Kinographer or turbo-hack?
Kinographer or turbo-hack?
why not turbokinogropher
Hasn't made a bad movie.
its very obvious now that he is quite good
He's unironically the best director working today.
not a good one too
what is this ethnicity called?
All of his movies range from good to great. 2049 is his opus and a modern masterpiece
Arrival > Blade Runner
Fite me plebs
all his flicks range from shit to fucking shit, couldn't convey a truth if his hack career depended on it
A hack like nolan and even the mainstream knows it
>t. butthurt nolan fanboy
PTA is better
Kek, nice try roastie
>modern masterpiece
Can you explain in great detail(no meme text, 2 post quips, etc)
Compare it to other quote unquote "masterpieces"
nice meme
I genuinely dont understand how you could not find sicario good
I hope this is a joke
another hack, refn hack, blomkamp hack, snyder king of hacks, the list goes on
You know he's good when all Sup Forums can say is
>He's a hack
>Cheeto dust
>Forcing obvious pasta
White trash if you're french(before the invasion) or from anywhere else in canada
High class if you're an american
Why Villneuve (and other modern filmmakers like him, Innaritu, Cuaron, Chazelle, Nolan, Tarantino, etc.) are hacks? His works are purely derivative, and don’t create anything new in the language of cinema, but abuses the established cinematic syntax to manipulate the audience into feeling strong, but fleeting “faux-emotions.” What you feel watching a Villeneuve film is the dramatic equivalent of a cheap jump scare in a mediocre horror flick, designed go elicit a powerful response for a short moment, yet does nothing to contribute to the overall horror or suspense of the film. Villenueve tells stories in an incoherent, illogical fashion, and relies on formulaic imagery (not to be confused with still frames) to force you to feel “something,” but what exactly? No one knows, probably not even he does (you’re supposed to figure that out for yourself as with “everything is subjective” theme in lazy modern art/cinema).
Together, it’s supposed to create tension, but it leaves you hanging because the director and writer forgot halfway what its story purpose was, and thus they don’t know how to end it. It’s like a Don Draper ad without the tagline, a joke without a punchline, and sex without the climax. It’s the blueballs of cinema, all build up, and no pay off.
The same excuse the "nolanites" used back when he was considered their ""top dog""
Fincher-->Aronofsky-->Nolan-->Villeneuve--> ???
Prisoners is awful
Nolan is bad too
Disingenuous, dishonest and worst of all , shameless.
>His works are purely derivative, and don’t create anything new in the language of cinema
Please point out how Sicario, Prisoners and Arrival are derivative.
His movies are shot like videogame cutscenes
No wonder Sup Forumseddit loves him
I bet his next film with DDL is shit.
>fashion move set in 1950s england
what the fuck was he thinking
>Please point out how crime thriller, psychological thriller and first contact "sci-fi" are derivative.
you need to go back to Sup Forums
>trying to debate with copypasta
villenerds everyone
Newfags, everyone.
No argument then. Shocker.
Excuse me for not keeping up to date with the toxic ramblings turned memes on this trash board. Im here for film discussion, not delusions of "sub-culture" disguised as autistic screeching.
The pasta is fresh. Still in the catalog. In fact, it has the same OP pic.
Prisoners feels like a Fincher-lite film.
It's Lewis' last ever film. He's literally already won the oscar for best acting
Name one film of Fincher's, which is anything like Prisoners in either tone, theme, or content.
There's already a thread on the front page with the same tagline and the same picture. You have no excuse not to be posting there instead of filling the catalogue.
Sage this thread. Go here:
Literally kafkaesque
>In Franz Kafka's novel Der Prozess, the main character is named Josef K.
>In Blade Runner 2049, the main character is named K, but later takes the name Joe. Thus, Joe K.
>Josef K. is killed by a knife wound, which gut him "like a dog"
>Joe K. dies from knife wounds to his stomach and chest
>Josef K. is killed on his 30th birthday
>Joe K. is killed 30 years after the events of the original Blade Runner
GiTS is the definition of hackery
Panic Room
Can I get just one example of how he is a hack or "dishonest"? Also, given such an example, could you show me a director who is an actual auteur and is completely "honest" for comparison?
he's technically incredibly proficient, but none of his films manage to have anything truly original or magical that captures your imagination.
Best director of this generation hands down
he's to nolan what diet soda is to proper cola. I might as well drink the one with sickly amounts of sugar if I'm going to drink soda
it's hard to exactly hate his stuff but there's something anticlimactic about it. sicario and enemy are obviously well-shot movies but at their worst they look like perfume commercials for men
haven't seen blade runner though, is it better?
Literally the current saviour of cinema and the best most consistent hard working artist in the industry.
The cut must be deep and vertical user.
Not transversal to the wrists, but longitudinal.
Also, stay in warm water when you do that.
Have a nice day.
this is the reddit version of an xbox live threat. makes sense that you'd like villeneuve
Who was the last one you said this for?
Does he have a choking fetish?
