Films with this aesthetic?
Films with this aesthetic?
Other urls found in this thread:
Ghost in the Shell
Enter the Void
Scarlett Johansson is NOT an aesthetic
lost in translation
Lost in Translation (2003)
Sorry. I guess I misunderstood your initial post.
The Island
Avengers 2
The Dark Night
any wong kar wai
LiT basically fuses the styles of WKW and Ozu, so watch those two.
Blade Runner 2049
>putting Wong Kar Wai with Sophia Coppola
Kys memester.
>Films with this aesthetic?
Do you mean the jew jewiness aesthetic or the general melancholy aesthetic?
>Japs are weird
>the movie
Her has some pretty similar aesthetics though
That's pretty comfy.
Also: Which one of your faggots is pic related?
you mean above. that better, retard?
>ywn live in tokyo with your yellowfu.
every film of Edward Yang
As someone who's lived in Asia, and gotten to travel through japan a few times, they make it a point to only export their most attractive women. The majority of Nip chicks you will actually encounter are pancake ass having pan faced snaggle-toothed bitches.
Really? Cause I live in Toronto which is like 40% Asian and I've seen almost zero fuckable Asian girls. Maybe I'm just not into the race as a whole.
I just watched this in 2x speed while high.
It was amazing.
Try this on for size.
Early morning / late night city stuff. Preferrably in a hotel / airport / bar. Bonus points if it's in Asia (Tokyo, Shanghai, Hong Kong).
>"""yearly sex tour"""
>conflating sexpats with yellow fever
>conflating sexpats with r/theredpill
I wonder who could be behind this post
beyond the tokyo setting, convince me that theyre even similar
can confirm. greekfag working in tourism, I've never seen a nip chick above a 6.
and now I'm down a chemical brother's wormhole
"Dark Night"
"All These Sleepless Nights"
Boku No Pico - Episode 3
Chunking Express
Paris, Texas
Suzhou River
The Neon Demon
Fallen Angels
Toni Erdmann.
>giv prime barefoot scarjo gf :'(
>tfw you will never be able to afford a Sony alpha a7Sii
As a weeb I was offended when I saw japanese girls in person. I am asian, but not japanese. I do have some japanese blood, and interestingly enough, my grandfather was a scholar who studied in japan. I am more or less following his footsteps. But the women, I was expecting or at least deluding myself to see ainu mixed girls, or at least blatantly japanese women. This is not the case, a lot of them look horribly chinese. Its just that they all have the same japanese way of carrying themselves, which, after I saw chinese dog looking women showing japanese mannerisms, totally knocked the appeal down more than a few pegs for me.
Stop spending all your money on those trips.
i don't think you know what aesthetic means
Enter the void doesn't have a similar aesthetic to Lost in Translation user
Would be a lot better with shoegaze
>been saving up for A7SII
>want to buy it during black friday
>a7iii will probably be announced next month
an ugly hack?
She used to be... white women age like milk
Under the Skin
Wong Kai War films