What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
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>Bill Clinton still behaves like Bill Clinton
Nothing new under the sun.
lmao I never imagined him talking like this. That's how I talk. He seemed like such a respectable man.
I for one am shocked and stunned!
Definitely reinforces suspicions that Bill got a disease and passed it on to Hillary.
I dunno man, that's part of the reason I like Trump. People act like politicians don't talk like everyone else behind closed doors. They put up this air of pretension and sophistication when they're all saying motherfucking shit cunt piss ass fucker when the public isn't looking. This makes Powell look more human to me. I'd actually respect him over this if he hadn't spearheaded the pointless Iraq war.
Even still, He's a highly educated and influential man. I'd think he would putting it differently like "while her husband is still having extramarital affairs" instead of "dicking bimbos". lmfao. That's a funny fucking expression.
All these emails from him are funny as fuck. He seems cool as shti
>respectable man
He's a nigger, dumbass
Colin Powell is pretty based. How did I not realize this before?
This surprises no one. Not news.
>lol, it's fake
>well, it's probably fake
>it could be true, actually
I actually checked
Eat shit kike. Colin Powell is an honorable man. Unlike every jew to ever live, breath, and steal.
He was an Infantry officer long before he was a politician, and apparently quite a good one at that.
You pick up those sort of things.
He just doesn't give a fuck, who knows he might not even bow down to jews
Its bill clinton
Of course he is dicking bimbos, its the only thing keeping him alive.
My new favourite term his week after basket of deplorables.
That's about as straight forward as you can get...And who cares? It's fucking sex. Oh I'm sorry, this is "Muh christian muhraaals" or some shit. Quit being such a moralfag.
It's a slideshow, but there's some good stuff in there.
>FOX got the highest ratings ever after the debate so Ailes makes friends again with Trump and sends Megyn Kelly off to get over her period. Hey, noting personal, just business.
>She was already doing it. I gave her written guidance on why and how I had been doing it. I warned her staff three ties over the past two years not to try to connect it to me. I am not sure HRC even knew or understood what was going on in the basement.
> Last night several folks came up to me to say "She threw you under the bus." I replied 'don't be silly, she is under the bus.'
>No, I am being called by everyone re Trump. It is time to start ignoring him. You guys are playing his game, you are his oxygen.
He's clearly a lot smarter than a lot of the people he's had to work with over the years.
Whats wrong with dicking bimbos?
its real
what did they mean by this?
Basket of bimbo dicking deplorables
Powell with the bants. LOL Clinton btfo
colin fucking powell is the most based nigger that ever existed.
le edgy conservative negro patriarch
the aids is real
Oh my christ the endless comedy.
digits yo
Bunch of 8s get.
Trump will win
I had a hard time believing it myself so I had to get it from a couple of the big name networks.
Yeah he railed trump but the dude knows what's up
Bantu bants
Geert will rule the world, Trump will win, and David Duke will be elected to the U.S. Senate: