My girlfriend of 2 years has been fucking a nigger for the last 2 weeks and i want to kill my self out of shame,recommend me the saddest film you have ever seen,hopefully it will push me to my limits and neck myself
>inb4 the cuckhold
My girlfriend of 2 years has been fucking a nigger for the last 2 weeks and i want to kill my self out of shame...
The Cuckold
why don't you kill the nigger and your gf?
then yourself
Straw Dogs
Just kill your gf and her nigger bull you cuck
Become an intellectual and embrace the cuck life. It's already been proven you cannot satisfy a woman.
Sex lives of the potato men
this works as well
Maybe someone should get rid of them so they're off your mind ;D
beta a true alpha would murder suicide
came for real answers at my most desperate moment instead i get ridiculed and called a cuck,thanks Sup Forums
Face it dude, no compete clause: BBC
you should just move on. your relationship to your girlfriend was over a long time ago, you just happened to keep it together long enough for her to finally jump on the bbc.
just move on, it might end up helping you in the long.
should've got a qt kawaii asian gf
Truth hurts, don't it
why does his race matter? You could have just said your girlfriend has been fucking some guy and it would make just as much sense
It seems to me you're yet another racist fuck. An insecure one.
Jesus christ you idiot break up with her and start anew.
isn't there a toll for burning the coal where you live?
>dating for 2 years
Either put a ring on it or quit it
Meanwhile, Jamal's going to get her pregnant in another week
I guess you've never had a black guy fuck your girl?
Low quality bait
him being a nigger just adds insult to injury. Both bad regardless.
He's probably a faggot that loves nigra cock
why is it that for white boys is
>put a ring on it or quit it
and for black boys is
>put a baby on her and quit it
>should've got a qt kawaii asian gf
too late
even asian girls love bbc
just go to gif and you'll see
you do know that you're on Sup Forums?
Cuck a black guy by fucking his black gf op
>for the last 2 weeks
Yeah? Is that what she told you?
No offense brah but never come to Sup Forums for sympathy unless you like playing russian roullette.
Sucks bro, but she's just a bitch.
Literally not worth your time.
Just forget about her and get ready to laugh when you find out she's a single-mom/HIV+/has herpes in ten years.
lol those threads are always funny. 300 replies, 30 gifs/webms, rest is butthurt Asian guys and Sup Forums
because the first are conditioned to provide environments leading to a civilization capable of flying to the moon while the second are conditioned to spread like viruses until they consume all resources and give agent smith olfactory discomfort
Or you could be a man, dump her ass, watch some badass Arnoldkino and then get back out there and fuck bitches.
This. No better scenario. Do some good before you go, OP.
Not even. It's so fucking easy to cuck black guys who have an asian girl. Same goes for a girl who is Mexican or Colombian.
>/gif/ is an accurate representation of reality
Oh boy
Kek but a real Sup Forumstard despises beta whites who settle for a mongrel gook girl
I can smell the cocoa butter from here
Seriously, yourself is the last person you need to kill. Cheats die first.
Watch Chinatown.
This. My brother is married to a Japanese. Her entire family knows how dangerous niggers are. Said they loved visiting NY Greenwich village, but pasy few years they complain how it's turned into a ghetto with a bunch of dark skin people living there now.
>Fucking black women
>My brother married an Asian but doesn't like black people
For what purpose?
>trusting a roastie ever
You have nobody but yourself to blame OP
go back to Sup Forums
Take solace in knowing that the Goose lost his waifu too and he was a pretty cool guy who saved Deckard and didn't afraid of nothing.
Had no choice. He was invited to be apprentice in restaurant. Moved there and married a Jap girl.
>My girlfriend of 2 years has been fucking a nigger for the last 2 weeks and i want to kill my self out of shame
You need to stay alive long enough to see her get beaten, left with half nigger babies and filled full of dirty poz loads.Stay strong long enough to watch her descent into a dark pit. In life you beat your enemies by outliving them.
Japs are honoray Aryans and whites are honorary Japanese. Catch up on history.
It's always a pleasant surprise and turn on for me when I find a black girl who actually has her shit together and speaks articulately. Ebonic speak is absolutely repulsive.
On a side note... I kind of think it's hot when black girls have a British accent :-)
Best thing to do to reset her is to literally beat the shit out of her alone, bloody her up and bruise her.
Now you might be thinking wtf, but trust me hear me out.
Once shes feels that shame and fear from you, youve already got her because she likes them mean, now you never lay a finger on her again but i gauramtee she will keep coming back to you.
Now you got a fuck puppet, and carry on using her while you find a proper bitch
>I think it's hot to x
Oh that must mean it's a good thing. Excuse me, I have to go rape my dungeon loli
Her body, her choice on what she gets to do with it. She's under no obligation to be "loyal" to you just because she dates you. It's 2017, you don't own your partner anymore. You should look at how this can benefit you. I am in a polyamorous relationship with my partner and I appreciate the fact that, when I'm tired or have a headache, she has someone to tend to her needs while I lie in with a bowl of ice cream and watch GOT. Stop being a manchild.
not everybody has to conform to your way of living
he's allowed to be upset someone did something he didn't expect them to do, knowing full well that they knew he wouldn't like them to do
is your solution
this here. but do it when they get together. and make it as brutal as possible. its also important that you let her see you kill the black boi. kill her slowly as is convenient.
Kek top tier bait
Congratulations KEK
Try to make sure you catch them having sex when you go to kill them. Might be best to just kill yourself in front of them even
Hire a mook off the street to go into a shady pawn shop to purchase yourself a laptop with cash.
Tap and unprotected wifi network to download firewalls and a tor.
Use protected firewalls to find a hitman on the black market.
Problem solved.
watch Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans
don't listen to this user, don't be stupid
That sucks user, don't watch anything depressing. killing yourself over a roastie who will end up a single a mother and suffering from domestic violence ain't worth it. In the end you win. Just watch some comfy kino and calm down.
This. Just send me some bitcoins and give me the address and it'll be done. It'll be quiet and I can make it look like it was gang-related. Police will buy it since it's a nigger after all.