Quite possible the best film ever created. Arguably the best film made this century. What was the Sup Forums consensus.
Quite possible the best film ever created. Arguably the best film made this century. What was the Sup Forums consensus
Great question. Would anyone care to answer?
>Ryan gosling
Are you a 14 year old girl
You have to have a very high IQ to understand Blade Runner 2049. The dialogue is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of AI research most of the exposition will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also K’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of his lines, to realise that they’re not just thoughtful- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Blade Runner 2049 truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in K's existential catchphrase “cells, interlinked,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Denis Villeneuve’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Blade Runner 2049 tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
Best movie of 2017 easy
Best film in the last 5 years is Sup Forums's concensous
Do androids dream of sheep?
This, but unironically
God damn it that transparent coat gets my shiny fetish going every time
Pure kino
at least change Turgenev to Nabakov
Best movie ever, this is what Lumiere's hoped for when they made the first video recordings. Cinema as a medium is finished, obsolete: Blade Runner 2049 is THE movie of planet Earth encapsulating human experience in a neat 3-hour package. They even give you a nice Blade Runner 2049-themed Pepsi cup!
electric sheep you fucking idiot
>cowboy bebop ripoff ending
So villecuck is an autistic weeb hack then.
Why Villneuve (and other modern filmmakers like him, Innaritu, Cuaron, Chazelle, Nolan, Tarantino, etc.) are hacks? His works are purely derivative, and don’t create anything new in the language of cinema, but abuses the established cinematic syntax to manipulate the audience into feeling strong, but fleeting “faux-emotions.” What you feel watching a Villeneuve film is the dramatic equivalent of a cheap jump scare in a mediocre horror flick, designed to elicit a powerful response for a short moment, yet does nothing to contribute to the overall horror or suspense of the film. Villenueve tells stories in an incoherent, illogical fashion, and relies on formulaic imagery (not to be confused with still frames) to force you to feel “something,” but what exactly? No one knows, probably not even he does (you’re supposed to figure that out for yourself as with “everything is subjective” theme in lazy modern art/cinema).
Together, it’s supposed to create tension, but it leaves you hanging because the director and writer forgot halfway what its story purpose was, and thus they don’t know how to end it. It’s like a Don Draper ad without the tagline, a joke without a punchline, and sex without the climax. It’s the blueballs of cinema, all build up, and no pay off.
>'cells, interlinked'
Fucking lost it
Electric sheep don't exist. You have failed the Voight-Kampff test, Leon.
upset that i insulted your reddit flavor of the month meme movie? Get out kid.
>up all night
>extreme physical exertion
pretty obvious he's just taking a nap, while Deckard's inside
(OP) #
Agreed. When I walked out of the cinema I wasn’t exactly able to say there is a film that I’ve enjoyed more
/r9k/ the film. Only virgins and beta-males enjoyed this
>Quite possible the best film ever created
OP's first 3 hour film.
I've seen it 3 times already
it's a supreme work of art, this is the new gold standard of cinema
Right. Star Wars is a chad movie like other normie-tainted trash.
This but unironically
Actually look through this thread The majority of the children that have it in their top 10 are the kind that usually only watch capeshit and flavor of the month meme-esque movies(also horror)
Not one "brainlet" or counter post to this hour old post. This user is on the money with this one, the subjective narrative is what has got Sup Forums into a circlejerk atm.
You can say the movie is x because you formulated the idea that movie is deep, while another user thinks the same but says it y because he saw it in a different way. But the whole film is like a blank page, no one knows why any character does, did, acted, or tried throughout the film.
And I guess thats why everyone on Sup Forums is in love with this movie, since you can write your own narrative in and pat yourself in the back when someone says they didn't like it
DESU I haven't seen many films these last 2 years.
I've been growing distant from cinema as most shit that come out of hollywood are just cash grab mindless flicks.
So I'm not in a position to criticise people that have it in their top 10 2017 films.
But if it is in your top 10 movies of all time, that means you really haven't seen much film outside capeshit and some memeflicks that came out in the last 5 years.
i like this post
Christ I still can't get over how shit this poster looks
Major studios always force movies to have shitty, formulaic posters and trailers, even if the movie itself is great.
the villains vs goods story arc was very boring and badly written. the secret replicant organization part was poorly executed.
Otherwise it is a masterpiece, can't wait till a director's cut come out without all that capeshit cringey shit
Probably my favourite movie of the 21st century. I can see why some people didn't like it, and it has nothing to do with IQ.
It was probably the best film of this decade, so far, but not of this century.
What's the story behind this meme?
>Quite possible the best film ever created, arguably the best film made this century.
The greatest film of all time is "Debutante Anal Gang Bang IV, The Directors Cut: Bloody Ass Banger's: Hong Kong Edition".
What films this century are better?
>Remember a topic to get conversation going was about recent movies
>Tell normie friends I saw the new Blade Runner movie recently.
>They don't give a shit.
Was this the general consensus of the original Blade Runner back in 1982? Or has society evolved to the point of being shoveled shit into their eyes and ears and calling it premium?
Apparently it was, my dad saw it when it first came out and enjoyed it a lot but everyone he knew at the time hated it or more often just never saw it to begin with.
Are the short films released along with this any good? As in the two live ones and the anime short by Cowboy Bebop guy
I've yet to check them out, should have known they were out before watching, just to get more backstory.
They're okay, not much to write home about.
Truly incredible film. An amazing experience i've seen it twice so far
I feel like these threads, which keep getting made over and over, are made by people who hate the film who want to run it down by calling it "the best film ever created" to try and overhype it and turn people against it.
It's not "the best film ever created". But it is a great film, the best film I've seen all year, and one of the most beautifully shot films of this decade.
Anyone who is on the fence about it should really go see it, its well worth your time and really deserves to be experienced in in the theater.
You have to see the original Blade Runner first to get the true experience.
The 3 short films taking place between parts 1 and 2 are meaningful too
That 80's asthetic of how they thought the future would look like. Now we're 2 years away from 2019 and there's no flying cars. We had wild imaginations back then.
At least we almost have self driving cars
I would never trust a human at the helm of a flying car
Seconding this. They were just okay. If anything, they served to show how Villneuve was a much better director for this world. The movies had the same actors and scenery but lacked the scope and power even smaller scenes in the movie had.
You're obviously quite young, which is fine. Everyone is sometime.
And this isn't a bad film. I loved it, and I've been to see it in the theater twice which is something I have not done in years.
But if you think this is the best film ever made you need to see more films.
Quads of truth. Fucking amazing movie
No, K was lying on his back when he died.