No one, because only Villeneuve is able to make (atleast) one film per year every year and for every film to be an acclaimed critical hit. I don't know how the fuck doesn't he burn out.
>No one
Thats a complete lie
Someone childish enough to say "Literally the current saviour of cinema" is someone that says this sort of garbage all the time.
>Idiotic pretentious hack who hasn't made a good film in over a decade
>One of the greatest mainstream directors currently working with 3 fucking superb films in the last 3 years
How are they at all comparable?
Tell me a single currently working Hollywood director who made one film per year for 8 years straight and for every one to be a critical success.
Dunkirk was pretty fucking good though
Tell me who was the last one a child like you spouted "Literally the current saviour of cinema" for.
I just suggest you to ending it because spamming this fucking board every day for something that looks like a vendetta against 1-2 of the few non-quipping directors for non-art movies means that you are in such a sad state that is better you off yourself for yours and our sake.
>has no argument
>starts calling the other poster names instead
Your deflection is pathetic. You can run around throwing "Literally the current saviour of cinema" and then when asked you try and ask questions back to save face.
I suspect if anything it's because the last director you said this for is nothing more than a garbageman and you know it. I don't even doubt for a second you've spouted "based" or "kino" at media too. Maybe even using "comfy"
what is the difference between an emotion and a "faux emotion"??
>DUDE fuck writing/story/plot, there's a TICKING CLOCK
>cells interlinked
>witness me
>i by passed the compressor
>i drink your milkshake
Why do all these dishonest movies carry a quick little quip the fedorians can single each other with on social media?
The story is one of the best executed Nolan story in years. Dunkirk is the first film where the usual Nolan flaws are practically non-existant (no constant shoved exposition, no overwritten dialogue, no too complex storyline, no poor close quarter choreography) and focused on visual storytelling entirely, while all the other Nolan films are completely riddled with the flaws I just mentioned.
You just think that a plot is when actors are reciting lines about their backstory.
What a hack
>film without a story is the best executed Nolan story in years
yeah, that's easy to believe
Pretty boring famalam
How is there no story? There is something happening from the first frame to the last user.
Do you think a story is a story only if it involves 2deep4u monologues and "epiccc" twists?
>implying I actually watched that trainwreck
"Boring" is not a valid argument, it only says what your mood was while watching the film.
Same as saying "it was fun", that does not indicate anything about the actual quality of the film whatsoever.
>filling out multiple captchas just to shit on a film you didn’t even watch
>even flat out admit that you're just a dumb (You) grabbing attention whore autist who didn't even watch it
Amazing user.
>being this buttmad
>stylish action flicks for late teens, does movies featuring cool robots and superheroes
>stylish action flicks for late teens who are too mature for batman. he basically makes batman movies but is too high-brow to actually show batman. creates an alien invasion movie where he hides the alien in a fog because he's embarrassed by it
basically the chad flick master vs the unenthused virgin flickster
I think you're mixing me up with someone else
>he has a general
hes a hack
on here hacks attract plebs
generals are made by easily impressed plebs
>Together, it’s supposed to create tension, but it leaves you hanging because the director and writer forgot halfway what its story purpose was[...]
But... 2049's story purpose is pretty clear. It doesn't forget what it is at all. The emotions it conveys are also very clear. And it does end on a satisfying "climax", to use your term.
Your comment is pretty much "faux-criticism" to me. Lots of fancy words but you forgot half-way there the point you wanted to make.
>I think you're mixing me up with someone else
Nah, is a while and one recognizes the shit written.
Is 2 of you. One is baseless shit, the other is undeserved pretentiousness.
Same type of retard.
how come people quote mobies for
His post essentially says the DV uses shitty cliche to make people feel emotions, but ones that aren't really lasting or impacyful. Also he claims that DV's use of imagery is poorly done.
My mom still says the fucking milkshake line. I have no idea why. It feels like "cells interlinked" is some guys trying to force a meme.
Those are genetically engineered memes for social media distribution. Not honest quotes in the slightest
Turbo-hack?? Turbo-hack would compliment him too much. He is worse than a hack.
He is video game hotpocket.
He is canned "pizza sauce."
He is single-serving Easy Mac.
He is dog biscuit Axe body spray.
He is Dorito crumbs on a hooded sweatshirt.
He is orange juice concentrate.
He is a lotion stain on plaid boxer shorts.
He is paintball burger king hot dog.
He is coca-cola puberty.
He is a lap dance at Hooters at noon on a Wednesday.
He is a Maxim magazine in a dentist's waiting room.
He is cheeto dust, and nothing more.
>He is paintball burger king hot dog.
you're overthinking it. I've never even talked about the guy, I just think he's mediocre. he can't do brutal like michael mann, he can't do speculative epics like kubrick and enemy is like boring brian de palma. haven't seen bladerunner though so he might have become better
aronofsky and PTA are more complex "glamorous golden boys" kind of directors. villeneuve is just the sulkier version of nolan
cool story, bro
>He is dog biscuit Axe body spray.
Enemy is still his best movie.
fuck off back to r****t
he is a hack though