman is absolutely insufferable. I wanted to punch her.
Looks like JL is gonna break a billion and Trump gets another 4 years
He would have wreaked havoc in the cucksphere
People know who Pewdiepie is.
still retarded
>witch hunt towards some male actors for joking around years ago
is this all the mouse could come up with?
why can't marvel pajeets and numales take the bantz?
dubz is actually pretty famous for youtube fans. 5.4 Million subsribers kind of famous. I just dont get why he or Louis CK for that matter can say the N word. Either they all could say it or not
lols. verified account saying nigger this and nigger than and won't get deleted. gee....
Nobody is talking about Harvey but you, you fucking retard.
New Yorker here.
We are objectively retarded.
>paying top-dollar to live in a rundown piss-soaked shithole full of niggers and spics all because of a meme that is LITERALLY older than the internet.
Wew lad, I only live here because I was born here and don't have to pay out the ass for rent, what's your excuse?
I was just giving an example of somebody who's clearly get fucked because of accusations, meaning they are still very much consequences to making them, dipshit, and it is clearly relevant to anyone who isn't a total moron because it was the accusations against Weinstein that started this recent saga of further accusations.
>you fucking retard.
lol, the irony.
>awkwardly asking for my phone number is rape
>hugh hefner is a disgusting piece of shit who objectified women
>*suknfuk inda klubbb feat. diminutive negro starts playing on the radio*
>Women vs Women when they are horny
its going to be a long eight years for triggered crew
So what exactly was the joke?
so is Hollywood going to become even more insufferably liberal because of all this?
so Justice League will bomb but win in the electoral box office, eh?
That rape was part of the regular routine of shooting scenes for the show. He was trying to undermine the dramatic aspect.
Sadly, yes.
Damm the Mouse really took bad when Wonder Woman BTFOd them didnt he
When did liberals become the moral police? I thought atheist libs were ok with artists being edgy? Why do these anti-family lefties want to have it both ways?
>thinking Wonder Woman is a threat to anything
DCfags are pathetic.
Pendulum has come full swing. Progressives are the new Puritans.
tbf this is pretty embarrassing for mouseshills
Patrice was probably near genius level intelligence. It's easy now to find "manosphere" content and to school yourself on it, but back then there wasn't really any of that barring conventional old male wisdom (Which was in the process of being made completely taboo). He thought hard about the world around him and presented it in
An extremely clear and memorable way. I'm not even sure how he'd exist nowadays, he would be a huge threat to the establishment. A simple comedian.
dude, like, NOT cool... can we just, um, not?